Teach Us How to Love

Teach Us How to Love

teach us how to love

"May the tree of our lives be rooted in the soil of love, may good deeds be the leaves, kind words be the flowers, and peace be the fruit. May the world flourish as one family, united in love. May we thus be able to create a world in which peace and contentment prevail. This is Amma’s sincere prayer.”
- Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

What does it take to truly transform the world? To inspire the uniting of nations in a vision that fuels the awakening of our unified service? Where do we turn when in search of the keys to restore our spiritual power as the ancient Earth awakens us to our higher selves? What lessons can be learnt from the many realized saints whose bare feet and purified intentions have magnetized this planet with the spiritual wisdom that is now being remembered across her many roots?

We live in a complex world. The United Nations cannot succeed alone. Partnership must continue to be at the heart of our strategy. We should have the humility to acknowledge the essential role of other actors, while maintaining full awareness of our unique convening power.

It is time to reconstruct relations between people and leaders – national and international. Time for leaders to listen and show that they care, about their own people and about the global stability and solidarity on which we all depend.

it is time for the United Nations to do the same: to recognize its shortcomings, and to reform the way it works. This Organization is the cornerstone of multilateralism, and has contributed to decades of relative peace. But the challenges are now surpassing our ability to respond. The UN must be ready to change.

– Antonio Guterrez, Secretary General of the United Nations

THIS MONTH, WE deliver inspiration from three exceptional leaders with an immense global impact who all share one common golden hearted love for the ancient wisdom that emanates from the dna of mother india to support you as you thrive in service of the new world order.


“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers…because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
Steve Jobs

With 53 temples for every 100,000 people, India is often revered as the spiritual capital of the world, renowned as a source of rich and diverse spiritual teachings and traditions that have spread across Mother Earth’s many continents, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.

From Swami Vivekananda to Srila Prabhupada, Ram Krishna Param Hansa and Maharishi Maheshi Yogi to Osho, Paramahansa Yogananda, Deepak Chopra and countless others, India has seeded the incarnation of profoundly compassionate and driven guardians of the spiritual realms who have redefined the Western perception of self, health, purpose and sacred communion; all aspects of self-expression that amount to Bhakti, our overflowing love for our Divine Mother creator.

A land whose spirituality and mysticism has inspired countless social innovators, artists and activists, India has rooted, in her spiritual practices, rituals that instill, from a young age, a connection to one’s soul divinity. India’s ancient Vedic yogic teachings are now being globally embodied, exponentially rapidly, as a cure for many of humanity’s social ailments and diseases, by those consciously guiding Humanity through our Ascension – our transformational alignment with the cosmic flow that restores our original state of existence.

Hence, the mantras, devotional hymns in ancient Sanskrit that contain the vibration of profound wisdom, were taught to children as Vedic initiates, prior to the detailed explanation of their meaning, so that the students could properly sense the radiance of the Absolute Truth, released from within their own inner sun, our cosmic light of awareness, to clear the path for the initiate to truly perceive through their senses their teacher’s divine light transmission. Without a full sense of Truth, all we receive is a shade of our full spectrum reflection.

Chapter IV, Verse 20, of the ancient Hindu scripture, Bhagavad Gita, “The Song of God”, translates: “Relinquishing attachment to the fruits of work, always contented, independent of material rewards, the wise do not perform any binding action even in the midst of activities”.

It is believed that when billionaire inventor Steve Jobs stated: “I was worth over $1,000,000 when I was 23, and over $10,000,000 when I was 24, and over $100,000,000 when I was 25, and it wasn’t that important because I never did it for the money,” he was directly inspired by this verse of Lord Krishna’s teachings.

By living consciously attuned to our spiritual heart’s ever ascending eternal mission that evolves our very biological perception of life’s creation, we can discern from behaviors and actions that have bound our ancestors in purgatory.

Through alignment with the cosmic source that births our soul, the inner fire of the blessed Kundalini Shakti burns the DNA-embedded karmic soul chains from generations of demonic contracts, allowing us to transcend beyond the subconscious programs and behaviors that drain us of our cosmic chakra energy, and rob us of the true sight necessary to receive the guiding light that permeates through all life.

Jobs, who left Reed College after one semester to save his parents the onus of a poor investment in an inadequate education, entrusted to the promise of his future to his blossoming sense of self as he backpacked to ashrams throughout India for seven months in 1973 for the most influential education of his life.

After seven months of enduring the necessary life tribulations and revelations to initiate his own profound realizations, he returned to California with a shaved head, in traditional Indian dress and passion for Zen Buddhism. Upon his return, in 1974, Steve Jobs announced that “there is no one that embodies better what I want to become, other than Gandhi, he changed the world.”

In 1985, when Steve Jobs was ousted from the board of Apple, as a pillar of strength in his most turbulent times, he changed his style of glasses to circular Gandhian glasses. Reinvigorated with purpose, he began master architecting what would evolve as an industry-disrupting force, Pixar, the animation studio which brought CGI to life, forever evolving the storytelling experience – how we communicate life’s most important lessons to our future generation of leaders.

Upon his return to Apple in 1997, Jobs advertising campaign “Think different,” which ran for five years, bolstered the Apple brand and reestablished the “counter-culture” aura of its earlier days, setting the stage for the immensely successful iMac all-in-one personal computer.

When asked by Time Magazine about his choice for the Person of the Century in 1999, Jobs, who kept a picture of India’s revered Mahatma in his wallet, replied, “Gandhi is my choice for the Person of the Century because he showed us the way out of the destructive side of our human nature. Gandhi demonstrated that we can force change and justice through moral acts of aggression instead of physical acts of aggression. Never has our species needed this wisdom more.”

Suffering under the heavy stress of an early budding Facebook, when Mark Zuckerberg asked for Job’s counsel, he advised the young executive to visit the same ashram he had first encountered in Uttarakand – the temple of world renown yogi, mystic and saint, Maharaji-ji. In 2008, Zuckerberg visited for one month to gain clearer purpose and stronger conviction in his company, establishing a vision that clearly succeeded in bridging people divided across nations. 

Aware of his looming death, Jobs meticulously planned his own funeral. At his 2011 memorial service, hundreds of influential leaders in business, politics and popular culture received a spiritual introduction to the Kriya Yoga teachings held within Hindu, yogi, saint Paramahansa Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi,” the only book remaining on Job’s iPad the last few months of his life. 

In a TechCrunch Disrupt interview, billionaire CEO of Salesforce.com, Marc Benioff remarked upon his emotions whereby receiving the mysterious, small brown box at his mentor’s memorial: “This is going to be good… I knew that this was a decision he made, and whatever it was, it was the last thing he wanted us ALL to THINK about.”

Job’s living vision was to inspire his brethren into liberation, to ignite a mission as was revealed within his heart through the Vedic resonance of Mother India.


In his first TV interview with Fox Movietone News reporter, when asked: “If England does not grant your demands are you prepared to return to jail again?” With a welcoming smile, Mahatma Gandhi replied: “I am always prepared to return to jail.” When this question was furthered with: “Would you be prepared to die in the cause of India’s Independence?” Smiling and laughing, Mahatma sensically corrected his interrogator, with: “This is a bad question.”

At the time of Mahatma’s birth, the Spiritual Kingdom of Mother India was preparing to heal from the traumatizing experience of her British colonization: poverty, malnutrition, disease, cultural upheaval, economic exploitation, political disadvantage, and systematic programs – all aimed at creating a sense of social unworthiness and racial inferiority amongst her people.

Under its colonization of India’s profoundly mystical race, the British introduced the Macauly system of education in India to groom Indians with western knowledge and override her rich history with western ideals.

The Macaulay’s system mandated the immediate stopping of the printing by the East India Company of all Arabic and Sanskrit books, and discontinued all support of traditional cultural education beyond the Sanskrit College at Benares and the Mahometan College at Delhi, which were deemed inadequate to maintain traditional, civilized learning.

On October 2, 1869, with the birth of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the youngest of three, from his father’s fourth wife, the first of whom capable of baring his seeds, Mother India’s celestial plea for redemption was answered.

Incarnated into an elite family, young Mahatma was initially molded into his father’s image, a lawyer and an important government official. Arranged into marriage, at age 13, Mahatma was encouraged to earn his law degree at the Inner Temple of London. 

After a two-year attempt at his own legal practice in India, a disheartened Mahatma returned home to be called to South Africa, where he personally experienced the humiliating discrimination policies against the dark-skinned Indians who had been imported as laborers. Mahatma soon became an outspoken critic against the ruling Boers, who, of European descent, saw themselves as racially superior, as God had established a hierarchy of being, in which white Christians were superior to people of indigenous races.

In 1907, when Boer legislature mandated all Indians register with the police and be fingerprinted, Mahatma, along with many other Indians, refused to obey this law. He was imprisoned, for the first of many times, for disobeying what he believed to be unjust laws. Inspired, while imprisoned, by Henry David Thoreau’s essay on “Civil Disobedience,” Mahatma adopted this term to describe his strategy of non-violently refusing to cooperate with injustice, though he preferred the Sanskrit word Satyagraha, meaning devotion to Absolute Truth. 

Following his release from jail, he continued to protest the registration law by supporting labor strikes and organizing a massive non-violent march. Finally, the Boer government agreed to a compromise that ended the most objectionable parts of the registration law. Mahatma’s twenty years fighting for human rights in South Africa prepared him for his life’s work in India. As he left South Africa in 1914, the leader of the Boer government remarked, “the saint has left our shores, I sincerely hope forever.”

Mahatma returned to India, a hero in his native land, having abandoned his western clothing for the simple homespun dress of the poor. His homecoming was a proclamation to India to assert their independence from British domination. He preached sovereignty to the Indian masses, encouraging them reclaim their sense of self, Bhakti, by spinning and weaving in lieu of buying British cloth, not only to reclaim the country’s economy but to also invoke the art of living. 

In 1930, in his most spectacular act of civil disobedience, Mahatma led thousands of Indians upon a 240-mile protest to the Arabian sea where he picked a pinch of salt. His righteous invocation of humanity’s divine right to our elemental resources sparked a mass movement among the people all over the country to source their own salt, a direct defiance of British authority which forced the Indian economy upon the government monopoly.

To resurrect Mother India, Mahatma compelled equality amongst her divided people, directly calling out the evils that undermined peace. The second evil was Hindu-Muslim disunity caused by years of religious hatred. The last evil was the Hindu tradition of classifying millions of Indians as a caste of “untouchables,” India’s lowest social class, who faced severe discrimination and could only practice the lowest occupations.  

Though a frail man, his iron will and immaculate vision raised awareness of all hypocrisy, malpractices, and dogma in all religions to provide a blueprint of inspiration for future social movements around the world. Nonetheless, his alignment to truth manifested the demons amongst the very people he yearned to lead into their salvation, against their own acts of self-defilement.  

Mahatma’s last months were shadowed by communal strife between Hindus and Muslims. As he walked barefoot through the scorched villages in East Bengal, locals threw shattered glass upon his path. Gandhi pleaded for amicable settlement between India and Pakistan, but on January 30, 1948, he was assassinated in Delhi on his way to an evening prayer. A young Hindu Brahmin, named Nathuram Godse, who viewed Gandhi’s acceptance of partition as a betrayal of the Hindu population, fired three shots, point-blank into Mahatma’s chest, the bullet holes resembling a garland of love for his great works upon his beloved Mother Earth.

Mahatma’s dying words were reported to be “Ram, Ram” meaning “God, God.” Sixty-three years later, the last words of Steve Jobs echoed his lifetime spiritual guide: “Oh wow, oh wow.”

paving the way for peace

It may be possible to gild pure gold, but who can make his mother more beautiful?
Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Upon our time to rise, our greatest work will be to release the dark hold upon our minds, for our greatest wealth is the evolved sense for our true spiritual self, attained through the deeds embodied to redeem our souls of our own backward-twisted lives.

Born September 27, 1953, as Sudhamani, “ambrosial jewel,” now honored globally as Amritanandamayi Devi, the hugging saint, has demonstrated the power of conviction in self, Mahatma’s Satyagraha, to fully embody a divine resonant force that invokes within those forgotten a mission to serve the collective heart’s calling.

Incarnated into a poor fishing village in Kerala, Southern Indian. The self-realized spiritual master could walk and talk by six months, and at age three was composing beautiful, extraordinarily profound hymns to her beloved Krishna, whom only she could perceive.

While others felt the gift of her presence, her own family met her divine moods, including frequent meditative states, singing and ecstatic dancing beside the sea, with immense shame and disdain.

As a child, her immense empathy for the suffering guided her in transforming the intense pain, starvation and cruelty inflicted upon those in need through her own spiritual alchemy, witnessed through her divinely embodied states of ecstasy.

Her rebellious acts against the irrational customs of the locals, such as consoling the poor with what little they had, refusing an arrange marriage, and living along in a small temple built upon the family’s property, delivered so much shame upon her family, that her own relatives attempted to poison and even maim her. Nonetheless, through divine intervention, all pursuits to limit her spiritual progress were halted, and soon, through the spread of word, a pilgrimage of devotees began to acclimate around her. Gradually, her own family began to accept that just maybe, their daughter was worth something more.

By 1981, Mata Amritanandamayi Math was officially registered as an ashram, slowly gaining attention from seekers around the world. By 1987, at the age of 34, Amma, the name given to her by her followers, meaning “Mother,”, answered an invitation to begin her first world tour, holding programs in Singapore, the United States and Europe.

In 1989, when Amma received enough money to build her first temple, putting the needs of others before her own, she redirected the funds to build an orphanage for 500 displaced children, and hence launched her first Humanitarian program, Embracing the World, which now spans over 48 countries, run by volunteers, with special consultative status to the UN. 

In October 2002, Amma was presented, by Jane Goodall, the Gandhi-King Award for Non-violence at the UN Geneva. Amma holds the first-ever UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment. In October 2022, the Government of India appointment Amma as the Chair of India’s Civil 20, an official engagement group of the Group of 20 – the premier intergovernmental forum for the world’s developed and emerging economies to address financial stability on a global basis.

Amma’s spiritual gift, darshan, which she delivers to her devotees, is her fully accepting hug, which, when experienced by those prepared, is felt as a clearing of the karmic debris from their auric field.

Amma free public programs are held throughout India, Africa, Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan as well as Malaysia, the Middle East, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South America and the United States. To-date, 40 million souls have received the grace of her healing embrace.

In a country, where women’s equality continues to be of the greatest challenge, as the founder of internationally acclaimed, humanitarian-focused Amrita Hospitals and Amrita University. Amma’s superntural demonstration of the divine potential laden, unraveled, coiled within us all, is of profound inspiration of what we each can acheive, as she spreads her light as far as her vision can reach.

Amma’s ashram, Amritapuri, built upon her small shack in Kerala, is now the international spiritual headquarters for her life’s mission. Housing her 3,500 and growing monastic disciples, Amritapuri towers over the seashore where she begged her Lord Krishna for guidance, after nearly drowning herself in despair over the blind lack of acceptance and compassion of her very own people.

From its humanitarian donations by awakened cosmic citizens across the planet, Embracing The World has invested over $1.68B in worldwide charitable activities to fund 162 projects across 48 countries, executed by her 17,000 volunteers spanning all ages and backgrounds, indiscriminately benefitting all those in need.


How powerful is a living embodiment of the divine mother? How powerful can you be, as you deliver your true self into a world that is preparing for peace.

As we seek guidance to our daily existence, strength to maintain conviction upon our path, the masters and innovators before us, demonstrate the power revealed as we welcome death, as our greatest gift in realizing our selves.

For within of us lies the power to serve the kingdom that manifests itself through our surrender to the fire that fuels that universal dream of cosmic peace and harmony.

What is wealth, without the guiding sight of those born to lead us into the light? How will you be, as each step you take, becomes one of true belief, honoring the women who have delivered man into being?


Transforming Hopelessness into Truth and Inspiration

Transforming Hopelessness into Truth and Inspiration



There is no greater beauty, then a woman who is true to her celestial duty. It is through the very sight of an awakened one that we remember who we are and why to this Earth we have choosen to come. The pursuit of happiness is not an easy endeavor, for it will call upon us to surrender all that has kept us asunder. - अमृत

What tools are there to unleash our fire? What lessons can be learned from past survivors? How do we reclaim our power as we overcome the struggles of changing our old ways? How do we invoke the spirit within to most gloriously dissolve the chains that keep our heart’s power at bay?

The Inner Evolution, that is the Love Revolution, is radiating out from within our vital organs, as we heal from the demons that have blinded us, evolving our collective perception to behold our cosmic potential.

As artist are risen in service of a greater vision, as messengers awaken to the calling, and Guardians stand tall to uplift the fallen, the ever-blossoming radiance of our collective purpose shall serve as the magnetizing field that illumines a path from within our very own hearts’ focus. In the year of the Dragon, as we reclaim our Divine Birthright, we shall evolve in how we express ourselves and welcome one another. As leaders of New Earth, we must turn towards inwards for hope as our medicine for spiritual rebirth.

“People have had enough of this half-heartedness, of this short-sightedness. People are demanding more. Perhaps, for the first time in our lifetime, the pandemic has had the effect of making all people around the world feel vulnerable at the same time, creating a strong sense of inter-connectedness. They are demanding leadership that rises to this challenge.”

– Antonio Guterrez, Secretary General of the United Nations

THIS MONTH, WE INVESTIGATE THE power of emotional alchemy, particularly by artists, to transform the consciousness of society, and how the planetary kundalini shakti energy is forcing us to remember our calling to serve a higher mission that shall unite us in restoring our ancient cosmic memories.


In August 2023, in sacred commune with my spiritual teacher, Aelita Leto, a burden of worry was released from her chest, as she pierced into my soul and expressed: “These fires in Lahaini are unbearable: the destruction, the rampage, the disempowerment… What can we do to protect the Earth and help those lost of their worth?” Immediately, I thought of the Ancient Earth Elemental Spirits, who have remained dormant with humanity’s devolved consciousness, and I responded: “We must inspire the people to accept their ancient power – to embody their roles, as returned souls.”

Leto examined my astrological chart, upon this age, I was to rise into my role as a general. As we reviewed the Seven Deadly Po, the demons of my lineages, I could clearly see all that had led me to this moment, as through the eyes of my teacher, a much grandeur view into my prophetic destiny of service was now granted.

Many are clearly aware of the overwhelming sense of oppression spreading as the citizens of Earth’s developed nations have lost faith in their civilized government officials, in their medical institutions and educational prisons.

As a collective species, we are healing from the colonial indoctrination practices of our greed-driven ancestors, and there is no doubt, that as the veil of separation dissolves, the healed pain of our interconnected hearts shall propel us into the light of our becoming, our Solar Heart Ascension.

Triggered and herded into toxic behaviors that incite disease and chaos amongst humanity. The tribes of man have grown wiser, and now seek the wisdom of our ancestors to serve our souls’ highest development.



“Every ghetto, every city, and suburban place I’ve been, make me recall my days in a New Jerusalem.”
– Lauryn Hill

Through music and prose, artists awaken souls to a truth hidden, yet, so powerfully enlightening, that though it may not be seen fully, it inspires an opening of the senses to that which is pure and holy – the Absolute Truth that is our sacred divinity birthing.

Every child is endowed with a deep sense of soul. The greater the suffering of our origins, the more powerful is the organic will to transform our environment, to emotionally alchemize our cultural darkness into the light that sources our unified becoming. To never answer the call, is to wither away in a sense of undeservedness.

Whether through music, art, yoga or the martial arts, as children, we are magnetically drawn to, and attract, through our love embodied, the opportunities to ignite the world with our realized soul purpose. When we develop our spiritual senses, we evolve, naturally, as opportunities appear magically. Through our conviction in self, our projected shame is transformed into realized fame

Yet so for many, we grow blinded of this power. Our gifts are abused or abandoned. We are taught that our success requires a never-ending sense of superiority and competition, whereby our accumulated material attachment and developed bigotries gradually rob us of our sense of connection to the infinite, hardening our hearts, and severing our connection to our Inner Power. We become deranged, once again, by the cultural poisoning that skews our higher sense of discernment.

Many are led to believe that authorities hold sovereignty, that the misled are capable of solving our own growing pains. As our sense of emptiness grows heavier, by our own disempowering transgressions, we soon realize that we must take back control of how we allow our lives to flow. To illuminate our eyes, we must sense through the darkness of our souls.

The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill was launched at the turn of the century, as the collective sense was rumbling with anticipation for an evolution in female empowerment. A profound statement of independence by the young 22-year-old artist, who was seeding the ascending legacy of spiritual music legend, Bob Marley, the transfiguration of Lauryn Hill continues to inspire millions.

“Every time I got hurt, every time I was disappointed, every time I learned, I just wrote a song.” She channeled her emotions into a divinely inspired invocation for justice and liberation, whereby mastering a conceptual confluence of the three most powerful musical ideas in all of African-American expression: hip hop, Motown-era soul and reggae

Pouring her love into the world, she birthed herself a divine goddess. In 1998 and ’99, sources say, Hill grossed $40 million from royalties, advances, touring, merchandising and other revenues, and earned international superstar status which soon beckoned her onto Hollywood’s A list and invitations to roles in future blockbusters.

A mother now, deep down, she knew the power of her image, and refused to allow herself to be used as a source for manipulation upon rising female generations. At the cost of filling the world with distractions and false ideals, that would lead young women further down, Lauryn Hill refused the potential for material wealth to redeem her sense of self.

At the core of all heart’s pain, lies a misperception of what we have to gain. For those who truly shine fully, are yet to be seen by eyes pointed downwardly. Overcoming the tendency to behave for attention requires a powerful conviction in the power of our highest expression, even at the cost of disappointing the unfocused wills of the masses. Through alignment with the rapturous will of the cosmos, we rise, unpuppeted by commercialized eyes

Last November, in Los Angeles on her tour celebrating the 25th anniversary of her debut album, Hill addressed her constant lateness proclaiming: “Yo, y’all lucky I make it on this blood ras stage every night. I don’t do it because they let me do it. I do it because I stand here in the name of God and I do it. God is the one who allows me to do it, who surrounded me with family and community when there was no support.”

As empaths and artists, we absorb the pain of the world, and without a deep sense of conviction in self, the weight of the spotlight, and the pressure of our mission can be so overbearing that it collapses our nervous systems

We thrive as we give ourselves permission to build our lives inspired to burn what’s been buried inside, demanding the respect to express ourselves, as we alchemize into art that which inspires the emancipation of countless minds.


“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
– Romans 12:2 NIV

Angels incarnated, it is the mission of artists to soften our perception of the overwhelming darkness, so that fear no longer depletes our will, but rather the fire of compassion sparks our ancestral memory to invoke the Universal power from which our spiritual gifts of service manifest, naturally.

With each thought that we generate blame, we surrender, in this moment, our strength to change; while, also transferring power to those who keep us spiritually enchained in fear and terror.

As we ascend, celestially, we no longer view those who misuse their power as threats, but as misguided children, lost of their true sense. As our vital force is reclaimed, we can recondition ourselves through empowering rituals that unravel our conditioned, toxic ways.

Between 3:30 -5:00AM, Brahma Muhurta, the time of the creator in Sanskrit, is the last segment before sunrise, during this transitional phase the veil is open for the cosmic symphony to inspire life’s natural biorhythms and celestial guidance may be received. Meditative focus, during this time, grants spiritual access to the divine orchestration of life’s natural order, unadulterated by the chaotic, lower vibratory frequencies of most modern society.

As artists, activists and innovators, driven to raise the vibration of the planet while rediscovering ourselves, initiating our day by honoring the promise of what we came to deliver, elevates the trajectory of our service upon the Earth.

Recognizing fear, and other toxic emotions, as energies held within our organ system, through transcendental meditative practices, we can alchemize these lower frequencies within us, transforming feelings of disempowerment, hopelessness, victimization, shame and guilt, into a new sense of existence, which, perhaps, have not even been experienced yet, allowing artists to birth a new world, through our focused intentions, into a higher collective sense of our unified existence.


    The Universe was born from a spark, which remains dormant within the hearts of each and every one of us. Just as demons feed upon perversions of fear, angels are empowered through the reflections of light they inspire.

    We are naturally gifted with all that we need to rise into our truth; however, our thinking is polluted on a daily basis by stimuli designed to siphon our attention and manipulate our sense of reality through dark psychology marketing. This constant attack upon our nervous system contributes to the illness and disease upon society, contributing to the addictions that draw us further away from the rod of strength that fires up from our sacral bone into our cerebral cortex for higher awareness processing.

    Understanding that the Universal cosmic plan is natural unfolding within each and every one of us, we can meditate upon the planetary frequencies of our Solar System, while surrendering our sense of separation, as we allow the light of service that bridges between us to strengthen as we surrender to the pull.

    Focusing our meditative awareness upon the celestial symphony supports the unwinding of our chakras for the ascension of the inner fire to fuel our most passionate expression as awakening Children of the Cosmos.

    NASA has recorded the celestial symphony of frequencies within our Solar System, and they can easily be found online. Tuning in to the life-giving frequencies of the planetary system, as we focus upon the chakras that ascend our spinal cord, from our sacral bone to our pineal gland, allow us to reconnect with the celestial pillar, the sushumna channel in Vedic teachings or Taji pole in Traditional Chinese Medicine, that reconnects us to our Star Origins.

    Coming into a state of profound relaxation and ease, we begin to realize a natural and seamless process that generates from within, generating profound emotions of gratitude and appreciation.

    Through this emotional alchemical process, we override the reptilian limbic system, the emotional part of the brain that houses emotions such as fear, arousal, loneliness, and lower evolved desires.

    By supporting our brain’s abilities to flush the dark energies absorbed through our nervous system, the amygdala which detects threats on an unconscious level and henceforth regulates behavioral and physiological responses, can be cleared of the flight or fright response.

    Furthermore, as the lower vibrations of fear are cleansed from the brain, our heart’s intuition can guide and direct our expression, which determines our perception, strength and spiritual empowerment – activating our internal navigation system, our endocrine system. We are the each the Tree of Life, healing this world and one another, as we embody our true spiritual purpose.


    Who are you, truly, without a purpose that fulfills you? Trends come and go, but our celestial mission is eternal. Only by delivering our spiritual gifts, can we stop playing ourselves as less then what has been divinely encoded within.

    The year 2024 represents the year of the Wood Dragon, wherein a surge of transformative vital energies are channeling through the rooting system of humanity, reconnecting us with the cosmic Chi force of the Earth’s elementals and the higher dimensional Star Systems.

    The year of the Wood Dragon welcomes an invitation to harness of the power of the Kundalini Rainbow Serpent energy, which is a vibratory force of creation that moves throughout the Universe, including the five elementals as well as Mother Earth’s planetary chakras and meridians.

    As the Kundalini energy moves through our own nervous systems, it comes as a shock at first. As this powerful energy ascends through the emotional knots of the spinal cord, it is critical to one’s health and development to become educated upon this divine magnetization which can be uprooting, though liberating, to one’s entire life conditioning.

    As the Kundalini energy dismantles one’s mental perception of reality, symptoms may include depression, bi-polar tendencies, schizophrenia, loneliness, and upheaval of buried toxic emotions that have stored within one’s family system. Additionally, as psychic gifts are becoming activated, a deep questioning for truth, and yearning for higher-dimensional expression lead to existential turmoil and disillusion.

    Intense anxiety and panic attacks are most commonly experienced, as the rush of energy to the heart creates a love supernova that wrestles with the mind’s twisted perceptions, disturbing the balance of the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems.


    Endless surrender to the power within, an artform within itself, facilitates the passage and expansion of the Kundalini energy allowing the brain to be freed of lower vibratory 3-D energies, for a new world of potential service to blossom forth.

    Chasing the Dragon, or attempting to radically expediate the process, as is done with drugs and psychedelics is not recommended, unless training with a Shaman, as this is a powerful mystical process that is divinely orchestrated to inspire permanent positive evolutionary transformation. Attempting to force this evolutionary process, may lead to serious and fatal health effects, including cancer and heart attack and certainly spiritual attack.

    A healthy, constructive goal is to slow down and accept the blessed purge by embracing the primordial fire, allowing the mythical evolution of one’s ascended awareness to build a foundation for the I AM presence. Practices such as Kriya and Kundalini Yoga support the natural clearing of channels, while traditional yoga support the body’s natural adaptive and regenerative capacities.

    The cosmic fire of the Kundalini energy removes all obstacles to liberation from within one’s slave-mind programming, by clearing the auric debris from within the inner Taji Pole, or Sushumna channel, which serve as an etheric crystal portal to the soul’s star origins. Gradually, as the soul’s etheric blueprint unfolds, you begin to remember yourself as one returned.

    As the Kundalini Dragon energy cleanses the organ system of toxic, poisonous emotions, it is critical for the restructuring of the nervous system, and reconditioning of the mind, to reconnect with the everflowing abundance of Chi within Mother Earth’s ecosystem, allowing for the natural evolution of the Inner Kingdom, one’s evolved spiritual awareness of Self. Practicing Qigong, Tai Chi, or simply meditating and singing mantras, in Nature, will raise attunement to resonance of Mother Earth’s planetary vibration, her Planetary Logos, her spirit.

    By connecting with the magnetism of the Ocean, heavy metals and other pollutants can be removed from the body, as well as by barefoot grounding with Mother Earth’s soil. 

    Tuning into the resonance of nature and her ever-guiding elemental forces, we can being to remember ourselves as the Awakened Ones, rebuilding our auric holographic multi-dimensional aspects, free of fear, worry and apprehension as we embody the creative force of our new becoming.

    By harnessing the Kundalini magnetism, in the year of the Wood Dragon, to resurrect our purpose through the process of self-realization, we will find opportunities to bridge our realized spiritual gifts in a collective impetus to support the harmonization of humanity’s genetic code as well as the reactivation of Earth’s StarGates.

    As the collective sense of self evolves, so too does our awareness of Mother Earth’s highest potential for spiritual activation and interconnection with the intergalactic portals, disabled during the Age of Darkness and Ignorance. Are you ready to fully Awaken the bliss of interstellar consciousness? Are you already beginning to receive your StarCode activations?

    The year of the Wood Dragon represents a global unification of awakened starseed leaders, collaborating on a mystical front to serve our highest Rainbow Light emanation. Through our imaginative capacity to reenvision ourselves, opportunities to bridge beyond the lower densities of 3-D reality, support us in birthing the Divine Feminine Consciousness through ourselves.

    As the veil to higher astral realms dissolve, New Earth leaders shall unite on a collective mission to resurrect Mother Earth’s planetary shield, her bioluminescence, evolving our diamond crystalline rainbow light-bodies into their fullest expression.

    Open Your Heart to Bend the Space-Time Continuum

    Open Your Heart to Bend the Space-Time Continuum



    “Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” - Revelation 22:1-2

    With the rapid deceleration of human consciousness threatening the very fabric of our collective existence, the impetus to learn from our ancient ones reborn shall impart upon us powerful lessons in spiritual embodiment and enlightened partnerships.

    To restructure global systems capable of addressing the cessation of suffering, we must restore our highest sense of self, nursing the emergence of a Golden Age.

    “With the intensification of conflicts, climate change-related disasters, forced displacement reaching record levels and crises lasting longer than ever, humanitarian needs keep outpacing the response despite the generosity of aid donors. Partnerships are crucial to transform the aid system, end silos and ensure that aid is more efficient and cost-effective.

    Whole-of-child education programmes offer a proven pathway for stakeholders to collaborate in enabling vulnerable children and youth to access quality education in safe learning environments so they can achieve their full potential.”

    – Antonio Guterrez, Secretary General of the United Nations

    This month, we investigate Buddhist teachings of wisdom and compassion to restore the power of the cosmic heart, as, awakened ones, we are called to embody our ability to alter our space-time reality to reimagine and uplift the collective trajectory for our species.


    Born in present-day Nepal, Siddhartha Gautama, a Hindu prince, renounced his position of wealth to seek liberation from suffering as a spiritual ascetic, eventually attaining enlightenment, and, in preaching his path to others, founded Buddhism in India in the 6th to 5th centuries BC.

    Siddhartha Gautama was raised in a time of profound spiritual transition and reform. Upon his first departure from the illusory protection of his castle walls, he became distraught over the concept of endless suffering afflicting humanity, which he realized would fall upon him, as well, to propel him upon his own path.

    He, therefore, abandoned his kingdom, wife and son to follow the example of the religious ascetic and learned from different teachers the spiritual emancipation disciplines of his era. After many years of seeking enlightenment through extreme deprivation and self-mortification, with his quest for salvation unfulfilled, he committed himself to a bed of grass beneath a Bodhi tree where he vowed to remain until he could comprehend the means of living without suffering. Upon deep meditative contemplation for 49 days, his illumination was complete, and Siddhartha Gautama was now the Buddha, the Enlightened or Awakened One.

    Upon awakening, Buddha called his teachings Dharma, meaning “cosmic law”, and set forth the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, as a guide to living one’s life without suffering.

    The Four Noble Truths:

    1. Life is suffering, “dukka”
    2. Suffering is driven by craving
    3. Cessation of craving cures suffering
    4. The path to liberation is the Eightfold Path

    The Eightfold Path:

    1. Right View
    2. Right Intention
    3. Right Speech
    4. Right Action
    5. Right Livelihood
    6. Right Effort
    7. Right Mindfulness
    8. Right Concentration

    2,500 years before Quantum Science was developed, Buddha became a master of space and time, as a realized cosmic being. Through embodiment of the Eightfold Path, the Buddha developed an energetic soul capacity for comprehending all his past incarnations, as well as the ability to conceive of the infinite dimensions of the Universe, and time and space as nonlinear. Through his transcended state of existence, he was able to impart upon humanity a pathway out of the suffering of his time, and continues to lead countless souls through the illumination of the self-manifested Universe.


    Legendary Indian Buddhist master Padmasambhava, also known as “The Lotus-born,” “Precious Guru” (Guru Rinpoche), or “The Second Buddha,” is widely credited with bringing Buddhism to the Tibetan lands.

    The ancient legends of Padmasambhava have transcended vastly different periods and cultures, carrying as they do universal messages about the power of human emotions, human achievement and triumph over adversity, self-transformation, impermanence, and the nonlinear nature of time.

    Legend holds that Padmasambhava incarnated as a fully enlightened being, unlike Siddartha Gautama who pursued liberation, and was capable of seeing through time to predict the troubled times of the future. To aid future generations, he hid his teachings, known as hidden treasure teachings (terma), throughout the Tibetan lands for his future disciples to discover.

    Many of these hidden treasures, designed to guide humanity into the Age of Enlightenment, were stored psychically within inaccessible locations, such as inside rock mountains and under the water of lakes and rivers, by enlightened masters such as Yeshe Tsogyal. Hence, the terma can be retrieved only through the meditative power of the tertons. There are 108 great tertons and one thousand lesser tertons in the Nyingma lineage. The tertons are very special and powerful people, who often have special dreams, even as children, in which they receive blessings and teachings directly from Guru Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal.


    “To perceive that which is hidden, the spiritual heart’s sight must be opened through devotional living.”
    – अमृत

    In Buddhism, bodhicitta is the “awakening mind” which is achieved by cultivating excellence in awakening the spiritual heart.

    Bodhicitta can only be born of pure compassion, the desire to free all beings from suffering, even those who wish us harm or consider us their enemies. The concept of bodhicitta is woven into many spiritual teachings, beyond Buddhism.

    The two levels of bodhicitta are relative and absolute bodhicitta. Relative bodhicitta refers to the compassion that makes one want to embark on the bodhisattva path and treat all beings with kindness.

    Absolute Bodhicitta is the realization that the ultimate nature of all phenomena is emptiness. To realize this, two types of relative bodhicitta called aspiration bodhicitta and application bodhicitta must be attained. Aspiration bodhicitta is the wishing intention for all people be free from the causes of suffering and to experience a sense of fulfilment.

    Applicational bodhicitta, on the other hand, is performing actions that bring benefit to others. Through applicational bodhicitta, past timelines and downward trajectories are dissolved as  higher pathways emerge. As we channel our spiritual energies into practicing our compassionate intentions we channel manifest our aspirations into higher realities. As our spiritual heart’s will is liberated, the transformation of consciousness follows.


    Science confirms that the heart, as an organ, has access to zero point energy which has profoundly transformative potential, both within the subject as well as the corresponding environment through the heart and body’s toroidal field.

    Commonly referred to as heart-based intelligence, this is a state of consciousness that arises when we align our thoughts, intentions, and actions with the wisdom of the heart. When we attune ourselves to this intelligence and embrace the Universal Laws that govern all existence, we open the door to the abundant flow of zero-point energy into our lives. By cultivating qualities such as love, compassion, and gratitude, we become resonant vessels for this transformative energy to flow through. Channeling the will of the Universal Dream for Cosmic Harmony, is also healing and enlightening to the vessel, or Cosmic Avatar.

    Accessing zero-point energy through heart-based intelligence enables us to manifest our highest intentions for the collective harmony with tremendous ease and support. Accessing this infinite source of potential, we transcend the constraints of limited thinking and scarcity mentality. We can visualize, intend, and create with a sense of boundless possibility, co-creating a reality that is in harmony with our true essence.

    The journey towards accessing zero-point energy and aligning with heart-based intelligence requires a conscious commitment to deep self-reflection, inner healing, and expansion of consciousness. It calls for the cultivation of qualities such as self-love, forgiveness, and compassion. Embracing our power within, we become conscious co-creators, weaving the fabric of our reality with the threads of love, harmony, and abundance.


      “The greatest gift is to serve others in realizing their life’s purpose.”
      – अमृत

      The Kingdom of Bhutan, a Vajrayana Buddhist kingdom on the Himalayas’ eastern edge, landlocked between China and India, is known for its monasteries, fortresses and dramatic landscapes that range from subtropical plains to steep mountains and valleys.

      There are over 8 major monasteries and approximately 200 smaller monasteries and nunneries, where over 12,000 monks and 5,000 nuns monks in Bhutan, split between monasteries and hermitages, serve across the country’s diverse landscape.

      Prior to the introduction of secular education in the 1960s, monastic schools were a powerful force as many sought to have the highest path of service for their progeny. Since then, the popular appeal for a monastic life has dissipated. Buddhist devotion further began to wane since 1999, when Bhutan initially allowed television into its borders – the last country to surcome to pitfalls of technology’s detrimental impact on spiritual awareness.

      It is now more common for monks in Bhutan to come from poor backgrounds or from rural regions where there is little hope of finding work or education. Parents place boys from as young as five, six or seven years old within a monastery, often because they cannot afford to feed them or to pay for the uniforms or textbooks required at one of the government run schools.

      The monks will be ordained whilst still young, whereupon they’ll join a monastic order and consequently graduate to higher studies of Buddhism. In general, a monk’s life revolves around daily chores, Buddhist teachings and practicing meditation alongside other subjects built into the monastic curriculum such as chhokey, which is well-known as the sacred language of Tibetan Buddhism, Dzongkha, Sanskrit, English Sanskrit and mathematics… and of course, music and dance.

      Monasteries play a vital social role, providing homes to thousands of children whose parents may have died or feel unable to support them. These young souls receive training in an ancient power that has been lost to the Western world, as much of civilized society is now scrambling for peace within their hearts and struggling to achieve serenity within their minds.

      These children are destined to become great teachers, as the awakening resonant force of Mother Earth calls upon us all to remember the true power of our divinity and our dormant spiritual abilities, which can only be realized as we truly embody compassionate unity.


      When we take action to answer the prayers of the children, particularly those who are committing to a life of attaining Nirvana, praying for and serving the liberation of all beings, we are consequently benefitted by the spiritual river of compassion that fills the ether, illuminating our inner channels and meridians. Sensed as bliss, this electrical lifeforce, that is the Universal gift of selfless service, moves through our central pillar, expanding the chakra pedals of our inner Tree of Life to illuminate our veins and activate higher states of existence and recollection of spiritual memories. 

      Opening our hearts, as we step forward in serving the transition to a new Earth, embodying the teachings of the great masters, through the wisdom holders who have passed these lessons down through embodiment, is key to the survival of our species. Only by wielding the inner sword of enlightenment, can we conquer the demons that ensnare mankind in self-destructive constructs. 

      The photographs shared within this article are of the monks of Phemsong village near Tashi Gang in Bhutan. Currently, they are renovating and expanding their monastery, and providing prayers for all those who share donations. 

      This project supports 18 students and 7 teachers, more information can be found at: (https://aelitaleto.com/little-monks/).

      The Immortals Reward for Transforming the Darkness of the World

      The Immortals Reward for Transforming the Darkness of the World



      “And no man hath ascended up to Heaven, but he that came down from Heaven, even the Son of Man, which is in Heaven. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so much the Son of Man shall be lifted up: that whoseoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life” - John 3:13-15

      In a world spelled by the illusion of lack and scarcity, what will it take to shift our eyes to the unheard cries of the world’s forgotten mothers and children? How do we raise the awareness of the masses to empower the few? How do we incentivize the many to abstain from practices that exploit the meek and disadvantaged? 

      With the Year of the Wood Dragon heralding the Ascension of the Cosmic Serpent, the ascending consciousness of the Earth plane shall leave no secret hidden as we are guided to embody our highest intentions. 

      Upon the righteous and valiant, who unite resiliently in the face of deceptive illusions, the strength and wisdom shall be bestowed to walk the Earth as immortals, as, through our sense of service, celestial denomination is rewarded. For it is the role of every enlightened soul to awaken the world to the power we each wield as we unsheathe our cosmic swords.

      “Trafficking in persons is a vile crime that feeds on inequalities, instability and conflict. Human traffickers profit from peoples’ hopes and despair. They prey on the vulnerable and rob them of their fundamental rights. 

      Children and young people, migrants and refugees are especially susceptible. Women and girls are targeted again and again. We see brutal sexual exploitation, including involuntary prostitution, forced marriage and sexual slavery. We see the appalling trade in human organs. 

      Human trafficking takes many forms and knows no borders. Human traffickers too often operate with impunity, with their crimes receiving not nearly enough attention. This must change.

      The rights of victims must come first – be they the victims of traffickers, smugglers, or of modern forms of slavery or exploitation.”

      – Antonio Guterrez, Secretary General of the United Nations



      Within us all lies a desire to remain young, vibrant, strong and fertile; relevant. Yet, the lifestyles of many across developed nations directly contradict the fundamental values of an enlightened existence; that is, the collective alignment with spirit that charges our cells with divine life force as we evolve through embodied higher purpose.

      For this reason, artificial means for sustaining desirable qualities in life are highly sought and valued, particularly by those whose lack of spiritual determination diminishes the radiantly attractive and magnetizing qualities of their divine emanation. 

      Found within nearly every tissue of the body, stem cells are considered immortal: they do not age, can proliferate indefinitely, and can form into any tissue of the organism. For this reason, the Global Stem Cell Market, valued at $12.9BN in 2022, is expected to reach $46.7BN by 2032. 

      If stem cells have the potential to remain immortal, the underlying fundamental question for scientific researchers and lifestyle gurus is how to retain optimal service of stem cells so that the cells maintain their immortal function: their renewal ability and potential to differentiate into various cell types. 

      Recent scientific experiments have demonstrated that old stem cells, removed from the original donor environment, and placed into a younger environment, were rejuvenated with their optimal functioning restored.

      Further investigations have revealed a direct positive correlation between stem cell health and the lymphatic system. Lymphatic capillaries are highly permeable microvessels that branch throughout the body and are responsible for draining and processing extracellular fluid and macromolecules out of tissues. Hence, stem cells thrive in a clean environment. 

      Furthermore, the lymphatic system is closely related to the endocrine system which complements the nervous system. Both the lymphatic and endocrine system contribute to the immune system, ensuring homeostasis in the body. The thymus gland, which is connected to the Heart Chakra, is vital to all three systems as it uses blood stem cells to develop cancer fighting T-cells, and harmonizes the nervous systems which instruct the endocrine system.

      Similar to the nervous system, the endocrine system is an informational signal system. While the nervous system uses neurotransmitters to conduct information, the endocrine system regulates the body’s internal environment by secreting hormones directly into bloodstream. 

      Understanding now that the epigenome determines our DNA expression and that our nervous system perceptions affect our genome, it is clear that our relationship to the environment, our sense for existence, determines our lifespan. Hence, the keys to immortality lie in awakening the spiritual heart, the Buddhist Bodhicitta, the emperor of our emotional systems.


      “Dharma is the rhythm of the Universe. Dharma is the very foundation of creation that harmoniously integrates our body. Dharma allows us to awaken our dormant abilities to be of service to all those around us.”
      – Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

      It is widely accepted across the world that living with purpose directly correlates with youthful longevity. For decades, scientists have studied the electrical currents associated with animals’ ability to regenerate limbs. The body can be viewed as a battery that creates its own microcurrent. The greater the current, the more complete the generation.

      In fact, the electromagnetic fields of cosmic subtle energies generated by the underlying microcircuitry may themselves provide the divine blueprint according to which the body and its cells, tissues and organs self-organize.

      Through dharma, the path of righteousness, we activate these cosmic energetic seeds within the body that lie along the spine. Each blossoming chakra lotus directly corresponds to both the endocrine and neurological systems.

      Once activated, the chakra system distributes vital cosmic forces through the body by the endocrine glands, while also reversing negative perceptions, traumas, that are stored in the nervous system.

      Karma, including ancestral and planetary distress, is stored in the DNA and through the healing process becomes a source for cosmic flow. The eons of planetary suffering the Earth and her kingdoms have endured, are stored within each and every one of us, and serve as the fertilizer for spiritual growth, as we ascend as enlightened beings.

      As the cosmic life force, known as Kundalini Shakti, is raised up the spine, both the nervous system and the organ systems are purified of toxic energies supporting for the rebirthing of the body’s natural enlightened functioning, and the resulting emergence of a supreme spiritual reality.

      A siddha, one who is perfected in Dharma, has fully activated her epigenetic genome through the cosmic magnetization of her spiritual DNA and as a result displays supernatural powers to be used in service of Universal Peace and Cosmic Harmony. Once the human vessel has been cleansed and perfected for service, it is now prepared to liberate the world from the darkness of spiritual ignorance.

      Through the will to serve the Kingdom of the Universal Heart, conditioned limiting beliefs are unraveled as the veil between higher spiritual realities of existence is dissolved.


      Whether or not you believe in your spiritual potential, all sentient beings are increasingly affected by the Universal Cosmic Laws and the rising magnetism of the planetary systems currently birthing our planet and her inhabitants into a higher dimensional plane of existence.

      With almost $16 trillion in personal consumption expenditures, the United States is the world’s largest consumer market. While the United States is among the wealthiest nations in the world, it is far from the healthiest.

      According to a recent Commonwealth report, the U.S.:


      • Spends more on health care as a share of the economy — nearly twice as much as the average OECD country — yet has the lowest life expectancy and highest suicide rates among the 11 nations
      • Has the highest chronic disease burden and an obesity rate that is two times higher than the OECD average
      • Has among the highest number of hospitalizations from preventable causes and the highest rate of avoidable deaths

      According to the CDC, six of ten Americans live with at least one chronic illness. Reported by the United Health Foundation, the eight chronic conditions that have reached the highest prevalence in the report’s history include: arthritis, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), chronic kidney disease (CKD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), depression and diabetes.

      Despite an abundance of wealth and technological resources, the average American lacks the imagination, discipline, determination, devotion and patience to harness the cosmic energy available to all sentient beings to regenerate and heal from spiritual disease.

      According to UNICEF human trafficking is a $150 billion industry, and is the second most profitable illegal industry in the U.S, second only to the drug trade. The Global Financial Integrity (GFI) estimates that 10 percent of all organ transplants including the lungs, heart and liver, are done via trafficked organs. Based on WHO estimates, the most prominent organs that are traded illicitly are kidneys, with 10,000 kidneys are traded on the black market worldwide annually, or more than one every hour.


      Without an inner sense to drive the purpose of one’s existence, humanity’s collective spirit is spent in distractive past-times that drive toxic behaviors, blind aggression and the perversion of sexual creative energy.

      According to the UN and International Labor Organization, there are 49.6 million people in modern slavery worldwide and 35 percent of them are children. Sex trafficking is the most common type of trafficking in the U.S. There were 88 million child sexual abuse material files reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children tip line in 2022. Furthermore, child sex trafficking has been reported in all 50 U.S. states.                                   

      Every year, America’s favorite pastime sport, the National Football League, which generated $18.6BN in revenue in 2022, makes a donation, along with the Super Bowl Host Committee, to a non-profit that fights human trafficking.

      According to a 2017 Senate report, some 1.5 million people in the United States are victims of trafficking, mostly for sexual exploitation, and the majority are children. The Superbowl in its host city, every year, increases this energetic demand with girls being trafficked from as far away as Hawaii to hook up with clients via the Internet, hotels and strip clubs.

      National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month is every January, intentionally aligning with the spotlight that the Super Bowl shines on the issue. The emphasis on education and awareness is a welcome beacon of light on a problem that thrives in the darkness. This attention must also translate to action.


      Former football player, Tim Tebow – whose foundation focuses on Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation, Orphan Care & Prevention, Profound Medical Needs, and Special Needs Ministry – in March 2024, urged members of Congress on Wednesday to dedicate greater resources toward finding and rescuing victims of child sexual exploitation.

      Tebow attested: “I’ve had the privilege of playing for a lot of sports teams in my life. And on almost all of them, we’ve had incredible resources to give us a better chance at winning a game, something that ultimately, as much as we care about it, doesn’t matter. Why would we not give as much, if not more resources, to the frontline heroes that are going after the most vulnerable boys and girls on the planet? … If all we do today is speak, all I do is speak, I also missed the mark. We have to do more than just talk about it. We have to act on it and be about it.”

      The sexual creative energy, located in the sacral chakra, svadhisthana, is the most potent source energy. However, with the majority of humanity operating unconsciously, this energy becomes pent up in the lower chakras, rather than rising alchemically for the potential for immortality. Furthermore, this energy is then fed off, demonically, through our children who are vulnerable and helpless in a world that has been blinded of our potential to serve and numbed of our sense of responsibility to protect the innocent.

      With the planetary shift rapidly gaining momentum leading to a critical mass bifurcation, or dimensional split, we must each realize the power as it relates to integrity and accountability in every decision we make. As the planetary magnetism rises, every decision holds a karmic impression upon our individual spiritual evolution, including wealth, health and success.


      Raising the Kundalini serpent provides more than a chance at pursuing immortality but an ever-heightening sense of planetary responsibility to honor the cosmic Shakti, the Divine Feminine life force energy that propels all sentient life into existence. As our Shakti energy increases so does our cellular magnetism and spiritual awareness. 

      In addition to becoming more sensitive, empaths are growing expotentially more powerful as the inner sun expands through the Heart Chakra, magnetizing our DNA for service to the inner Kingdom. As our awareness grows, our only choice is to liberate the cosmic flow as vessels of service to the divine.

      Every empath is forged through pain, and it is the fire of the Kundalini Shakti energy that alchemizes the darkness within to empower the genetic and psychological transformation necessary to answer the beaconing call of our Mother Earth’s heartbeat to serve Universal Peace and Cosmic Harmony. Through the healing of one’s pain, spiritual abilities emerge to serve the restructuring of planetary systems. Lifted out of the shadows of despair, isolation and disempowerment, these New Earth leaders hold the keys to the evolution of our collective DNA.

      Ignoring the inner call results in greater energetic distortion, mental health imbalance and other energetic organ diseases. Recognizing the planetary suffering as a necessary catalyst to drive humanity through an inner metamorphosis alleviates the stress of blame and disempowerment.

      As we come together within families, communities and organizations through the power of sacred prayer and ancient energizing exercises, we dissolve the collective distortion that lowers our resonance and spiritual abilities. As we unite, we enhance the genetic resonance that not only improves our health, fuels our strength, and also empowers our higher intelligence to serve the evolution of our species through the embodiment of our innate gifts.


      Our true power is only limited to our imagination, which expands through devotional, heart-aligned action. As we fully step into our heart’s calling, our cells react, and our cosmic channels guide us through the process of emergence as our lower self-identity gradually morphs into the divine being that we have always been.

      Steps that we can take to birth our inner light and implement our vision for Universal Peace and Cosmic Harmony, include:

      • Investigate global issues that call to you
      • Actively volunteer with a local mission-oriented nonprofit
      • Unite with neighbors to create safe environments
      • Create an active dialogue that fuels empowered transformation
      • Divorce from financially supporting corporations that enable human trafficking
      • Invoke your personal Kundalini Shakti energy
      • Love, nourish, respect and honor yourself, and all life
      • Express your higher self through compassionate, creative activities
      • Hold space for those in need
      • Engage in spiritual education and ancient wisdom practices

      By delivering healing upon this Earth, you realize your true worth, unraveling the golden strands of your divine existence, transforming the darkness within and without to empower your most sacred mission on Earth and beyond.

      Live Bold, Transform the World: Redefine Your Value System to Inspire Evolution

      Live Bold, Transform the World: Redefine Your Value System to Inspire Evolution



      “He that findeth his life shall lose it; and he that loseth his life shall find it.”
      – Lord Jesus Christ

      When the fire of your heart invokes within you the passion to rise to your part, how do you unshackle yourself from the chains of society to raise an army as you decode your divine prophecy?

      How far can your message travel, as you allow your divine blueprint to unravel? How wide can your heart sense ripple, when fueled by an intention to liberate our people? How deeply can your vision penetrate, as your spiritual sense of self elevates?

      How many souls can you guide home, as you beacon your expression of divine embodiment, birthing yourself into a reality that resonates with the blessings of your self-realized true identity?

      As an awakened spiritual monarch, how do you establish a world founded on love, compassion and the harmonious flow of ancestral star wisdom?

      “In the end, it comes down to values. We want the world our children inherit to be defined by the values enshrined in the UN Charter: Peace, Justice, Respect, Human Rights, Tolerance, and Solidarity.

      All major religions embrace these principles, and we strive to reflect them in our daily lives. But the threats to these values are most often based on fear.

      Our duty to the peoples we serve is to work together to move from fear of each other, to trust in each other. Trust in the values that bind us, and trust in the institutions that serve and protect us.”

      – Antonio Guterrez, Secretary General of the United Nations

      As the spirit of Juneteenth stirs the unyielding spirit of the collective soul, this month we investigate the cosmic power that drives the evolutionary transformation that ripples across space and time in fulfillment of humanity’s collective soul destiny.


      Burned at the stake, at age 19, on 30 May 1431, by the English Catholic Church for heresy – acting against the words of God – Saint Joan of Arc, the Maiden of Orléans, answered the call of her own prophecy, inspiring King Charles VII to claim his crown, despite his rumored illegitimacy, and the French army to rise victoriously, from a state of apathy.

      Immortalized as a martyr for her devoted sense of purpose and valiant sacrifice, Joan has been portrayed in countless cultural works over the past half-millennial, ranging from literature, music, paintings, sculptures, and theater. In the 1920’s, she served as a powerful icon in the US Women’s Suffrage movement.

      During the two-year period, from being granted her own small military force and ultimately burnt at the stake, Joan’s demonstrated courage, bravery and defiance created such a profound ripple in human consciousness to impact future ages, that her birth was undeniably destined to evolve human consciousness.

      In the years leading up to Joan’s birth, a number of vague prophecies were raised into collective consciousness regarding a young virgin maiden who would rescue France. At the time of her incarnation in 1412, the Hundred Year’s War, a brutal conflict between the English and French Royal houses over the throne of France, was in its 75th year.

      The longest war in recorded history, within this period of immense darkness during the Middle Ages, five generations of kings from two dynasties fought for the throne of France, the dominant kingdom in Western Europe.

      The prophecy by the Arthurian sorcerer Merlin, which claimed that “France will be lost by a woman and saved by a virgin from the oak forests of Lorraine,” so perfectly fit the description of Isabeau of Bavaria’s adulterously portrayal, the mother of Charles VII, that when the 17 year-old virgin Joan, possessed by visions, made her second attempt to meet with the Dauphin, his heart was more welcoming to the potential of her prophetic fulfillment.

      Convinced of her testimony, where others feared heresy, despite her lack of military training, on 27 April 1429, Charles VII gave Joan an army to lead into the siege of Orléans, which ended nine days after her arrival.

      Further supportive of the resonance-matching aspects of quantum reality, evidence supports that Joan had no awareness of these prophecies until after her announcement of her divine mission.


      At the age of 13, Joan experienced her first vision of a saint. She continued to hear voices, identifying them as those of St. Michael the Archangel, St. Margaret of Antioch and St. Catherine of Alexandria.

      These voices told her that she was destined to save France and to go on mission to find the Dauphin and have him crowned as king. After meeting with the local lord and traveling through hostile territory, Joan made it to the Dauphin.

      Illiterate and with no formal education, outside of taking care of animals, household duties, and religious activities, there was no indoctrinated resistance to Joan’s inner reality which compelled her through mystical experiences, allowing her to inspire the French troops in what would become a sharp turnaround to the long-lasting war.

      In addition to leading her to the future king of France, when offered a sword by the Dauphin, Joan refused and shared the location of an ancient sword, described to her by spiritual guides, to be found hidden by the altar of St. Catherine’s at Fierbois. Even the priests were completely unaware of the hidden sword when it was retrieved for the future saint.

      In addition to her holy sword, which she never used to draw blood or engage in combat, Joan also carried a great white banner flag, blessed at the Church of Saint-Sauveur at Tours, painted upon with images depicting the Lord Jesus Christ coming into power and glory.

      The English, on the otherhand, who experienced defeat by the French under Joan’s leadership, were convinced that she was being guided by demonic forces. When tried by the pro-English church, Joan was accused of heresy, witchcraft, and dressing like a man.

      Officially demonstrating the false authority of the church, which condemned the virgin heroine who displayed supernatural divine abilities in service of her country, Pope Benedict XV of the Roman Catholic canonized Joan of Arc as a saint on 16 May 1920.

      Joan of Arc clearly represented a powerful threat to the church, demonstrating the spiritual power of the divine feminine, the potential for a simple peasant maiden to inspire a nation, the return of the matriarch, and clear defiance of the status quo.

      Joan’s rapid transformation in self-identity, due to her immense courage, resolute conviction in her calling, fearless bravery and devoted love for her king and countrymen, allowed her to encompass powerful qualities that not only rallied armies into battle, but continue to inspire countless activists, artists and innovators through the heavy swamp of self-doubt and sense of powerlessness.


      “You have been in a state of hallucination thinking that you are a mortal, struggling and suffering. Through meditation you come in contact with your Real Self and forget what you thought you were.”
      – Yogananda Paramahansa

      Referred to as “the Father of Yoga in the West,” Yogananda Parmahansa, born 5 January 1893 in Gorakhpur, India, arrived in the United States in September 1920, as a delegate to the International Congress of Religions, held in Boston.

      Living in a small room at the YMCA, Yogananda began lecturing in various Boston-area venues on his “scientific” approach to God-knowledge and on the ultimate unity of all religion, quickly attracting a large and enthusiastic following.

      In 1920, Yogananda founded the Self-Realization Fellowship, with the first center established in Boston, to “disseminate among the nations a knowledge of definite scientific techniques for attaining direct personal experience of God.”

      By 1924, Yogananda undertook a transcontinental tour, finally landing by the end of the year in Los Angeles, to spread his message farther afield. There, he established the fellowship’s world headquarters in 1925. Various additional temples, meditation and spiritual living communities were developed across the globe by his disciples.

      Yogananda emphasized the underlying unity of the world’s great religions, and taught universally applicable methods for realizing the cosmic creative power. To serious students of his teachings, he taught the soul-awakening techniques of Kriya Yoga, initiating more than 100,000 men and women during his thirty years in the West.


      “Kriya Yoga is no ordinary breathing exercise: It is the highest known technique of pranayama, by which you can consciously control the life force in the body and thereby attain cosmic consciousness.”
      – Paramahansa Yogananda

      Parmahansa help disseminate to the world sovereignty and independence through the power of breath, allowing his students to disentangle themselves from the mental constructs of enslavement to false institutions by realizing their own role in the inner kingdom, the kingdom of the cosmic heart.

      Translated as the “Path of Action,” Kriya Yoga is a powerful and transformative system that combines meditation, breath control, and self-discipline to accelerate spiritual growth and inner awakening.

      Kriya Yoga refers to the actions taken to purify the body and mind and cultivate a deeper connection with the divine. This path emphasizes the importance of self-effort and disciplined practice. 

      Through consistent and dedicated action, one can experience profound inner transformation and self-empowerment that establishes adherences to a value system of independence, growth and collective transformation.

      One can experience numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits through the regular practice of Kriya Yoga. Physically, it enhances vitality, strengthens the nervous system, and improves overall health and well-being. Mentally, it cultivates clarity, focus, and concentration, increasing creativity and mental sharpness. Spiritually, Kriya Yoga helps to awaken the dormant spiritual potential within and deepen one’s connection with the divine.

      The human vessel is a cosmic receiver for powerful universal energies that can only be accessed through the evolutionary self-attunement process. Through the individual drive to become, collective evolution can be rapidly attained for exponential growth and transformation that spreads contagiously.


      “Rather than attacking the system, liberate the souls that uphold it.”
      – अमृत 

      The role of many of the world’s saints has been to beacon messages of love, compassion, perseverance, and independence from the oppressive institutions that seek to divide and conquer, poison and disempower, control and humiliate, by demonstrating the cosmic force that is accessible to us all when we are aligned with the inner power that compels our thoughts, perceptions, decisions and actions into the light of our soul’s salvation.

      Rather than deconstructing the old, inner transformations within the heart of darkness gradually ripple outwards, like cancer, inspiring a cascade of changes that support the flow of power to areas diseased by the weaknesses of spiritual ignorance, self-enslavement and self-persecution.

      By establishing a value system that boldly promotes the adherence to the ancient lineages of spiritual wisdom, we can collectively serve the sovereignty and sanctity of all life, to establish a foundation for future generations to continue to unravel the brilliance of their souls in service of our collective evolution and growth

      The Waldorf education, based on the educational philosophy of Rudolph Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, employs a holistic educational style that intends to develop a pupil’s intellectual, artistic, and practical skills, with a focus on imagination and creativity.

      Initially established in Stuttgart, Germany in 1919, it is now the largest independent school movement in the world, with more than 1,200 independent schools and nearly 2,000 kindergartens in 75 countries, as well as over 500 centers for special education in more than 40 countries.

      An Austrian occultist, social reformer, esotericist and mystic, many of Rudolph Steiner’s ideas influenced the pedagogy of the original Waldorf school and still play a central role in modern Waldorf classrooms: reincarnation, karma, the existence of spiritual beings, the idea that children are themselves spiritual beings, and eurythmy.

      Imagine a world where children are free to believe in their visions and guidance, where mental illness is not a label for those with a unique purpose upon this Earth. As we investigate the accomplishments of mystics, saints, yogis and spiritual activists to radically transform the limitations of human consciousness, perhaps we shall converse more openly regarding the future of our children’s health and the potential for a liberated world where our senses are free to compel us into a more empowered and harmonious state of existence.