
as the path to transcendence

“If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.” - Matthew 6:14-15

How do we embody strength, when the pain of our past continues to surface?

How do we console those in need, when we continue to feel disempowered? How do we inspire nations into a vision of hope when our personal story instills pain?

How do we build our lives founded upon love, hope and compassion, when our brains are clouded by distortions that fog the brilliance of the Absolute Truth’s expression.

“Let’s be clear: human activities are at the root of our descent toward chaos. But that means human action can help solve it. Making peace with nature is the defining task of the 21st century. It must be the top, top priority for everyone, everywhere… 

It is time to flick the “green switch”. We have a chance to not simply reset the world economy but to transform it…

A sustainable economy driven by renewable energy will create new jobs, cleaner infrastructure and a resilient future…

An inclusive world will help ensure that people can enjoy better health and the full respect of their human rights and live with dignity on a healthy planet…

Every individual must also do their part — as consumers, as producers, as investors. Technology is on our side. Sound economic analysis is our ally.”

– Antonio Guterrez, Secretary General of the United Nations

Our ability to surrender to the flow of our soul’s growth is dependent upon our ability to let go and embody the fullest availability of spiritual resources to serve our soul’s medicine upon this Earth.  

Our ability to perceive life’s deepest beauties requires that we learn to continuously release and harmoniously express our cosmic heart’s luminescent radiance. Learning to truly love our expression of self is embraced through a surrender to self-forgiveness.

The Universe is an ever-ascending flow state, whereby through inner alignment with that which is, and has always been, we gradually realize our natural path of homeostasis to transcend our sense of duality which supports the cosmic unfolding of our soul’s expressed beauty.


When we are driven by a cause, embodied by a vision to serve a mission, our ability to gather strength, source wisdom and inspire legions, requires that we engender a positive outlook, a fresh and radiant perception to catch the golden rays of light that nourish our soul’s potential for liberation through self-fulfillment. 

As spiritual beings of light, sound and frequency, our vessels are designed to capture the spiritual light that emanates from all sentient creation. From the Latin, “per” and “capio”, to capture through, the lens of our perspective shapes our perceptions which are intended to empower our inner guidance and construct our divine intelligence.

How we interpret the light of every perception and deliver the current of that expression through our existence determines whether we become empowered or diseased. Whether we are free to flow in ever-ascending grace, or become ensnared in the chains that bind us from within, blinding us from receiving the power we need to rise in alignment with our destiny.

For many who are becoming increasingly sensitive to energy, perceiving reality as a world full of threats is both paralyzing and toxifying. The brain and the body are holographic reflections of one another. The fears held within the mind create constriction with the organs and the production of toxins that further cloud the mind and disease the body.

One’s impending sense of doom, which typically results in immense anxiety and panic attacks, is typically a misinformed reaction of the body’s attempt to cleanse the system of distortions, yet, as these past traumas, both ancestral and past life, come to rise, without self-awareness of the miraculous Planetary Ascension process currently unfolding, these erupting emotions becoming associated with a false paradigm that creates further panic and more intense reactions.

These immense times of inner spiritual crisis in our lives represents a call to Wake Up and listen to how our bodies and the Supreme Reality is communicating with us. Recognizing this inner panic as an indication of the clearing of stagnant energy from our nervous systems, through self-forgiveness, we can gradually dissolve our fear-based ego identity for the revelatory birthing of our soul’s infinite beauty.

By dissolving our frustrations with reality and our judgments upon our fellow humans, we can focus and invest all of our soul’s energy on engineering our own inner harmony. As we consciously evolve in awareness of the power we hold to transform the world, our Divine perspective naturally crystallizes through magnetism of our inner alignment with the power of a higher purpose, Kundalini Shakti energy, that leads us to ultimate forgiveness and the transcendence of duality.

There is no enemy, only spiritual alchemy. The moment we begin to realize the power we hold to transform the darkness within ourselves, which we are designed to absorb as the key to our soul’s growth, into the light we deliver, we discover our potential in reshaping the world through positive and compassionate partnerships, creative and innovative solutions, united by a power we evolve to behold.


It is the power of the spiritual heart that transforms reality, and the warmth of the physical heart that unfolds our genetic expression.

The cosmic will of the Universal Divine Mother is that all sentient beings realize their highest expression. In order for this divine intention of the Mother of Creation to rapture through our being, we are being driven to learn how to support the flow of this Kundalini Shakti energy as it reconstructs our nervous system and liberates us from the shackles of disempowering belief systems.

Self-forgiveness allows for us to reclaim and harvest the power of our distracted awareness as we cultivate our sacred energy to align our lives with the power that nourishes our soul’s as we rebuild the Earth through the revelation of our highest purpose.

As we forgive ourselves for our own transgressions where we have welcomed disrespectful relationships, through the release of our false perceptions, our vibration naturally ascends with each empowering breath of release and surrender.

The ancestral trauma that we are all seeded into clouds our sense of reality until the pain within teaches us to burn the trauma into fire of awareness, which sources the illumination of our subtle body, our soul force, which is the Divine creative power of the Universe.

The Universal purpose for pain is the evolution of intelligence through the conscious expansion of the senses which are driven by our soul’s awareness. The greatest gift that we shall ever experience, across all lifetimes and every dimension of spiritual evolution, is our life’s existence.

We live to experience the gift of life, and such is the Path of Transcendence which requires Absolute Self-Forgiveness so that we may behold the beauty of the Supreme Reality, with a lens cleared of self-judgement.

All is a reflection of ourselves, and the greatest joy is to feel free to see the infinite beauty of self in everything. Love is the power that drive the Universal Forces into motion.


When we truly forgive, our thoughts, actions and habits are immediately transformed allowing us to be guided by a higher stream of consciousness. The reality we perceive is a projection of the stream of consciousness upon which we feed. Our individual goal is to arrive at a state of Heavenly coexistence whereby we are each the source of one another’s bliss. To enlighten the world, our aim should be inner alignment with the cosmic forces of existence that naturally blossom through self-love and self-forgiveness.

Releasing our attachments to blame, and delegations of fault, clears our senses of perception to receive a higher broadcast of psychic intelligence that enhances our manifestations across all dimensions in our life, including our spiritual work within the lower dimensions of existence.

As we embody the lessons of our soul’s birthing, we gradually create a foundation for Ascension, whereby we are able to support others in their physical purification and spiritual resurrection process as we guide them through the darkness of their soul, along the rewarding path of Self-Realization and Actualization.


Scientists predict there is a supermassive blackhole at the center of every large galaxy that swallows nearby dust and gas creating massive jets of energy that themselves create conditions ripe for star formation.

Similarly, there is a blackhole located within the center of our hearts, attracting life experiences that are intended to develop our sense of compassion which brings into order the higher orchestration of our organ system – a cosmic orchestration to serve the evolution of our soul’s intelligence.

When we lose sight of our higher sense for existence, the torment of the reality that we have created based upon our lower vibratory belief system creates an angst for something more and dismay for what is.

Addictively, clawing away externally for experiences that can never truly bring peace to our ever-growing emptiness, at the gradual destruction of our sacred existence and the loss of all we care for, we finally listen to our intuition which guides us ever further inwards, to realize a joy that knows no end as we unshackle ourselves from the psycho-emotional, karmic wheel of death and soul enslavement that we realize ourselves to be trapped in.

Through disciplined practice of ancient yogic exercises mastered to restore the spiritual energy channels that flow through our vessels, we regain our sense of self and discover an universal interconnectedness to life that delivers profound meaning to our existence.

As this new sense of cosmic self is develop, the ego dissolution process is a glorious rebirthing that intuitively informs, guides and nourishes itself. It is the fire of the heart that is our guiding light through life. It is the fire of the heart, that nourishes all creation, as devotional service for the gift of existence.


In the one-on-one consulting program that I have developed, GOL-D: Vedic Rainbow Body Ascension, I support my initiates through a very hands-on, compassionate approach in dissolving the self-inflicted chains of oppression as I support the expansion of their Cosmic Soul and welcome the birthing of their Higher Self.

Working through the spiritual realms and into the physical dimensions, I support my initiates in illuminating and dissolving toxic cords from current and past life traumas that have manifested into your physical body and molded your life, allowing the for your pain of existence to be alchemized into beauty, strength and self-realized purpose.

Together, we work to realize your highest, genetically-imbedded purpose as we welcome the Universal resources available through the Planetary Logos, the spirit of Mother Earth, as the pain of your existence is gradually dissolved to welcome the infinite cosmic power that awakens your higher senses and spiritual gifts, known as Siddhis in Sanskrit.

Leveraging ancient Eastern wisdom, we disentangle low vibratory aspects of your perspective for your natural golden expression to surface, fueling the expression of new abilities for energetic transference as your energetic bandwidth expands

Consulting packages are designed on an individually customized basis, based on each initiate’s akashic record. More information, as well as free meditations, exercises and extensive articles, can be found at: