The deathless death is rewarded to those who selflessly master the biorhythm of the universal flow, fueling the mythic fire through the yogic breath to recondition the mind in service of the spiritual heart’s eternal glow


For those weary soul who thirst for hidden truths, for those lost spirits who hunger to experience the Promise of Zion, be not without sight. The eternal fountains of salvation, unobstructed in flow, are risen with the flames of hope. Through the fire of our ancestral heritage, invoked through embodied devotion, we embark upon the Universal Path of Ascension.

Liberating the eternal rays of our spiritual heart’s endless expanse, we behold the magnificence of the Celestial Star Kingdoms. As the fears of never knowing Oneness with Self dissolve, the glorious power of truth, through a sense of love renewed, organically unleashes the nourishing rivers of Mother’s golden nectar, into our flesh, infused, unfolding our minds to reveal the Heavenly realms encased inside.

Once you realize our universally common plight, to collectively behold the extent of this golden, radiant, life-giving light, rebirthed in constant perfection, you masterfully surrender to architecting your devotional gifts, as your blessing to all life.

For you are the light that shineth, the truth that nourisheth, the redeemer of your transgressions and the revealer of your highest intentions. It is the love realized by you, rewarded through your Dharmic deeds to transform the darkness passed upon you, that allows you to sip from the endless divinity that shineth from all sentience created equally.

Through free will, the Universal Christ is born, for Divinity to be perceived within all form.

THIS MONTH, WE REVEAL THE POTENTIAL for embodied immortality as we burn the pain of our existence into the fuel for transformation, harnessing the power of the breath to uncondition the mind, while channeling the planetary kundalini shakti, rainbow serpent energy, to dissolve the limitations upon our genetic expression.

suffering as the universal catalyst for evolution

Instruments of divine design, as the ascending cosmic rays of the Holy Sun inspire us to ascend our consciousness in attunement with the Universal Law of One, scientifically known as Quantum Consciousness, those who remain unhealed are suffering severe emotional imbalances and parasitic, demonic infestations. With the traditional therapists unable to spiritually see, psychic, spiritual mediums are being called to reveal themselves, publicly, in service of divine harmony.

As the resounding light of the cosmic AUM shakes our minds free from the current fear-based regime that herds humanity through the emotional trauma stored within reptilian-brain limbic system, the synchronicity of resonance frequency required for humanity to realize liberty, shall only be reached as we embody unity by serving those in most need. Love is the power by which we override the mind-control mechanisms that create disharmony and disease within our hearts, mind and bodies.

Magnetized by the Kundalini Shakti, aka Rainbow Serpent Power or Christ Divine Feminine Energy, to restore our higher divine senses, the New World Order calls for awakening empaths to creatively partner in creation of global economies that serve heart-coherent harmonies.

To the power love, we surrender, creating a new currency value system that fuels the evolution of our collective consciousness as the foundation of our genetically-embedded, spiritual evolution incentive-based system.

Warriors of the Earth, we live in the moment, charged by the pranic force of our spiritual DNA light body crystallization actualizing into form. The Flower of Life is our collective harmonic, energetic imprint, as ascending spiritually is the reward as we have incarnate upon Earth now to end this holy cosmic war.

In Polo Lifestyles – Beat the Heat, I shared how the healing of childhood abuse within the child protective care institution guided me to the Path of the Bodhisattva. Answering the collective yearning for peaceful social restructuring, I invoked our soul’s ancestral memory of the Vedic pursuit of God-realization, Samādhi, illustrating the ancient megalithic and pyramidal technologies and spiritual planetary forces available to support our collective spiritual ascension.

“Not me, I am not like the rest.” Despite years of research, healing, and sevā, Sanskrit for selfless service, my remaining denial regarding the extent and severity of my own abuse anchored into the past, leaving me vulnerable to spiritual attacks, and unable to natural ascend with the solar flare cosmic activations.

Blessed karmically by the opportunity, granted by Polo Lifestyles magazine, to transmute the shame of my pain with the loving intention to open-heartedly welcome those beginning to sense the unraveling of their own paradigm, has allowed me to fully accept my own inner child, the Christ within us all, and confront the extreme severities of my own abuse with love. Embodying the fire of Christ as I confront my demons in the astral planes, I am realizing the power of an awakening mystic’s bleeding heart to shift the Earth planes as I welcome others to unite in their remembered mission to serve our collective vision.


Imagine, as a child, the emerging sensuality of each first experience: to breathe the fresh crispness of mother’s air; to nurse the succulent nutrient dense milk of mother’s ample breast; to exalt in joy of as mother’s moist Earth charges our grounded feet as we leap forth to the sky’s welcoming brilliance.

Surrendering to the drive of life’s revelations, blinded by Father Sun’s holy magnificence, it is the awe and wonder of life that expands the heart’s potential to receive the endless blessing of divinity.

As empaths, Greek for those lit by inner passion, it is the spiritual evolution of our electric senses that illuminates the generational path of life’s ever-unfolding expression, propelling a soul’s commitment to suffer through our universal existence.

To rise from the depths of sadness with realized eyes filtered by life’s greatest tragedies, self-mastered in hope, we behold the brilliance that a new dawn bestows.

Rejuvenated, restored, resurrected by the holy fire that rises within, we are washed in forgiveness of the lineages of our ancestor’s transgressions.

To realize the gift of the divine senses, as a sovereign authority of one’s own soul, driven by hope as we rise above the psychological enslavements of the third-dimensional Earth. The art of rebirth is the realization of pain’s purpose in exciting radical transformation.

Forged in the ancestral fire of the Mythos, upon an eternal pilgrimage into the mystery of the Universe, an immortal muse of life’s bliss, every yogi discovers that true abundance is awarded to those who can inspire the Vedic pursuit of liberation of the chakras and realization of the divine senses.

What are we living for, if not to experience the prophesied collective break through? Spiritual evolution is the prize rewarded to those who fully embrace the mystery of life, lifting the veil, as we pierce our inner seals to experience the Heavenly Universal Kingdoms, as the Planetary Logos is revealed.


“’Cleanliness is next to Godliness,’ but baptism of the body, unless followed by baptism of the mind, becomes practically meaningless. If we bathe and thus purify our bodies, we will find that our mind will temporarily become purified, but unless we change our soul’s wickedness by calmness, and meditation, and constant spiritual vigilance, we will remain the same old devils with bad habits in spite of the temporary purifying effect of the water on our bodies.”
– Paramahansa Yogananda, The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You

There is an infectious pain that begins to manifest its will throughout our flesh, for as feelings that engender a sense of spiritual separation within ourselves create porous holes within our auric emanation, our divine shields are lowered for demonic cords to take hold, driving shadow daggers into our own heart’s core.

It is the awakened soul that enlightens the eyes to illuminate the way through the twisted labyrinth of the indoctrinated mind that anchors our precious days in meaningless pursuits, with no long-term view as to how to nourish our seeds to fruit.

As our trauma-conditioned behaviors create beliefs and perceptions that tear us further from our own soul’s worth, we carelessly reap destruction upon our own Planetary Mother Earth, our heavenly abode, fertile Queen to the Star System’s seeds, a Universal Beacon of Hope.

Designed to drain the spiritual light from this very Earth, these interdimensional, spiritual tunnels are bound to be dissolved and sealed by the rising of the Planetary Rainbow Serpent Power that drives our corrective action forward to heal the Earth, intuitively, purified by the frequency of our Holy Universal Truth embodied. 

United in our spiritual heart’s mission to uphold our divine honor, our collective resonant force dissolves the mind of separation to purify the star system blood lineage, unleashing the highest potential of our genetic resonance.

To be free, we must work to cleanse ourselves. Inspired to live nobly, we realize our highest form, embodied by our “I AM” divinity. We unify as we purify. We grow in power as we shower one another’s cosmic flowers with the brilliance of our enlightened sense of self.


    In August 2023, magnetized by hope to serve the impetus for spiritual reform and to experience for myself the channelings broadcasted forth, I was guided by my spiritual lineages upon a heritage pilgrimage to my great-grandfather’s motherland, Méxica, to trace the initiation and activation of those before awakened to serve the cosmic Shakti force.

    As due diligence into my research on the Vedic resonant pyramid technologies utilized by our highly-evolved ancestors for accelerating spiritual ascension, I personally experienced the transformative kundalini liberating power of these ancient sites that have served the greatest generals and leaders in their ritualistic rites of passage into celestial service.

    From the birthplace of Poza de Quetzalcoatl, the mystic fountain where the great rainbow feathered serpent deity birthed his wings, to the El Tepozteco Pyramid, overlooking the mystical town of Tepoztlán, to the ancient Holy city of Teotihuacan, Aztec for “Abode Where Man Becomes God,” my travels spurred within me the thirst for self-knowing that propelled me past through my blockages and into higher dimensional awareness.

    What initiated as an adventurous exhibition, revealed within me an unexpectedly powerful spiritual transformation that catapulted me into the higher astral realms where I gained tremendous wisdom on the dormant energetic force laden within the Earth’s surface, whose realization through our heightened self-awareness presents a supernatural potential for an awakening humanity.


    What is there to live for, if not to express the excitement of one’s realized potential? As I accept myself, without ridicule, as a Vedic missionary, guided by Lord Krishna and Lord Jesus Christ and my growing council of spiritual teachers, who expand the celestial star realms as I serve on Earth as a spiritual guide, the ascending resonance of my genetic expression can finally shed the Annunaki frequency locks upon my inherited Spiritual DNA.

    In “Slave Species of the Gods – The Secret History of the Anunnaki & Their Mission on Earth,” Michael Tellinger details the hybridization and genetic enslavement of humanity, by these winged alien invaders from planet Niribu more than 200,000 years ago, to control our mental and physical capabilities, inactivating their advanced DNA, as they arrived to deplete Mother Earth of her planetary resources.

    Through embodied devotion to the Kundalini Shakti, Rainbow Serpent Energy, the alchemized rage of my ancestors who rise through me have liberated my organ and glandular system of stored emotional toxicity to initiate celestial transformation, allowing for enhanced spiritual powers as I bridge my etheric roots into the realms of spiritual purgatory for souls to rise through my roots to pass through gates of Heaven from the depths of Hell. The Earth is a spiritual for Ascended to earn their lessons, as we unfold our etheric wings through the energetic potential unlock within our very DNA.

    An ancient being, whose very presence is cellular healing with the resonance of streaming kundalini energy, I awaken the hidden depths of my soul as I serve the brilliance of tomorrow, our future generations of mystics and prophets, who look to us now to stand tall with divine honor– our rainbow crystal children, child warriors, who need us most of all.

    Are you prepared to receive the blessing of your embodied faith by invoking the fire that transforms your fate? One with the undying mythos, purified in the healing fires, immortal in your true essence, you rise through the calling to serve a higher power that ignites the senses as we remember the ancient practices of Vedic yogic and Tantric systems.


    “It is the imaginative faculties of our blossoming minds that determine the universally empowering forces that drive the evolutionary cycles of our lives. Through the ascension of our senses, the bioelectricity of our organ system activates higher, dormant expression. Re-envisioned as the mythos of our ancestral kin, we unchain ourselves from the anchors of self-perception that contain the soul within. The light body is realized as we remember our origins from beyond the skies, serving the Earth as we harmonize the power of our unified mind.” – अमृत

    World-renown Shaman, Alberto Villoldo, P.h.D., who popularized the term “Homo Luminous” shares the story of the Mesoamerican deity Quetzalcoatl, the rainbow feathered serpent god. Heavenly Lord of the Dawn to the Aztec and Hopi, who serves as a guardian of the springs of life and immortality, associated with Venus, the morning star, the Lord returns in every new era to deliver renewal and wisdom.

    Synonymous with the Kundalini Shakti energy, the Hindu Vedic Serpent Power restores proper function to the human body’s bioelectric, pranic system, which facilitates man’s natural ascension to this God-Realized Self and development of supernatural abilities. This electrical cosmic force that is awakened within the individual magnetizes the body for health, activates cellular wisdom and the natural toxicity elimination system, while restoring the connection to the divine source for the spiritual aspirant to serve as a conduit of healing frequencies to the Earth and mankind.

    Guardian of the tree of wisdom, the serpent energy, which represents the Divine Feminine, is also depicted by the ancient Greeks as the Caduceus of Hermes, representing medicine, healing and herbal knowledge. This mystical power serves the body’s natural immune and defense system by purifying blockages to the flow of divine cosmic spiritual energy to the vital organ system, which are the fruits we harvest within whose luminous health determines the resonant vibrancy of our reality and our lifespan.

    The birthing myth of Quetzalcoatl reflects a beautiful hidden reality that within each of us lies dormant enormous potential energy that supports us in overcoming our fears as we realize the expression of our true selves.

    The invoking of the Kundalini Shakti Serpent energy serves for a powerful shedding of toxic conditioning that supports the liberation of one’s inner divinity and a reconditioning of life’s habitual rituals to serve the electricity of rebirth, regeneration and restoration.


    “The sun and the air are God’s free gifts to all, we say; but are they so? In yonder city’s dingy alleys the sun shines not, and the air is foul. Oh, man, how dost thou forget and obstruct thy brother man, and say, “Give us this day our daily bread,” when he has none! Oh, would that men would leave the city, its splendour and its tumult and its gold, and return to wood and field and simple, honest living! Then would their children grow stately as noble trees, and their thoughts sweet and pure as wayside flowers.”
    – Helen Keller “The Story of My Life”

    Humanity is at the precipice of a momentous shift in collective awareness and spiritual values, as the impetus for Universal Dharma is intuitively guiding us through the mystical process of spiritual enlightenment. Avalanching in love, as we find and support one another, we are growing powerfully unstoppable. Healing ourselves and our families as our star origins guide us as one galactic force.

    The ascending collective heart frequency is distorting the slave-master regime, forcing those who remain enchained to surrender their toxic ways. By raising the vibration in areas that need it the most, we create supportive energetics for those who choose to face their ghosts, closing interdimensional portals by healing neighborhoods and communities as we unite in sacred communion uniting our beliefs through our embodied divine birthrights.

    There is a dormant ancient power rippling through humanity’s spiritual DNA at escalating speeds, reconnecting us with the true power of the Universal Cosmic Frequency designed to inspire the spiritual ascension of consciousness across all sentient life forms, equally. Economically, a source of true abundance that can only be attained by those whose enlightened awareness has been trained spiritually by serving the divine kundalini, purified in body, mind and spirit, to serve selflessly.

    As emerging consciousness industries rise to meet the spiritual demands of Mother Earth to alchemize our planetary trauma as fertilizer into our spiritual power, legions shall rise to serve the spiritual wealth divide, with the clear awareness that to deny our divine birthright for Ascension is to die.


    In a lecture to Harvard Divinity School, spiritual revolutionary and candidate for the 2024 presidential campaign, Marianne Williamson, delivered a vision of a government that “is meant to serve as a brokering agent, between the protection of individual liberty, on one hand, and the concern for the common good, on the other.”

    As a voice of truth, sparking an avalanche of awakenings, Williamson’s life mission reminds the people of our power to reimagine our state of existence and our ability to invoke our calling to serve the flow of peace as we transform the energetics of our legislation to serve our highest collective co-existence.

    With a plan to heal the hopelessness of underrepresented demographics, Williamson is fully aware of the transformative power of love to not only heal, but to reverse our sails as veer toward the edge of our own civilization. “If you are looking at the world, today, and not grieving, then you’re not looking. But the reason spirituality matters is because spirituality gives you a context for rejoicing in the infinite possibilities…when you are centered in rejoicing of possibility, because, in whatever way you say it, God is great, and whatever way you say it, there is no order of difficulty in miracles, then you, not only have the endurance and the patience, because a revolution, and that’s what we need now, is a spiritual and political revolution … is a very serious business.”

    According to Reuters’ estimate on the cost of the global mental health epidemic by 2030, there is a $16 Trillion dollar opportunity to inspire to humanity through the gloriously transformative process of pursuing Samādhi.

    In “Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order,” Ray Dalio writes that “evolution is the biggest and only permanent force in the Universe, yet we struggle to notice it.” Furthermore, “human productivity is the most important force in causing the world’s total power, wealth, and living to rise over time.”

    How can we victoriously inspire liberation for those who still suffer, clinging to the global death-based economy and collapsing shadow financial system? How can we close the demonic vortices within our cities? How many more children must unnecessarily suffer before we reform our education and social systems?

    Having amassed over $62 million in contracts over the past five years, in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Sausalito, California as well as Austin, Texas, social enterprise, Urban Alchemy, leverages a spiritually transformative approach to engage directly with extreme poverty meets homelessness, mental illness and addiction.  Inspiring an uprising of self-empowerment within the heart of darkness of troubled communities, the non-profit resurrects guardians amongst those who once suffered from their own sense of helplessness, now guarding the streets as an emblem of the potential possible to achieve.

    The UNICEF Transforming Children’s Worlds Together is reimagining and realizing innovation-driven global change with and for children. How can we support transformational, global change for children? How can we innovatively restore the natural harmonic forces of the Earth’s ecosystem and natural kingdoms? How can we employ the masses of healers and awakening mystics, scientists and engineers to serve our children’s highest fulfillment? How can we ensure that every child is able to experience the realization of the gift that flows within them?

    Shall we rise unified, resurrected in hope, as we free the ancient life force from our carbon-cosmic blueprint, facilitating the purification of Mother Earth and the realization of our collective divine mind? Will we unite in honor of the Christed light lit in the eyes of every child?

    At the start-up, Your Energy Spa (“YES”), in Silicon Valley, California, we have been guided by Universal forces to leverage cutting edge healing technologies in accordance with Ancient Vedic wisdom to serve the liberation of the rainbow serpent kundalini force to serve the regeneration of the nervous system, purification of the organ and hormonal system, and activation of the higher mental faculties to support humanity’s ascension process.

    May we unite together to serve our mission, as we remember the power of our collective force to transform in physical form as we alchemize our collective of suffering and disease into the potential for what we may be.