GOL-D: Rays of Liberation

SPIRITUAL Wisdom TO ignite the Soul’s ascensioN

Self-Forgiveness as the Path to Transcendence

Self-Forgiveness as the Path to Transcendence

How do we embody strength, when the pain of our past continues to surface? How do we console those in need, when we continue to feel disempowered? How do we inspire nations into a vision of hope when our personal story instills pain? How do we build our lives founded...

Lessons From the Past to Reveal Your Higher Self

Lessons From the Past to Reveal Your Higher Self

Imagine a truth felt within the depths of your bones, a feeling suppressed by an oppressed society through a design of control. Rebirthed through the liberation of our sense for freedom, envision a...

Teach Us How to Love

Teach Us How to Love

What does it take to truly transform the world? To inspire the uniting of nations in a vision that fuels the awakening of our unified service? Where do we turn when in search of the keys to restore...

Open Your Heart to Bend the Space-Time Continuum

Open Your Heart to Bend the Space-Time Continuum

With the rapid deceleration of human consciousness threatening the very fabric of our collective existence, the impetus to learn from our ancient ones reborn shall impart upon us powerful lessons in...

A global scientific research, spiritual empowerment, consulting and marketing agency established to serve the Planetary Logos and activate the cosmic Shakti Kundalini lifeforce energies.