How do you pierce beyond the eyes to which you have grown accustomed, to grasp a sense of the world that arouses your heart’s excitement? When freedom calls, how do you answer?

What steps can you take to unravel your cords, dissolving limiting beliefs to reclaim your self-worth? When soul fulfillment is the goal? how deep will you reach to unleash your SOUL’S potential?

I am the intelligence of my Father’s rays
Emanating through my Mother’s veins
Witnessing, in human expression
A self-illuminating path
Of inner-reflection

Wisdom keepers, unraveling our cosmic fire
Hearts united, within the golden hour
To uphold our sacred mission
As we birth our eternal soul
Above fear’s division

Bonded by the will to evolve
Awakened to the inner senses
Sexless, ageless, nameless
Bathed in the rising light
Unified by divine love

– अमृत

Hope empowers the Blind with Golden inner Sight

According to a report by Atradius Collections, citizens of the United States consume 45 percent of pharmaceuticals globally while only representing 4.25 percent of the world population. Furthermore, the Commonwealth Fund reports that elderly Americans in the U.S. have the highest percentage of chronic health conditions of any modern nation. Similarly, the CDC shares that since the onslaught of the pandemic, the American lifespan has dropped the most since the decade leading up to the Great Depression.

The disease of perception that has infected the minds of Western civilization, cripples the heart’s true sight. Through tactics of dark psychology employed by media marketing, the current American economy thrives on manipulating the disempowered to drug the pain of never knowing the potential of creating one’s own destiny.

Living to die and struggling to fly, greed-driven industries feed off the light of humanity by using cultural brainwashing to coerce our species into accepting the disease that grows from the inside, while numbing our push to thrive, as the income-generating, expert-recommended way of life. How do we welcome the cosmic presence of a radiant, illuminated, realized species that walks the earth with their hearts held high? As humanity awakens to the truth of the spiritual forces, the questions we pose evolve as our mind’s perceptions expand. By harnessing the forces of the universe, through unconditional acceptance of one another, together, we shall touch the sky, hand in hand.

It is the universal divine right that every sentient being realize the bliss of experiencing life’s most majestic spiritual gifts. As a species united by the intelligence that evolves as our collective heart grows whole, how do we encourage those who cry from within, drowning in the sorrow that builds beneath their eyes, to stand for their right to know their soul’s plan? How do we inspire a global rebirth that sets the course for an enlightened Earth, allowing humanity to speak with one voice that ripples through the Heavens in command of what is rightfully ours?

As the galactic cosmic cycle reverses with the end of the dark ages of Kali Yuga, liberating Earth from the manipulation of the dark forces, humanity has begun its karmic unraveling process, creating an energetic vortex that descends our souls from the celestial heavens, igniting the dormant capabilities within our genome as the expansion of our minds activates the depth of sight perceived by our third eye. Fueled with higher vision, acts of hope shall turn the keys to initiate humanity’s power to believe, for as we accept the magnificence of our true spiritual being, we become empowered from within to take a quantum leap into an Age of Unity.

Initiation into the Cosmic State

In 2018, upon return from the soil of my family’s roots, where I partook from the wisdom of the Earth, in the land of the great battle of the Mahabharata where Lord Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-Gita, my higher self, through its celestial descent activated my consciousness to its original grace. A cosmic son awakening to his connection to the infinite, the embodiment of my soul initiated my cellular memory to behold the truth of my ancestral lineages.

Through an ancient process of soul retrieval, I was genetically activated to remember Divine Mother’s intention, restoring dormant abilities that liberated my mind to receive divine perception. As I shifted dimensions, bridging the Heavenly and Earthly planes, my transformation unfolded effortlessly, so long as I surrendered to the process of ascending purity. Releasing generations worth of anger and despair from my etheric bodies through past-life regression, I began remembering the depths of the spiritual war being waged upon Earth’s children, my own family, and that was when I began to struggle, for few could hear the words I was trying to speak, especially those closest to me.

Dr. Judith Swack and her colleague, Dr. Andrew Hahn, spent years deeply analyzing the wounded ego-structure in the Enneagram system of personality and co-developed the Essence Process to transform the compulsive and tormenting illusions of ego.  

One day in 2008, as Swack processed and released yet another ego program, she was launched into an egoless state of higher consciousness. In that state, she realized that her true self was simply a conscious flow of energy, a current in an infinite river of energy, and her three-dimensional form was a conduit for making a positive contribution within the world. Through complete surrender, she reached a state of Enlightenment that allowed her to begin integrating her Earthly embodiment through the next stage of evolution. She ascended, and, after nearly two years of re-integration, the genius efforts of her soul’s return have empowered her to serve an awakening legion of empaths and lightworkers destined to shake the Earth awake. Swack has made this process available to everyone in her Transform Your Enneagram Type and Free Yourself from the Tyranny of Ego webinar series on her Web site, www.HBLU.org.

With Swack’s insights, I recognized that the war within, which caused me so much strife, would be resolved as I cultivated my spiritual calling. By dissolving our pain, we evolve in resilience. By honoring our ancient roots, our values grow with divine brilliance, activating the wisdom of our lineages as we accept and honor all life unconditionally to embody our most magnificent expression.

Overcoming Unawareness and Misidentification

Swack describes the conundrum of self-acceptance as such:

“In the three-dimensional embodied form, we are complex gestalt beings composed of a conscious mind, an unconscious mind, a body, an ego structure, and a soul who have created an internal map of the world, that is unique to each individual, and which we confuse with reality. Furthermore, we believe what we feel, even if we know it’s not true, and feelings run behavior. Our souls are made of God-Source-creation energy, and we are capable of creating the reality and life we desire, but we are consciously unaware that we are living in a map of illusions and misidentify our true selves with our feelings, behaviors, and experiences. In order to create the lives we want, we need to achieve a level of awareness of ourselves outside of the map. It is in this state of higher consciousness and grace where we experience unconditional self-acceptance. There is no judgement or self-criticism because there are no ‘have-to’s.”

Artists of the soul, we are the masters of space, time and creation. Awakening children of the Zodiac, we are the architects of our own supreme reality. As we learn to uphold our lives in accordance with the love that ignites our eyes, our bodies generate the hormones we need to dissolve the barriers within for our mind to cure, physiologically, the blockages of prana, or chi, within the body. How do we begin to activate our body to naturally create the medicine we need to become the shamans we’ve always been?

To walk through dimensions as our own medicine men, to pierce the fabric of space and time as cosmic shamans, we shall dissolve the barriers that limit our minds as we regain control of the reality of our existence, for we are the creators of our experience. Our thoughts and feelings determine our sense of reality, and our reactions to external stimuli deteriorates our health prompting us to ascend by shedding our own toxicity. As we evolve through self-realization, our bodies begin to create our own medicine.

As our perceptions evolve, releasing constricting beliefs, the relaxation of our bodies allow for the natural elimination of toxins from our sensory organs to illuminate our minds with the Earth’s infinitely emanating radiance as she bestows upon us the peace that has always awaited her children. Unconditional acceptance allows humanity to transform behaviorally, clearing the collective psychic dread as we empower one another through the ancient techniques to cultivate the power of our minds, displacing the thorns, that we, ourselves, have placed upon our crowns. Our Mother awaits the realization of our destined fate, as lions from sheep, we awaken from collective sleep, generating a crystalline bond between our hearts in a unified force field of divine love that cannot be breached by the lower dimensional beings that walk amongst us unseen.

By muscle-testing our thoughts and feelings, we can sense physically and perceptually the neural pathways and physical circuits of resistance that deplete our vital force energy. Through mantras and positive affirmations, we can transform our words to release toxic energies held within our organs, un-conditioning the mind of the programming that paralyzes our ability to serve effectively. By cultivating loving relationships, we receive as we give, building conduits of trust and openness where divine energy, wisdom and genius can flourish. By being true, we lift each other into the heart where we can all see the world from her most magnificent view. By exercising creative expression, we unveil aspects of ourselves that remain hidden, allowing our inner Christ to reveal a vision for our roles in the restoration of God’s Kingdom. The only source of truth we shall ever know is realized through the light we shine reflected back into our eyes as we reclaim the power of our divine flow.

The Unborn One, A Reflection of the Light in Everyone

There is a profound beauty to life that blossoms in depth as the barriers to one’s heart melts, allowing for life’s most subtle magnificence to be intimately felt. As healers bridge the wisdom of their hearts, the Ascension of Mother Earth’s consciousness is rapidly escalating through the natural unfolding of the planetary heart chakra lotus whose beauty is fertilized by the healing of the planet’s karma.

By untwisting the collective ensnarement for divine expression to naturally flow, the organic blossoming of humanity’s divinity shall restore the power of the collective mind. Through service to our soul’s fulfillment, the wisdom of our heart activates our inner vision, allowing our soul’s descent to guide us through liberation.

Who will you become, as you surrender to the unknowing abyss with certainty, accepting yourself as the magnificence of your soul’s ultimate dream?

Unconditional acceptance is the key to expressing our God-self into being, allowing for the flow of our soul expressions to guide us intuitively. Seduction by western ideals of success enslave us within our own insecurities to induce a deep sense of worthlessness. From this sense of undeserving, we generate self-destructive beliefs that create toxic emotions, diseasing us internally.

Atrophied by despair, depressed with hopelessness, grasping for the light from others’ eyes, those conditioned to seek approval and permission to be, rather than glowing naturally, lack true purpose in their lives and grapple endlessly at the lures of seduction placed before their sight. Filled with jealousy, envy, greed, guilt and sadness, for never having become who you truly are, in order to liberate ourselves, we must choose to rise, purging our spirit of the infection that deteriorates our minds.

The tactics of the demons who prey upon the Earth planes grow clearer to see as the Earth’s rising Schuman resonance activates humanity’s alpha brain wave frequency. As our Mother’s loving vibration raises our chi to restore our cellular memory, the cleared mental blocks guide us into training for the natural uprising of the cosmic serpent power to pierce through our bandhas and activate the proper rotation of our chakras and the remembrance of our Star Race history. Rising gracefully into service, magnetized by dharma and linked in purpose, as healed hearts bridge together, the greatness of man’s kingdom is bound to resurface.

Freeing our hearts, through self-transformation, our soul’s emancipation creates an avalanche of spiritual uprising that ripples through the atomic family unit, expanding into communities and gradually transforming industries and economies. The path to unity is one without scarcity, for peace is the vibration of prosperity that activates us each into the abundance of accepting our soul’s worth, as we create the New Earth with a vision to serve.

Remember Who You Truly Are

Transformation begins as we realize that we are divinely designed to intuitively sense our way to completeness as the embodiment of our soul’s vibration activates us through our Spiritual Ascension. From the Latin, “ascendo,” meaning to rise up, to Ascend is to upregulate our genetic expression through the embodiment of our soul’s vibration. Living to experience our fullest expression through deliverance of our soul’s purpose, Dharma in Sanskrit, determines our ultimate self-realized magnificence. Driven by the love that we feel within, we activate higher vibratory quantum states that shatter our emotional lens to pierce the veil into the more illuminated, celestial states of existence. Through the process of soul emancipation, we integrate the healed aspects of our past incarnations to remember who we truly are. Life is an eternal process of self-discovery and bliss, evolution, integration and seamless service.

Techniques for spiritual emancipation guide us into empowerment, embodiment and evolution by liberating our souls’ driving force, resurrecting our will and restoring intuitive guidance to gradually transform our way of living as we herald the Earth into the Age of Enlightenment. Heaven is within the heart, and activating our heart’s intelligence to create states of heart coherence transforms the self, family, community and gradually the collective planetary consciousness. Volunteering for causes that connect us to a fuller spectrum of society, the Earth’s elemental forces, and to those who suffer needlessly, activates our chakras to empower us with universal wisdom as we mend our sense of disconnectedness.

Transforming the ego personality, through spiritual and psychological modalities, develops the will through focused and determined self inner-work to expand our light body’s radiance. Meditation and inner reflection allow for intimate soul guidance to eradicate feelings within of self-lack to establish alignment of our energetic centers for channels of innate wisdom and cosmic empowerment to be restored. Lastly, careers that support the upliftment of mankind, restoration of the planet’s ecosystem, and reintegration of humanity with the interplanetary cosmic field support emancipation of one’s soul through service, or Seva Sankrit for selfless service, ascend our individual and collective intelligence for the liberation of our species.

Unravel the light within to resurrect your Inner Kingdom, rising to your Golden Throne as you realize Liberation.