“The ultimate nature of the mind is pure, clear and unobstructed like the sky. It is not something that can be grasped or obtained, but rather it is the very essence of one’s being. Recognizing this essence and remaining in this natural state is the ultimate goal of Dzogchen practice.” – Patrul Rinpoche, Words of My Perfect Teacher

In the ancient world, there were two types of societies, those who sacrificed the innocent and helpless to please false deities, while using tactics of fear to paralyze the people from standing true to their innate heart’s wisdom. Then there are those who were inspired to unite in mind, body and soul to realize their divinity through an open-system heart grid of collective peace, leaving artifacts upon Mother Earth to support us in empowering our societies.

There is only one true value, one cosmic currency, within the universe, and that is divine life force, the fire that fuels our hearts to experience life to its fullest. As we awaken to who we truly are, and the purpose of our existence within this magical universe, it will be through the alchemy of our pain that are united upon our path of cosmic rebirthing, for as the unified heart awakens, humanity remembers our calling.



At the age of two, I was ripped from my mother’s arms. When social services, along with armed police guards, stormed into our home, without notice, demanding to take me into protective care. My mother removed her clothing and locked herself in the shower with me, as an attempt to shield me from the intruders.

Nonetheless, in what was the beginning of a terrifyingly confusing, and emotionally scaring, year-long period of my life. A toddler shuffled home-to-home, in a system of false care, abused by strangers, while a costly custody battle ensued, further dividing my family creating a rift that within our hearts that still calls to be healed. This would not be the last time the doors were kicked down by false authorities, and the pain would continue on, creating a foundation upon which our lives would be framed, until it all came crashing down for the truth to rise from within.

Without proper insights into the beauty of pain, the holy power of forgiveness and compassion, and the truth of our united potential, a sense of unworthiness, unwantedness, and desolation would encapsulate my heart and taint my emotional biological lens of reality, causing severe anxiety, loneliness, depression and disconnectedness from the very nourishing essence of life.

We all have a heart-destiny to realize that becomes activated by the universal cycles of the cosmos. Within us all lies a powerful mission to rectify the past and uphold the honor of life that is realized from within the core of our DNA, as the resonance of our embodied truth decodes the secrets within our flesh, so that we may finally witness the truth in her almighty beauty.

As one approaches the realization of their dharma, the spiritual heart initiates its process of purification and liberation. After four years of studying and training as a esoteric and quantum healer, working with Shamans from around the world, I have finally released the rage from my body, the paranoia fears that has derailed my pursuit of happiness, and found forgiveness for all those who have intentionally taken a part in my pain. I know longer ask, “Why Me?”

The teachings of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection, is to attain and perfect the realization of the true nature of the mind. According to the practice, the fundamental nature of the cosmos is realized through our pristine awareness, and ability to fully flow in harmony with the natural order of the divine universal harmonic symphony, without effort or distraction, through which we realize  our natural state whereby we experience our natural essence.

Tibetan Buddhist teachings describe this self-attained inner ascension to higher dimensional realities as the Rainbow Body, while the Hindu Vedas honor the divine source magnetism that purifies the flesh to crystalize the realized god-state, as the Kundalini Shakti – the ever-expanding cosmic life force, the Divine Feminine.

This self-realization process inspires a natural psychological, physical and spiritual transformation that energetically ripples through the collective consciousness of a species – a shift from within that can potentially evolve a civilization into one emotionally linked, energetic ecosystem of ascending golden intelligence. As the Rainbow Warriors rise from generations of pain, rebirthed like the undying Phoenix, risen as was Lazarus, how will our awareness of our spiritual path inspire communities to unite in alignment with a core, common mission to awaken our resonant cosmic heart force?


Our indigenous ancestors realized the harmonic resonant power of unification within communities to serve a higher, spiritual heart-based function. When spiritual ascension and the collective quality of life drives our unified intention, our evolving consciousness naturally unfolds to the power of our awakened heart. Known, in Sanskrit, as the bodhicitta, meaning the “mind of enlightenment,” it is through the purification of the stored emotional trauma within our bodies that the heart grows in power, and the truth within blossoms through our ascending intelligence.

Heralded by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, Lake Titicaca, is a million-year-old lake, one of less than 20 ancient lakes on the planet, and is also one of the highest, resting 3,810 meters above sea level within the Andean mountain range between Peru and Bolivia.

Reveled as Mother Earth’s sacral chakra, a fertile womb of cosmic planetary energies, this ancient goddess served as a birthing channel for powerful living cosmic energies that cultivated ancient Andean civilizations. A highly charged living body of water, at the base of this multi-dimensional crystalline basin course two of the Earth’s life force ley lines that cross her surface like the two harmonizing serpent currents of the caduceus, representing the feminine (dragon serpent) and masculine (rainbow serpent) energies. These cosmic healing energies, also present in our bodies, run across the Earth’s kundalini, connecting ancient and sacred sites and interdimensional portals across the planet.

Mythicized by the Incas as the womb of Mother Earth, in those revelatory times, these divinely charged waters were marveled as a cosmic portal through which the god Viracocha emerged to create the Universe, inspiring highly spiritually attuned civilizations whose ruins now gift us clues to realizing our highest spiritual resonance and genetic activation.


Just southeast of this sacred lake stand the ruins of, yet, another UNESCO World Heritage Site, Puma Punku, meaning Gate of the Puma. Just as the purr of felines is known to heal bones, by unlocking the cellular potential heal, this ancient Atlantean psycho-acoustic megalithic temple, estimated to have been built nearly 14,000 years ago, mastered resonant frequencies to serve as a portal to ascended states of collective existence, and potentially a star gate.

According to a 2020 report by Alexandar Putney at, “Conclusive findings reveal monumental buildings that once stood at the site were designed and built to effectively synchronize the brainwaves and biorhythms of all practitioners simultaneously, by focusing intense electro-acoustic vibrations into the body and the head of each participant. Psycho-acoustic resonance was achieved by focusing standing waves in a series of special resonator cavities inset into thick temple walls, constructed from Atlantean firestone; called ‘analopala’ in the Paleo-Sanskrit language.”

Putney continues, “An advanced natural state of hyper-consciousness, exposure to deep, rumbling infrasound waves induces genetic purification by acousto-electric induction within the resonating temple walls. Called Samadhi, a word formed by a pair of Paleo-Sanskrit hieroglyphs meaning ‘Universal delivering,’ this state was the goal of all adepts and all practitioners of ancient temple traditions worldwide, for achieving all other aims in life.”


All life is a seed of potential, designed to bridge a universal intention to realize higher dimensional order of existence through which a higher potential for energy is created. In realization of this potential state of collective harmonic fluidity, nirvana, the creative fire of consciousness flows through the cerebral spinal cord to transform the genetic expression of life – spiritual evolution through resonant DNA activation.

Through the purification of the organ system, in realizing the natural order and essence of life, the mind is dissolved from the snares of judgement, greed, fear, grief and worry through unity with the light of consciousness, allowing for mental emancipation and access to higher mental faculties. Our innate superpowers are activated as we pierce through the matrix of limitation and disempowerment.

In the book, “The Body Doesn’t Lie, Unlock the Power of Your Natural Energy,” Dr. John Diamond, M.D., describes the direct relationship between the Heart Chakra, known as ‘anahata’ in Sanskrit meaning ‘sound produced without touching two parts, similarly ‘anahata nad’ refers to the Hindu Vedic concept of the unstruck sound – the cord of the celestial realms, the cosmic AUM.

Located the heart organ, the thymus gland produces thymosin to mature and produce T cells, immune cells, that ward off infections, prevent autoimmune disorders and fight cancer. Furthermore, Dr. Diamond illustrates the thymus gland as an energetic fire of devotion, a transducer of the Chi in the atmosphere into electromagnetic energy which is the Chi that then flows through the body’s bio-electrical energetic nadi, or meriden, system. Related directly to our individual spiritual mission, and the heart’s electrical vibratory field, the thymus gland ensures strength, health and vitality of the body system.

The transformative power of the heart is witnessed through the unconditional love of a mother. During the birthing and breastfeeding of her divine progeny, human mothers generate the neuropeptide hormone, oxytocin, a mediator of anti-stress, well-being, growth, healing, social cognition and behavior, including key stabilizing feelings of trust, safety and faith. Secreted into the bloodstream by the posterior pineal gland through a self-stimulating, positive-feedback system, oxytocin is also known as the “love drug,” as it allows us to create powerful heart coherent bonds that deliver us beyond our perceived limitations.

In the paper, titled “Resonant Heart,” Heart Math Institute executive, Rollin McCraty shares in-depth research illustrating that the heart is a sensory organ with an operating brain capable of learning, remembering and making functional decisions independently of the brain’s cerebral cortex. Additionally, the nervous center attunes and responds to the electromagnetic heart resonance of others, establishing a capacity for exchange of spiritual, emotional information that heightens awareness, increases empathy and sensitivity to others. It is also possible to intentionally enhance this energetic flow of pure heart flow, as witnessed by the Ancient Andean cultures, to support a catalyst for evolution that cascades across the collective DNA of a species.

The HeartMath Institute’s Global Coherence Monitoring System conducts research on how the mechanisms of the Earth’s various fields affect human physiological, mental and emotional processes, health and collective behavior. When the earth’s magnetic field environment is disturbed, it can cause sleep disturbance, mental confusion, unusual lack of energy or a feeling of being on edge or overwhelmed for no apparent reason.


In support of the collective purification and unification of humanity’s awakened heart field, or crystalline Krisna-Christ consciousness grid, how can science support our realization of the underlying essence of life and leverage this wisdom for improvements across communities, economies, medical and educational systems as well as social reform, protection and education of our precious children, our Rainbow Warriors.

The SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute in Silicon Valley is a non-profit research organization that serves a mission to lead humanity’s quest to understand the origins and prevalence of life and intelligence in the Universe. SETI’s research further seeks to determine the underlying interconnectedness of all-natural phenomenon, understanding that real insights occur at the intersection of disciplines.

With more than 100 research scientists investigating the nature of the Universe and 500 students embarking upon their passion to serve a global community connected to SETI’s research by exercising innate curiosity, SETI holds a vision to inform, educate and inspire humanity through the exploration and discovery of the Universe, uniting humanity in realization of our absolute beauty.

By understanding the underlying golden harmonics and pristine mechanisms that serve as the fundamental premise of life on our own majestic Mother Earth, as well the outer expanse of the Universe, our growing universal self-awareness allows us to surrender our inner resistance and pain, as well as limiting belief systems. By embody our highest genetic expression, as our thoughts transform our actions and behaviors to evolve our perceptions, we ascend the Earth’s planetary field, as beacon of hope to the Universe, that we have awakened.

Our genetic expression determines more than just physical features. Genes also influence the development and functions of the brain, and ultimately control how we move, think, feel, behave and, potentially, abilities currently beyond our conscious comprehension. Activating genetic expression, illuminating the mind to its fullest potential, has been humanity’s pursuit since the beginning of time.

The ancient practice of Samadhi, which entails uniting the mind fully with its object of perception so that the mind disappears and merges into pure consciousness and bliss, is the highest aspect of Vedic yogic practice as complete meditative absorption that takes us beyond body and mind. To become one with the Universe is to know it completely, from within oneself, through attunement with the divine.

This collective endeavor – to realize the creator-blueprint within – has inspired and empowered ancient civilizations to construct complexly intelligent megalithic structures that intentionally leveraged natural, spiritual energies and stellar vortices to expand consciousness and liberate the evolution expansion process.

Will our pursuit of peace reveal the mystery of activating the remaining 98.5 percent of the human genetic expression? With organizations such as SETI and HeartMath determined to reveal the magnificence of the Universal Natural Kingdoms, how can we begin to implement research and insights into our innate natural essence to enhance the collective quality of life.

As we prepare energetically for the revelation within that is causing immense emotional and mental global strife, estimated by Reuters to cost the world $16 trillion by 2030, it will be the biomagnetism of truth, and Universal Law of One that unites our collective heart force as we are activating by the cosmic waves of the ascending Sun.