"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world" - Archimedes

Can you sense the weight of the collective thought-field oppressing your fullest experience of joy and shaping you into less than you deserve? Imagine if you could break free from the psychological shackles of the external world’s imposition upon what is and how life should be to receive yourself in full honor of your radiant divinity.


Embodied faith is a universal broadcast of aetheric rainbow light, perceived through the soul’s eternal flight that evolves life from the inside-out, hence, the truth shall set you free. By sensing beyond the mind’s fatal grasp for mortal identification to feel through the mental mechanisms that cause spiritual bondage within your body, you ascend in e-motional awareness of the infinite field of love, bridging access to higher perceptions of self as the collective psychic debris of humanity’s universal truth is dissolved for us to soulfully decipher an ancient prophecy for the attainment of spiritual enlightenment. Is it possible to reimagine immortality into the common belief system?

As you pierce through the self-imposed yolks to spiritual poverty, resurrecting your inner light to consciously decode the toxic programming that has derailed the trajectory of your reality, re-imagine life as an architect of your soul’s destiny as you allow yourself to become all that you are divinely intended to be. Liberation begins as you sense the depth of truth energetically bridged through your body, which serves as universal artifact of life – a Rosetta stone of cosmic, mystic revelations – realized in form to purify your self-destructive view.

Imagine the power of peace and discernment of truth bestowed upon you, as you invoke the Goddess within to birth you, a new. Behold the emergence of a fully-sensual spiritual being, experiencing the infinite depths of life’s greatest discoveries as all aspects of the true, almighty you, basking in receipt of your radiant reflection.

In beseeching the blessing of the Divine Mother Goddess for the resurrection of the spiritual flesh, the aetheric barriers of separation from the true self are dissolved for an organic blueprint of your celestial embodiment to be awakened. As the initiate embarks upon the eternal quest of remembrance through honor of the experience, a higher path is crystalized through the sentience of the alchemized breath – the crystallization of one’s knowing into physical upregulation of genetic cellular expression.

As the ever-evolving, self-organizing awareness of the light reveals itself through inward focus, the path for the eternal self is revealed for the light of the soul to flourish. We are each born golden, the greatest gift to cultivate that which we each hold within; training as empaths who dissolve their pain bodies into the subtle brilliance of knowing.

Through the expansion of one’s heart sentience and disciplined mastery of self-awareness, one initiates the ability to perceive through the infinite depths of the all-seeing spiritual eye. Through training of the senses and exploration of the e-motions, one becomes potentialized with an all-encompassing radiant love that self-organizes into an e-motional lens of unity that blossoms in form, pouring forth the boundless nectar of love -from the depths of the heart’s inner knowing.

When freeing the mind becomes common sport, the Earth shall jolt, like an electric force whose heart has been reconnected to the cosmic source. To sense is to transform one dimension of power into a sentient-charged force of e-motion; to love is to create from an abundance of source energy. To master oneself is to transform the constructs of matter – for all is a matter of the perceptions we forge as we attune to our highest god-self.

As biological radio-interpreters of the universal frequencies of life, our collective attunement to harmonious waves of the cosmic Om, the bio-luminescent spirit of the birthing universe, excites the spark within that drives all life in rejoicing of the divine plan. Through the expansion of our senses, designed to raise us into the Heavens, the universal mystery of our collective evolution unfolds through the potential sparked through the growing sentience within our very vessels, as we learn to perceive the unseen and integrate the sacred truth into the art of living.


There is a harmonic resonance of electrical bio-organic potential, sung with every heart’s beat; an emotionally evolved sentience of awareness whose electromagnetic resonance animates through our extracellular matrix to orchestrate the spirit’s perceived reality. Limited only by the depth of our insight and magnified by the heart’s toroidal force, this divine spark that is cultivated through our vital body serves the power of our imagination to excite our highest god-realized state into existence as the fruit of our intentional, devotional life ritual: the cultivation of our life force energy.

As opti-mystics, it is the electrochemical response from our ability to sensually appreciate the highest truth of reality, as the aspirant soul’s realized essence is cultivated into self-awareness, that the behavior of molecules at the nanoscale – the heart’s realization of the Goddess inside transforms the underlying constructs of life. The true potential of the human e-motional, hormonal star-vessel is revealed through the evolution of self and the activation of divine mechanisms that spread instantaneously through the energetic, vibratory constructs of our collective field of perception.

Throughout the ages, ancient and modern mystics alike, have mastered the power of the story to direct the flow of consciousness to illuminate the cellular memory of those initiated into the path of self-mastery. In the Sanskrit story of Samudra Manthan, known as the churning of the oceans, once the Earth and Heavens had been depleted of all peace, the two opposing forces, representing the cosmic forces of light and dark, found truce through an epic effort to arouse the blessing of creation, the deliverance of the immortal nectar of amrita from the depths of the cosmic ocean, in an attempt to restore balance to the universe and purpose to their lives.

Through the churning of Mount Mandara, a spur of the golden mountain that stands in the center of the universe, upon the Ocean of Milk, roped by the king of snakes, Vasuki, who devotedly lies coiled around the neck of Supreme Lord Shiva, the joined rival forces resurrect the highly prized nectar of immortality – the golden nectar of the gods, that which bequeaths to man, his supernatural abilities, in Sanskrit known as the siddhis – supernatural gifts of perfection.

A cultural key to the realization of the god-self, the tale of amrita speaks of the timeless pursuit to tame the inner dragons that cause self-agony and mortal strife by raising the fire of purification to receive the blessing of initiation to cross over into the deathless, immortal realm. To see beyond and be forever transformed, to receive the blessing of the Goddess, is to transcend the self-inflected death of the mortal man’s mentally conditioned lower form.

The two opposing forces represent the yin and yang duality of the cosmic nature inherent in man, and within the body are measured as the Ida and Pingala energetic currents, which crisscross, serpent-like, around the central sushumna energetic channel – the body’s main life force generator. Raising the purifying fire, the kundalini serpent power is practiced as a path to enlightenment and transcendence of the duality of one’s self nature.

Through the process of purification, the organ system is cleansed of stored poisons, allowing the mind of the adept to be cleansed of distractions and impurities, activating the cone-shaped pineal gland to secrete the golden nectar of amrita to regenerate the body through the central nervous system. By uniting the tension between the two extreme sentiments within oneself, the Shiva and the Shakti, the union of the divine masculine and feminine is born, opening portals of the mind to perceive into higher spiritual worlds – the gift of multi-sentience.  


“The move to a new world of psychological and social rebirth will entail changes we cannot yet predict, or even envision…For millenia of recorded history, the human spirit has been imprisoned by our fetters of androcracy. Our minds have been stunted, and our hearts have been numbed. And yet our striving for truth, beauty, and justice has never been extinguished. As we break out of these fetters, as our minds, hearts, and hands are freed, so also will be our creative imagination.”
– Riane Eisler

In “The Chalice & The Blade,” internationally acclaimed scholar, futurist and activist, Riane Eisler, describes the cultural origins of humanity and the ebb and flow of conflict and peace between matrilinear and patrilinear societies and the evolutionary outcomes of the cultural variance between societies. Just south of Eisler’s Center for Partnership Studies in Pacific Grove, California, I was summoned by a special bee, for a lesson in our potential for serving the Goddess as a hive-based society.

As you begin to serve the evolution of consciousness, the intentional expansion of sense invokes spiritual guidance from the animal as well plant and insect kingdoms. Tucked away in the foothills of the Santa Lucia Mountains on the sunny side of the Monterey Peninsula, situated on 500 lush acres of majestic earth, Carmel Valley Ranch offers an escape into the spiritual tranquility of the Californian countryside. It was here, that Kirsten Cannon, Director of Recreation, shared a special rendezvous with the retreat’s onsite honey bee colonies to experience the ancient magic of beekeeping and receive a special insight for humanity.

With more than 4,000 bee species in the United States alone, pollinating 80 percent of all flowering plants, including more than 130 types of fruits and vegetables, this co-evolutionary relationship has a complexly rich and romantically in-depth spiritual teaching to decode.

The queen represents the main regulating factor of the colony functions that is largely achieved by means of pheromones, which are produced by different glands and emitted as a complex chemical blend, known as the “queen signal.” The honey bee queen represents the main regulating factor of her colony’s behavioral functions through a complex pheromone system that result in the maintenance of colony homeostasis through the establishment of social hierarchy and preservation of the queen’s reproductive supremacy. The queen’s ‘mood’ determines the overall flow of the biological order.

Recently, science has detected the presence of a weak electrostatic field that arises between the flower and a bee that contribute to pollination and electroreception. As the bee’s heart-intelligence draws its path toward the awaiting flowers, the positively charge bee’s interaction with the negatively-charged, electrically-earthed flower cause the pollen to levitate from the flower to the bee. Through the magic of life, the nectar is risen, as the spiritual essence of the Mother Earth is cultivated for the queen’s evolution.

This electrically-charged, chemically-dynamic relationship within the hive function, from the queen bee to the forager, demonstrates the divine current of life to entice the delivery of its sweet nectar that results in a rapturous dance as the bee returns to the hive, victoriously rewarded by the golden nectar of life. From the moment the bee exultantly departs the hive, a love for life ignites within as the bee’s senses are transformed in pursuit of service to the divine. The bee is a classic example of love as a service, an embodied dharma that evolves a species into its highest function – the essence of the Goddess, the fundamental driver of all life.

Just as the infant who suckles from his mother’s tit is stronger in form, he who finds the immortal nectar of the goddess within, through the harvesting of the fruits of his existence, perceives of the almighty truth in her highest brilliance. It is the resurrection of this sense for life, this passion that drives one pursuit of the fire, that redirects his life from the distractions of the many to the pursuit of the divine marriage of the two waring selves. The Goddess in a transformative force that awakens the hero’s quest to master the universe as he realizes himself through the alignment of his soul’s mission, the dharma that drives the light of life to rise.


“To every biological form or organ, there is an associated, correlated morphogenetic field that acts as its blueprint. Consciousness mediates the interaction of these blueprints with matter as it makes form in accordance with the blueprint… A healthy organ not only means that the physical organ, the representation is healthy, but also that the correlated morphogenetic field is healthy, too. The feeling of health or wellness, vital energy, comes from the movements of the correlated vital body, the morphogenetic fields. Wellness speaks of the state of the balance and harmony of these movements – vital energies.”
– Amit Goswami

In “Quantum Economics – Unleashing the Power of an Economics of Consciousness,” Amit Goswami, PhD, provides a quantumly aligned structure for the social transformation of global business economics as the survival of the species becomes a commonly held intention that drives a natural evolution of systems to support the innate spiritual rebirth unfolding upon the Earth.

Goswami relates the global dynamics to the pranic flow of the universal chakra system, to further emphasize that as the sense of service cultivated within us reaches within our organ system and raises in resonance, a collapse into higher order will be realized as humanity naturally ascends into energetic alignment with the electromagnetic blueprint of unrealized potential within us each.

As the call of the Mother Earth for rebirth ripples through humanity, creating an anxiety that drives man into the inner realms to master his heart’s inner fire. In pursuit of peace, the bio-photonic light emission that we discharge, locally and throughout the interconnected chakra consciousness stream, is enriched with our sentient awareness and nourishes the collective Christ – Krisha consciousness grid with our love. Amrita, the nutrient of divine harmony, drives the evolution of our collective species and potentially immortality.

In addition to prayanam and kriya yoga practices to still the inner conflict and align the body with noble action, kundalini practice raises one’s serpent power to purify the organ system, dissolving toxic emotions to gradual heal and unravel conditioning belief system to allow healing of the body and ascension of consciousness with the activation of the underlying universal blueprint. The portal to ascension is realized within.

With intentional, devotional practice of worship to the goddess within, one can control the activation of the internal guidance system, the hormonal system, to generate vitality and health within the body. With focused intention on self-regeneration, the resurgence of mitochondrial function activates dormant cellular memory and a multi-dimensional awareness of self to organically birth itself into higher sentience, manifesting gifts to serve in the crystallization of the new Earth being formed.

Through the realization of the organ intelligence, new relationships, business incentives are formed as life evolves to support to the growing collective sentience of self-respect and honor for the kingdom birthed within us all, creating vibratory fields of purified intentions and thoughtforms. Just as thoughts are dangerous, emotions are ever more so contagious, as freedom is embodied, perceived shackles are gradually dissolved within and ensue throughout the family system.

In Santa Monica, Calif., Reality Center co-founder Don Estes, who in 1990, published Sensory Resonance Theory, uses proprietary frequency technologies to activate the same parts of the brain that are stimulated by deep meditation and psychedelic therapies in order to create a renewed sense of purpose, feelings of interconnectedness, and elevated well-being within clients.

With every cycle of cosmic realization, humanity evolves higher sentient heart-intelligence into the infinite underpinnings of our evolutionary process and origins. Amrita, the very nectar produced through our pursuit of the creator’s truth, our source of devotion to the goddess of life, reveals a spiritual metamorphosis that gradually expands our senses to resonate with the celestial aspects of reality, as our raised vibration enhances our immunity and supports the potential for immortality. As the Earth planes shift into a higher dimensional reality, the Goddess within shall guide us through the transformative process of becoming who we’ve always been.

In Boulder Creek, Calif., the Heart-Math Institute maintains a Global Coherence Monitoring System of ultrasensitive magnetic field detectors installed around the planet to understand our interconnected relationship between humanity and Earth’s magnetic fields.