“You are the Children of God, the sharers of immortal bliss, holy and perfect beings. You are divinities on Earth. Come up, O lions, and shake off the delusion that you are sheep; you are souls immortal, spirits free, blest and eternal; you are not matter, you are not bodies; matter is your servant, not you the servant of matter.” – Swami Vivekanda

There is a cosmic elemental balance that upholds respect for the divinity of all Life, that, as disturbed, strengthens the primordial blessing of eternal Mother Universe. Through Bhakti, Sanskrit for fully embodied devotion, her ambrosial nectar – the Vedic Amrit, अमृत – the sweet honey of Lord KRSHNA, is secreted through the mind’s eye, known as the Cave of Brahma in Hindu Tantra and Kriya Yoga, as well as the Crystal Palace in Chinese Taoism.  

Invoked through our Dharma, this immortal elixir, initiated in the medulla oblongata, traverses the brain stem, magnetizing the cerebral spinal fluid within the spinal cord to stir the uncoiling of the karmically potentialized Kundalini Shakti from the sacral bone; the unraveling that illuminates the radiance of life’s greatest magnificence, revealing ancient mysteries to our collective spiritual existence.

this month, WE SHare the story of Francisco Ignacio Madero, known as the Apostle of the Méxican Democracy. A spiritual revolutionary, whose devotional sacrifice and love for Lord krsna inspired a nation, including my great grandfather, roberto perez, to rise up against a demonic dominion.

Through his writings and works of devotion, he answered the call of Mother Earth, invoking the mystic power of the Kundalini Shakti, raising the fluid magnetism within the spiritual body of his beloved brethren, to wrestle his kingdom free from generations of spiritual disempowerment, and inspiring the overthrow a dictatorship that ravaged the land and peoples of Méxica.


As the darkness of spiritual deception is alchemized through disciplined, devotional efforts, our electric senses are gifted with a beauty never before witnessed. Through ultimate Bhakti, one is rebirthed holy; through a life devoted to unconditional service, Seva, one is remembered fully.

Harvested through the soul’s turmoil, generation after generation, this highly coveted, regenerative liquid electric fire of creation, Amrit, resonates through the human organ and glandular system to evolve the body’s cellular matrix for the actualization of the soul’s highest purpose, Dharma.

The mythic phoenix rising ignites a genetic metamorphosis that liberates the senses to cultivate the true powers of the higher mind’s divine potential.

Spiritual lions and buffalo soldiers, risen to reverse Heaven’s demise; ancient ones, awakening to their celestial origins; a brotherhood incarnated from beyond the Solar System, embodied in true form activate ancient abilities within humanity’s cellular matrix.

United in dharmic action, embodied love weaponizes our spiritual gifts as our unified heart resonance magnifies our attunement to the Planetary Logos that bathes our cells in her bioluminescence, broadcasting the transmission for divine communion.

Serving the evolution of our species, spiritual monarchs emerge through the alchemized pain that fuels the soul’s emergence, transforming the collective perception of reality to liberate the universal fountains of immortality.

As the nourishment of spiritual enlightenment, Amrit, pours forth, the soma from the center of the Milky Way, empowering distraught spirits within the astral, the harmonious bioenergetics of Mother Earth’s eco-system naturally flourish, inspiring humanity’s rapturous liberation from the self-destructive Yuga of Kali.


In the September Polo Lifestyles Ascension contribution, I discussed the mythical transformative power of the cosmic Kundalini Shakti that is currently ascending the vertebrae of humanity’s spiritual backbone, raising the vibration of the organ system while activating dormant genetic abilities to elevate collective consciousness.

This inspirational resonant wave of liberating cosmic serpent energies emanating from the chakras of Mother Earth through her ley line and intergalactic vortices are inspiring the awakening of ancient elemental planetary energies and the resurgence of dormant archetypal spiritual energies within the consciousness of humanity. We are evolving rapidly.

In August, I experienced my first ancestral planetary gridwork at three powerfully charged sacred sites in Méxica that have served the Kundalini Shakti awakening of powerful generals and spiritual masters throughout history.

Reconciling the lower and higher astral realms within myself, my ability to move beyond spiritual realms has, since, continuously evolved, exponentially.

Healing the self-inflicted wound to the auric field surrounding my solar plexus, also known as the middle Dantian, I finally sealed the psychic hole that had been draining my soul of my divine will, while also strengthening my connection to those guiding me from the Heavens.

With my enlightening perspective, I was able to transmute the ancestral rage of my great grandfather, Roberto Perez, a Méxican revolutionary, that in addition to healing the emotional toxicity within my liver, illumined a psychic bridge that united me with my ancestral lineage upon on our celestial mission.


“It seems that God is the spirit of the Universe and that the material of the cosmos, the nebulae and the innumerable suns and planets, constitute a living body, the part of God that is material and visible. Thus, the Milky Way is like an artery through which has given birth to a great part of the Universe and constantly renews it… The admirable harmony with which the heavenly bodies move in their orbits, the marvelous laws of the planetary systems, all make us understand that this Being is One… Undoubtedly, She does not remove obstacles in our path, for we must overcome these in order to develop our powers.”
– Spiritist Manual by Francisco Ignacio Madero (as translated by C.M. Mayo in Metaphysical Odyssey into the Mexican Revolution)

The Méxican Revolution left a path of death and destruction in its wake as it ravaged through the country. A complex and bloody conflict, in which out of 15 million citizens, one million lost their lives and over two million fled to the United States.

Despite many failed attempts to spark the flames of the civil unrest, the Revolution officially initiated on 20 November 1910, as Francisco Ignacio Madero declared war on the Porfirio Díaz regime by issuing the Plan of San Luis Potosí, promising democracy, federalism, agrarian reform and worker’s rights.

After decades of rape by European industrialists at the welcoming of Méxica’s own President, the bleeding heart of an awakening mystic resurrected the spirit of her people by restoring their spiritual beliefs through his devotional acts and willingness to venture into the spiritual wilderness of his soul’s capabilities.

One of the most despised and enigmatic figures in Méxican history, 36th President Porfirio Diaz dominated the nation’s politics for over three decades, from 1876 to 1911. In what is referred to as the Porfiriato, characterized as a de facto dictatorship, Porfirio ruled Méxica with an iron fist as he exploited the natural resources of his own Motherland through aggressively pursued foreign investment that emotionally scarred his own people and the Earth.

While egoically prided by the tremendous commercial and economic development via the massive construction of railroads and development of mines, Méxica’s growth was achieved at fearsomely destructive cost.

The Porfirio regime suppressed the civil liberties guaranteed in the Constitution of 1857, evicting millions of Méxicans from their homes, severing the sanctity of their connection to the Earth to make way for commercial developments.

By the mid-1880s, the Porfiriato muzzled Freedom of Press and welcomed an onslaught of foreign capital, mostly from Britain, France and the United States, those from whom Méxica previously fought for her Independence.

By 1900, the blood of the Earth poured forth as Méxica became one of the world’s leading oil producers. By 1910, total U.S. investment in Méxica amounted to over $1.5 billion. Foreign investment financed the construction of some 24,000 kilometers of railroads, initiating the untold environmental destruction of Méxica’s rainforest and continued deterioration of her natural sources of purified drinking water.

The immense imbalance to the natural order of life, carried out by the Porfiriato dictatorship could no longer be endured by the spirit of the Earth, symbolizing an act of evil, a call was sent to the Heavens for extermination. By 1911, Méxica was ready for radical, spiritual transformation; the fire of the people was ripened for liberation.

THE MANDATE OF HEAVEN and the apostle of mexico

Born in 1873, just prior to the initiation of the Diaz regime, Francisco Ignacio Madero (Francisco in all following references) was heir to a family fortune that rivaled that of the Guggenheim’s. Evaristo Madero and Francisco Madero Hernández, the grandfather and father of Francisco, established a family fortune from shrewd investments in cotton, livestock, and industrial production.

Expecting their heir to expand the family tradition, Francisco studied business at Mount St. Mary’s College in Maryland, Higher Business at the prestigious École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris and Agriculture at the University of California, Berkeley, the following year.

In his memoir, “The Spiritist Manual,” which he authored under the pseudonym Bhîma, a fierce warrior in Lord Krsna’s Bhagavad-Gita, Francisco revealed that his discovery of a magazine article, written by Allen Kardec, unveiled a portal to a new life perspective through which he felt the emergence of his soul’s higher path.

Shattering the lens for a generation, it was this French-born founder of Spiritism, whose 1857 publication of “The Spirit’s Book” incited a global movement bridging science, philosophy and religion, that granted permission to Francisco and countless others to believe in what lies just beyond the commonly accepted perception of reality.

While studying in Europe, Francisco was guided to the tomb of Allen Kardec, and shortly after began his first mediumship seances, where he realized his gift of inter-dimensional communion and began cultivating his abilities to serve the flow of cosmic harmony.


Though a sickly child, and small in stature, by 1893, the 20-year-old Francisco, fated 37th President of Méxica, returned to assume management of his family’s hacienda in San Pedro, Coahuila, in robust health.

By 1901, through the spiritual communion with his younger brother, Raúl, who passed at age 4, he was urged to initiate his charity work and practice self-discipline and self-abnegation, soon becoming vegetarian, quitting alcohol and smoking.

Spiritually empowered, well-traveled, culturally refined, and humanely educated, he naturally rose as an enlightening and progressive member of the Madero commercial complex. 

Inspired by a growing legion of spiritual guides from the otherside, including Mexica’s former President Benito Juárez, Francisco embarked upon a lifelong commitment to philanthropy.

A seed of divine fulfillment, committed to serving the people through all of his evolving faculties, Francisco installed new irrigation, introduced American-made cotton and cotton machinery, and built a soap and an ice factory.

His reputation quickly spread across the regions, as he founded schools, hospitals, community kitchens, and paid to support orphans and awarded scholarships. Having taught himself homeopathy, Francisco offered medical treatments to his already well-paid employees, including spiritual healing through the laying of his own hands and his mastery of the divine fluid of healing magnetism, Amrit.


“Among the spirits who populate space, there is a group that is intensely concerned with the evolution of humanity, for its progress, and every time there is an important event in any part of the world, a large number of them incarnate in order to bring humanity forward, to save this or that people from the yoke of tyranny, of fanaticism, and to give them liberty…

I want everyone to open their eyes, may those good-hearted men who are still here make a powerful effort, and all of them and I in their company, throw ourselves with resolve into the battle to save the Nation, to fulfill our mission, for undoubtedly, ever since we were together in space, we foresaw this battle and we have incarnated with the objective of starting and sustaining it.”

– Dear Daddy, Letter from Francisco Madero to his father (in C.M. Mayo’s Metaphysical Odyssey into the Mexican Revolution)

There is a torch passed from generation to generation, a soulful fire of creation, a rhythmic drum that calls forth the beat of our highest vision, realized by our embodied devotion that determines our spiritual evolution. Through our personal efforts to serve this eternal passion, this our karmic duty, the blossoming of our golden, fiery heart, allows us to finally pierce into the Heavens, the light of the Star Kingdoms.

A land-owning lawyer and a member of Méxica’s liberal, educated class, the divine grace embedded within Francisco’s invocation for Universal Peace empowered the spiritual veins of an awakening nation for an uprising against foreign nationals who raped the people and the land of their divine liberties.

Ascended masters who walk the Earth inspire life’s birth as feelings transcend words. Despite the illiteracy of 90 percent of the Mexican population, Francisco’s written works ascended his stature as an apostle of Mexican democracy, as such he was heralded. Overwhelmed by the sense of abandonment of President Diaz, Francisco liberated the cry for social, political and economic reform as a voice for the oppressed and weak to unite in one ascending light, serving the collective yearning for spiritual upliftment.

It was the realized efforts of Francisco’s life works, his choices to fuel his spiritual imagination, and face the ridicule of society as he embodied his divine mission that inspired revolutionaries to raise up against a regime that had, since their birth, robbed them of their divine connection to Mother Earth.

To believe in what they sensed was true allowed them to receive the divine power to stand upright and fight to create a world that filled them with a sense of pride to leave behind.

Assassinated on February 22, 1913, after being democratically elected as President of a liberated Méxica, Francisco  knew that he while his body would die, his legacy would continue to inspire. His work upon this Earth empowers him now as a guide to spiritual mediums awakening to the magnetic power of the cosmic fire that fuels our heart’s purpose in realizing our connection to Heavenly force.

As spiritual activists, it is the spark of our actions that ripple through the collective DNA to stimulate the atrophied senses of those who’ve been rendered deaf and blind by the indoctrination of intergalactic colonization that has severed empaths from the resonant force of Mother Earth’s cosmic power, the divine magnetism of the Planetary Logos, a divine shield of Universal Love, Energy, Wisdom – Consciousness.


“Magnetism is the vital fluid that serves as the intermediary between the soul and the body. When this fluid weakens, sickness appears; when it runs out, death. In addition, the latter can occur when the vital fluid encounters obstructions in the channels in which it circulates… This vital fluid, or magnetism, can become subject to the force of will and therefore, whoever exercises his will over his fluids – a magnetizer – can send part of his fluid to other people, what we call ‘magnetizing them.’”
– Spiritist Manual by Francisco Ignacio Madero (as translated by C.M. Mayo in Metaphysical Odyssey into the Mexican Revolution

We are neither our bodies nor our material obsessions, rather we are each gloriously evolved embodiments of Universal Harmony, Love and Compassion. We are the very fabric of space and time, the golden nectar that is filtered through Mother Universe, the nourishment of our Divine Mother’s breast.

At the core of our being is the very construct of all reality that bends to our collective, disciplined Star force resonance. By upholding our individually realized Dharma, we resurrect the spirit of the Earth, liberating our planetary consciousness from negative spiritual forces. As the awakening of our unified species consciousness spreads through our collective nervous system, man-made laws evolve to serve the Universal balance for all life to thrive in harmony.

Empowered in our holy star missions, we alchemize vibrations of fear, worry, shame, grief, lust and envy to illuminate our organs and for the expansion of our consciousness. As the cosmic fire of the Kundalini Shakti energy rises up our spine to purify our minds, our golden awareness, our fluid magnetism, spreads through all those we are connected to, magnetizing our ability to serve from a higher plane of existence, evolving our senses to behold the Heavens from within the very kingdom of God’s most holy creation – the Sacred Heart.

As the magnetism of our golden awareness spreads, expanding our self-perspective to liberate the suffocating egoistic constriction upon our existence, we rise as spiritual monarchs, visionaries who behold one another through a gloriously nourishing lens of radical acceptance.

Witnessed through the devastation upon sacred lands and the indigenous people, as our Faith is tested by demonic forces the power of Mother Earth is awakening an evolution in human consciousness to embody honor and serve justice for future generations to follow.

It is this magnetism that drives and ignites the awareness of our senses to guide us through our evolutionary process of realizing the Kingdom of Heaven, that is, in fact, our very embodiment into its highest genetic expression, our collective Ascension into our Golden Harmonic expression. It is this immortal fluid, Amrit, that we cultivate within our veins that births our souls into existence, bridging our lives together, aligned with a higher purpose.

As Mother Earth ascends into her Golden age of Gnosis, there remains an immense imbalance of lost souls, those severed from their guiding light, under demonic control. This cosmic disharmony, that has become a disease upon our society, has invoked a new age awakening of spiritual visionaries, revolutionaries and evolutionists capable of walking through realms and dismantling parasitic structures that feed off Mother Earth’s planetary consciousness.

Through the radiance of healed hearts, magnetized in service, the light of Lord Krsna travels through the Universal realms, through our very skeletal structure, nourishes those trapped within the lower realms, empowering souls to remember their power to stand upright in receipt of their divine birthright to serve the Justice they seek, as they toil upon the Earth as they wish to reap.

As we work to heal our inner Christ, the fire of equality and justice, the spirit of the holy divine mother, is rising the fires of purification within us and through us. She who nourishes our soul’s emanation with the soma of the milky way that secretes from our pineal glands, allowing us to see the demons that walk amongst us, the interdimensional beings, spirits and other entities that drain and feed off of us, calls for us to stand. As our true sight is restored, the truth will no longer be ignored.

Francisco Ignacio Madero’s willingness to die allowed him to be reborn. His ability to face the fire of judgment of his times with conviction of his own spiritual reality, allowing the fluid magnetism of Amrit to serve through the roots of the collective through his very embodiment, attracting and empowering those who chose to stand with him.