“The ultimate nature of the mind is pure, clear and unobstructed like the sky. It is not something that can be grasped or obtained, but rather it is the very essence of one’s being. Recognizing this essence and remaining in this natural state is the ultimate goal of Dzogchen practice.” – Patrul Rinpoche, Words of My Perfect Teacher

In the ancient world, there were two types of societies, those who sacrificed the innocent and helpless to please false deities, while using tactics of fear to paralyze the people from standing true to their innate heart’s wisdom. Then there are those who were inspired to unite in mind, body and soul to realize their divinity through an open-system heart grid of collective peace, leaving artifacts upon Mother Earth to support us in empowering our societies.

There is only one true value, one cosmic currency, within the universe, and that is divine life force, the fire that fuels our hearts to experience life to its fullest. As we awaken to who we truly are, and the purpose of our existence within this magical universe, it will be through the alchemy of our pain that are united upon our path of cosmic rebirthing, for as the unified heart awakens, humanity remembers our calling.



At the age of two, I was ripped from my mother’s arms. When social services, along with armed police guards, stormed into our home, without notice, demanding to take me into protective care. My mother removed her clothing and locked herself in the shower with me, as an attempt to shield me from the intruders.

Nonetheless, in what was the beginning of a terrifyingly confusing, and emotionally scaring, year-long period of my life. A toddler shuffled home-to-home, in a system of false care, abused by strangers, while a costly custody battle ensued, further dividing my family creating a rift that within our hearts that still calls to be healed. This would not be the last time the doors were kicked down by false authorities, and the pain would continue on, creating a foundation upon which our lives would be framed, until it all came crashing down for the truth to rise from within.

Without proper insights into the beauty of pain, the holy power of forgiveness and compassion, and the truth of our united potential, a sense of unworthiness, unwantedness, and desolation would encapsulate my heart and taint my emotional biological lens of reality, causing severe anxiety, loneliness, depression and disconnectedness from the very nourishing essence of life.

We all have a heart-destiny to realize that becomes activated by the universal cycles of the cosmos. Within us all lies a powerful mission to rectify the past and uphold the honor of life that is realized from within the core of our DNA, as the resonance of our embodied truth decodes the secrets within our flesh, so that we may finally witness the truth in her almighty beauty.

As one approaches the realization of their dharma, the spiritual heart initiates its process of purification and liberation. After four years of studying and training as a esoteric and quantum healer, working with Shamans from around the world, I have finally released the rage from my body, the paranoia fears that has derailed my pursuit of happiness, and found forgiveness for all those who have intentionally taken a part in my pain. I know longer ask, “Why Me?”

The teachings of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection, is to attain and perfect the realization of the true nature of the mind. According to the practice, the fundamental nature of the cosmos is realized through our pristine awareness, and ability to fully flow in harmony with the natural order of the divine universal harmonic symphony, without effort or distraction, through which we realize  our natural state whereby we experience our natural essence.

Tibetan Buddhist teachings describe this self-attained inner ascension to higher dimensional realities as the Rainbow Body, while the Hindu Vedas honor the divine source magnetism that purifies the flesh to crystalize the realized god-state, as the Kundalini Shakti – the ever-expanding cosmic life force, the Divine Feminine.

This self-realization process inspires a natural psychological, physical and spiritual transformation that energetically ripples through the collective consciousness of a species – a shift from within that can potentially evolve a civilization into one emotionally linked, energetic ecosystem of ascending golden intelligence. As the Rainbow Warriors rise from generations of pain, rebirthed like the undying Phoenix, risen as was Lazarus, how will our awareness of our spiritual path inspire communities to unite in alignment with a core, common mission to awaken our resonant cosmic heart force?


Our indigenous ancestors realized the harmonic resonant power of unification within communities to serve a higher, spiritual heart-based function. When spiritual ascension and the collective quality of life drives our unified intention, our evolving consciousness naturally unfolds to the power of our awakened heart. Known, in Sanskrit, as the bodhicitta, meaning the “mind of enlightenment,” it is through the purification of the stored emotional trauma within our bodies that the heart grows in power, and the truth within blossoms through our ascending intelligence.

Heralded by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, Lake Titicaca, is a million-year-old lake, one of less than 20 ancient lakes on the planet, and is also one of the highest, resting 3,810 meters above sea level within the Andean mountain range between Peru and Bolivia.

Reveled as Mother Earth’s sacral chakra, a fertile womb of cosmic planetary energies, this ancient goddess served as a birthing channel for powerful living cosmic energies that cultivated ancient Andean civilizations. A highly charged living body of water, at the base of this multi-dimensional crystalline basin course two of the Earth’s life force ley lines that cross her surface like the two harmonizing serpent currents of the caduceus, representing the feminine (dragon serpent) and masculine (rainbow serpent) energies. These cosmic healing energies, also present in our bodies, run across the Earth’s kundalini, connecting ancient and sacred sites and interdimensional portals across the planet.

Mythicized by the Incas as the womb of Mother Earth, in those revelatory times, these divinely charged waters were marveled as a cosmic portal through which the god Viracocha emerged to create the Universe, inspiring highly spiritually attuned civilizations whose ruins now gift us clues to realizing our highest spiritual resonance and genetic activation.


Just southeast of this sacred lake stand the ruins of, yet, another UNESCO World Heritage Site, Puma Punku, meaning Gate of the Puma. Just as the purr of felines is known to heal bones, by unlocking the cellular potential heal, this ancient Atlantean psycho-acoustic megalithic temple, estimated to have been built nearly 14,000 years ago, mastered resonant frequencies to serve as a portal to ascended states of collective existence, and potentially a star gate.

According to a 2020 report by Alexandar Putney at, “Conclusive findings reveal monumental buildings that once stood at the site were designed and built to effectively synchronize the brainwaves and biorhythms of all practitioners simultaneously, by focusing intense electro-acoustic vibrations into the body and the head of each participant. Psycho-acoustic resonance was achieved by focusing standing waves in a series of special resonator cavities inset into thick temple walls, constructed from Atlantean firestone; called ‘analopala’ in the Paleo-Sanskrit language.”

Putney continues, “An advanced natural state of hyper-consciousness, exposure to deep, rumbling infrasound waves induces genetic purification by acousto-electric induction within the resonating temple walls. Called Samadhi, a word formed by a pair of Paleo-Sanskrit hieroglyphs meaning ‘Universal delivering,’ this state was the goal of all adepts and all practitioners of ancient temple traditions worldwide, for achieving all other aims in life.”


All life is a seed of potential, designed to bridge a universal intention to realize higher dimensional order of existence through which a higher potential for energy is created. In realization of this potential state of collective harmonic fluidity, nirvana, the creative fire of consciousness flows through the cerebral spinal cord to transform the genetic expression of life – spiritual evolution through resonant DNA activation.

Through the purification of the organ system, in realizing the natural order and essence of life, the mind is dissolved from the snares of judgement, greed, fear, grief and worry through unity with the light of consciousness, allowing for mental emancipation and access to higher mental faculties. Our innate superpowers are activated as we pierce through the matrix of limitation and disempowerment.

In the book, “The Body Doesn’t Lie, Unlock the Power of Your Natural Energy,” Dr. John Diamond, M.D., describes the direct relationship between the Heart Chakra, known as ‘anahata’ in Sanskrit meaning ‘sound produced without touching two parts, similarly ‘anahata nad’ refers to the Hindu Vedic concept of the unstruck sound – the cord of the celestial realms, the cosmic AUM.

Located the heart organ, the thymus gland produces thymosin to mature and produce T cells, immune cells, that ward off infections, prevent autoimmune disorders and fight cancer. Furthermore, Dr. Diamond illustrates the thymus gland as an energetic fire of devotion, a transducer of the Chi in the atmosphere into electromagnetic energy which is the Chi that then flows through the body’s bio-electrical energetic nadi, or meriden, system. Related directly to our individual spiritual mission, and the heart’s electrical vibratory field, the thymus gland ensures strength, health and vitality of the body system.

The transformative power of the heart is witnessed through the unconditional love of a mother. During the birthing and breastfeeding of her divine progeny, human mothers generate the neuropeptide hormone, oxytocin, a mediator of anti-stress, well-being, growth, healing, social cognition and behavior, including key stabilizing feelings of trust, safety and faith. Secreted into the bloodstream by the posterior pineal gland through a self-stimulating, positive-feedback system, oxytocin is also known as the “love drug,” as it allows us to create powerful heart coherent bonds that deliver us beyond our perceived limitations.

In the paper, titled “Resonant Heart,” Heart Math Institute executive, Rollin McCraty shares in-depth research illustrating that the heart is a sensory organ with an operating brain capable of learning, remembering and making functional decisions independently of the brain’s cerebral cortex. Additionally, the nervous center attunes and responds to the electromagnetic heart resonance of others, establishing a capacity for exchange of spiritual, emotional information that heightens awareness, increases empathy and sensitivity to others. It is also possible to intentionally enhance this energetic flow of pure heart flow, as witnessed by the Ancient Andean cultures, to support a catalyst for evolution that cascades across the collective DNA of a species.

The HeartMath Institute’s Global Coherence Monitoring System conducts research on how the mechanisms of the Earth’s various fields affect human physiological, mental and emotional processes, health and collective behavior. When the earth’s magnetic field environment is disturbed, it can cause sleep disturbance, mental confusion, unusual lack of energy or a feeling of being on edge or overwhelmed for no apparent reason.


In support of the collective purification and unification of humanity’s awakened heart field, or crystalline Krisna-Christ consciousness grid, how can science support our realization of the underlying essence of life and leverage this wisdom for improvements across communities, economies, medical and educational systems as well as social reform, protection and education of our precious children, our Rainbow Warriors.

The SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute in Silicon Valley is a non-profit research organization that serves a mission to lead humanity’s quest to understand the origins and prevalence of life and intelligence in the Universe. SETI’s research further seeks to determine the underlying interconnectedness of all-natural phenomenon, understanding that real insights occur at the intersection of disciplines.

With more than 100 research scientists investigating the nature of the Universe and 500 students embarking upon their passion to serve a global community connected to SETI’s research by exercising innate curiosity, SETI holds a vision to inform, educate and inspire humanity through the exploration and discovery of the Universe, uniting humanity in realization of our absolute beauty.

By understanding the underlying golden harmonics and pristine mechanisms that serve as the fundamental premise of life on our own majestic Mother Earth, as well the outer expanse of the Universe, our growing universal self-awareness allows us to surrender our inner resistance and pain, as well as limiting belief systems. By embody our highest genetic expression, as our thoughts transform our actions and behaviors to evolve our perceptions, we ascend the Earth’s planetary field, as beacon of hope to the Universe, that we have awakened.

Our genetic expression determines more than just physical features. Genes also influence the development and functions of the brain, and ultimately control how we move, think, feel, behave and, potentially, abilities currently beyond our conscious comprehension. Activating genetic expression, illuminating the mind to its fullest potential, has been humanity’s pursuit since the beginning of time.

The ancient practice of Samadhi, which entails uniting the mind fully with its object of perception so that the mind disappears and merges into pure consciousness and bliss, is the highest aspect of Vedic yogic practice as complete meditative absorption that takes us beyond body and mind. To become one with the Universe is to know it completely, from within oneself, through attunement with the divine.

This collective endeavor – to realize the creator-blueprint within – has inspired and empowered ancient civilizations to construct complexly intelligent megalithic structures that intentionally leveraged natural, spiritual energies and stellar vortices to expand consciousness and liberate the evolution expansion process.

Will our pursuit of peace reveal the mystery of activating the remaining 98.5 percent of the human genetic expression? With organizations such as SETI and HeartMath determined to reveal the magnificence of the Universal Natural Kingdoms, how can we begin to implement research and insights into our innate natural essence to enhance the collective quality of life.

As we prepare energetically for the revelation within that is causing immense emotional and mental global strife, estimated by Reuters to cost the world $16 trillion by 2030, it will be the biomagnetism of truth, and Universal Law of One that unites our collective heart force as we are activating by the cosmic waves of the ascending Sun.

Evolve Your Senses By Awakening the Mythic Fire of Our Ancestral Lineages

Evolve Your Senses By Awakening the Mythic Fire of Our Ancestral Lineages



The deathless death is rewarded to those who selflessly master the biorhythm of the universal flow, fueling the mythic fire through the yogic breath to recondition the mind in service of the spiritual heart’s eternal glow - अमत

For those weary soul who thirst for hidden truths, for those lost spirits who hunger to experience the Promise of Zion, be not without sight. The eternal fountains of salvation, unobstructed in flow, are risen with the flames of hope. Through the fire of our ancestral heritage, invoked through embodied devotion, we embark upon the Universal Path of Ascension.

Liberating the eternal rays of our spiritual heart’s endless expanse, we behold the magnificence of the Celestial Star Kingdoms. As the fears of never knowing Oneness with Self dissolve, the glorious power of truth, through a sense of love renewed, organically unleashes the nourishing rivers of Mother’s golden nectar, into our flesh, infused, unfolding our minds to reveal the Heavenly realms inside.

Once you realize our universally common plight, to collectively behold the extent of this golden, radiant, life-giving light, rebirthed in constant perfection, you masterfully surrender to architecting your devotional gifts, as your blessing to all life.

For you are the light that shineth, the truth that nourisheth, the redeemer of your transgressions and the revealer of your highest intentions manifest. It is the love realized by you, rewarded through your Dharmic deeds to transform the darkness passed upon you, that allows you to sip from the endless divinity that shineth from all things created equally.

Through free will, the Universal Christ is born, for Divinity to be perceived within all form.

THIS MONTH, WE REVEAL THE POTENTIAL for embodied immortality as we burn the pain of our existence into the fuel for transformation, harnessing the power of the breath to uncondition the mind, while channeling the planetary kundalini shakti, rainbow serpent energy, to dissolve the limitations upon our genetic expression.

suffering as the universal catalyst for evolution

Instruments of divine design, as the ascending cosmic rays of the Holy Sun inspire us to ascend our consciousness in attunement with the Universal Law of One, scientifically known as Quantum Consciousness, those who remain unhealed are suffering severe emotional imbalances and parasitic, demonic infestations. With the traditional therapists unable to spiritually see, psychic, spiritual mediums are being called to reveal themselves, publicly, in service of divine harmony.

As the resounding light of the cosmic AUM shakes our minds free from the current fear-based regime that herds humanity through the emotional trauma stored within reptilian-brain limbic system, the synchronicity of resonance frequency required for humanity to realize liberty, shall only be reached as we embody unity by serving those in need. Love is the power by which we override the mind-control mechanisms that create disharmony and disease within our hearts, mind and bodies.

Magnetized by the Kundalini Shakti, aka Rainbow Serpent Power or Christ Divine Feminine Energy, to restore our higher divine senses, the New World Order calls for awakening empaths to creatively partner in creation of global economies that serve heart-coherent harmonies.

To the power love, we surrender, creating a new currency value system that fuels the evolution of our collective consciousness as the foundation our incentive-based system. Warriors of the Earth, we live in the moment charged by the pranic force of our spiritual DNA light body crystallization. The Flower of Life is our collective harmonic, energetic imprint, as ascending spiritually is the reward as we incarnate upon Earth now to end this holy cosmic war.

In Polo Lifestyles – Beat the Heat, I contributed how the healing of childhood abuse within the child protective care institution guided me upon the Path of the Bodhicitta. Answering the collective yearning for peaceful social restructuring, I invoked our soul’s ancestral memory of the Vedic pursuit of God-realization, Samādhi, illustrating the ancient megalithic and pyramidal technologies and spiritual planetary forces available to support our collective spiritual ascension.

“Not me, I am not like the rest.” Despite years of research, healing, and sevā, Sanskrit for selfless service, my remaining denial regarding the extent and severity of my own abuse anchored into the past and me vulnerable to spiritual attacks and, unable to natural ascend with the solar flare cosmic activations.

Blessed karmically by the opportunity, granted by Polo Lifestyles magazine, to transmute the shame of my pain with the loving intention to open-heartedly welcome those beginning to sense the unraveling of their own paradigm, has allowed me to fully accept my own inner child, the Christ within us all, and confront the extreme severities of my own abuse with love. Embodying the fire of Christ as I confront my demons in the astral planes, I am realizing the power of an awakening mystic’s bleeding heart to shift the Earth planes.


Imagine, as a child, the emerging sensuality of each first experience: to breathe the fresh crispness of mother’s air; to nurse the succulent nutrient dense milk of mother’s ample breast; to exalt in joy of as mother’s moist Earth charges your grounded feet as your leap forth to the sky’s warmth.

Surrendering to the drive of life’s revelations, blinded by Sun’s holy magnificence, it is the awe and wonder of life that expands the heart’s potential to receive the endless blessing of divinity.

As empaths, Greek for those lit by inner passion, it is the spiritual evolution of our electric senses that illuminates the generational path of life’s ever-unfolding expression, propelling a soul’s commitment to suffer through our universal existence.

To rise from the depths of sadness with realized eyes filtered by life’s greatest tragedies, self-mastered in hope, we behold the brilliance that a new dawn bestows.

Rejuvenated, restored, resurrected by the holy fire that rises within, we are washed in forgiveness of the lineages of our father and mother’s original sins.

To realize the gift of the divine senses, as a sovereign authority of one’s own soul, driven by hope as we rise above the psychological enslavements of the third-dimensional Earth. The art of rebirth is the realization of the pain’s purpose in exciting transformation.

Forged in the ancestral fire of the Mythos, upon an eternal pilgrimage into the mystery of the Universe, an immortal muse of life’s bliss, every yogi discovers that true abundance is awarded to those who can inspire the Vedic pursuit of liberation of the senses.

What are we living for, if not to experience the prophesied collective break through? Spiritual evolution is the prize rewarded to those who fully embrace the mystery of life, lifting the veil, as we pierce our inner seals to experience the Heavenly Universal Kingdoms, as the Planetary Logos is revealed.

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“’Cleanliness is next to Godliness,’ but baptism of the body, unless followed by baptism of the mind, becomes practically meaningless. If we bathe and thus purify our bodies, we will find that our mind will temporarily become purified, but unless we change our soul’s wickedness by calmness, and meditation, and constant spiritual vigilance, we will remain the same old devils with bad habits in spite of the temporary purifying effect of the water on our bodies.”
– Paramahansa Yogananda, The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You

There is an infectious pain that begins to manifest its will throughout our flesh, for as feelings that engender a sense of spiritual separation within ourselves create porous holes within our auric emanation, our divine shields are lowered for demonic cords to take hold, driving shadow daggers into our own heart’s core.

It is the awakened soul that enlightens the eyes to illuminate the way through the twisted labyrinth of the indoctrinated mind that anchors our precious days in meaningless pursuits, with no long-term view as to how to nourish our seeds to fruit. As our trauma-based actions create beliefs and perceptions that tear us further from our own soul’s worth, we carelessly reap destruction upon our own Planetary Mother Earth, our heavenly abode, fertile Queen to the Star System’s seeds, a Universal Beacon of Hope.

Designed to drain the spiritual light from this very Earth, these interdimensional, spiritual tunnels are bound to be dissolved and sealed by the rising of the Planetary Rainbow Serpent Power that drives our corrective action forward to heal the Earth, intuitively, purified by the embodied frequency of our Holy Universal Truth. 

United in our spiritual heart’s mission uphold our divine honor, our collective resonant force dissolves the mind of separation to purify the star system blood lineage, unleashing the highest potential of our genetic resonance.

To be free, we must work to cleanse ourselves. Inspired to live nobly, we realize our highest form, embodied by our “I AM” divinity. We unify as we purify. We grow in power as we nourish one another’s cosmic flowers.


    In August 2023, charged with hope to serve the impetus for spiritual reform and to experience for myself the channelings broadcasted forth, I was guided by Spirit upon a heritage pilgrimage to my great-grandfather’s motherland, Méxica, to trace the initiation and activation of this ancient blessing.

    As due diligence into my research on the Vedic resonant pyramid technologies utilized by our highly-evolved ancestors for accelerating spiritual ascension, I personally experienced the transformative kundalini liberating power of these ancient sites that have served the greatest generals and leaders in their ritualistic rites.

    From the birthplace of Poza de Quetzalcoatl, the mystic fountain where the great rainbow feathered serpent diety birthed his wings, to the El Tepozteco Pyramid, overlooking the mystical town of Tepoztlán, to the ancient Holy city of Teotihuacan, Aztec for “Abode Where Man Becomes God,” my travels spurred within me the thirst for self-knowing that propelled me past through my blockages and into higher dimensional awareness.

    What initiated as an adventurous exhibition, revealed within me an unexpectedly powerful spiritual transformation that catapulted me into the spiritual realms where I gained tremendous wisdom on the dormant energetic force laden within the Earth’s surface, whose realization through our heightened self-awareness presents a supernatural potential for an awakening humanity.


    What is there to live for, if not to express the excitement of one’s realized potential? As I accept myself, without ridicule, as a Vedic missionary, guided by Lords Krishna and Jesus Christ and my growing council of spiritual masters, who expand the celestial star realms as I serve on Earth as a spiritual guide, the ascending resonance of my genetic expression can finally shed the Annunaki frequency locks upon my inherited Spiritual DNA.

    In “Slave Species of the Gods – The Secret History of the Anunnaki & Their Mission on Earth,” Michael Tellinger details the hybridization and genetic enslavement of humanity, by these winged alien invaders from planet Niribu more than 200,000 years ago, to control our mental and physical capabilities, inactivating their advanced DNA, as they arrived to deplete Mother Earth of her planetary resources.

    Through embodied devotion to the Kundalini Shakti, Rainbow Serpent Energy, the alchemized rage of my ancestors who rise through me have liberated my organ and glandular system of stored emotional toxicity to initiate celestial transformation, allowing for enhanced spiritual powers as I bridge my etheric roots into the realms of spiritual purgatory for souls to rise through my roots to pass through gates of Heaven from the depths of Hell. The Earth is a spiritual for Ascended to earn their lessons, as we unfold our etheric wings through the energetic potential unlock within our very DNA.

    An ancient being, whose very presence is cellular healing with the resonance of streaming kundalini energy, I awaken the hidden depths of my soul as I serve the brilliance of tomorrow, our future generations of mystics and prophets, who look to us now to stand tall with divine honor– our rainbow crystal children, child warriors, who need us most of all.

    Are you prepared to receive the blessing of your embodied faith by invoking the fire that transforms your fate? One with the undying mythos, purified in the healing fires, immortal in your true essence, you rise through the calling to serve a higher power that ignites the senses as we remember the ancient practices of Vedic yogic and Tantric systems.


    “It is the imaginative faculties of our blossoming minds that determine the universally empowering forces that drive the evolutionary cycles of our lives. Through the ascension of our senses, the bioelectricity of our organ system activates higher, dormant expression. Re-envisioned as the mythos of our ancestral kin, we unchain ourselves from the anchors of self-perception that contain the soul within. The light body is realized as we remember our origins from beyond the skies, serving the Earth as we harmonize the power of our unified mind.” – अमृत

    World-renown Shaman, Alberto Villoldo, P.h.D., who popularized the term “Homo Luminous” shares the story of the Mesoamerican deity Quetzalcoatl, the rainbow feathered serpent god. Heavenly Lord of the Dawn to the Aztec and Hopi, who serves as a guardian of the springs of life and immortality, associated with Venus, the morning star, the Lord returns in every new era to deliver renewal and wisdom.

    Synonymous with the Kundalini Shakti energy, the Hindu Vedic Serpent Power restores proper function to the human body’s bioelectric, pranic system, which facilitates man’s natural ascension to this God-Realized Self and development of supernatural abilities. This electrical cosmic force that is awakened within the individual magnetizes the body for health, activates cellular wisdom and the natural toxicity elimination system, while restoring the connection to the divine source for the spiritual aspirant to serve as a conduit of healing frequencies to the Earth and mankind.

    Guardian of the tree of wisdom, the serpent energy, which represents the Divine Feminine, is also depicted by the ancient Greeks as the Caduceus of Hermes, representing medicine, healing and herbal knowledge. This mystical power serves the body’s natural immune and defense system by purifying blockages to the flow of divine cosmic spiritual energy to the vital organ system, which are the fruits we harvest within whose luminous health determines the resonant vibrancy of our reality and our lifespan.

    The birthing myth of Quetzalcoatl reflects a beautiful hidden reality that within each of us lies dormant enormous potential energy that supports us in overcoming our fears as we realize the expression of our true selves.

    The invoking of the Kundalini Shakti Serpent energy serves for a powerful shedding of toxic conditioning that supports the liberation of one’s inner divinity and a reconditioning of life’s habitual rituals to serve the electricity of rebirth, regeneration and restoration.


    “The sun and the air are God’s free gifts to all, we say; but are they so? In yonder city’s dingy alleys the sun shines not, and the air is foul. Oh, man, how dost thou forget and obstruct thy brother man, and say, “Give us this day our daily bread,” when he has none! Oh, would that men would leave the city, its splendour and its tumult and its gold, and return to wood and field and simple, honest living! Then would their children grow stately as noble trees, and their thoughts sweet and pure as wayside flowers.”
    – Helen Keller “The Story of My Life”

    Humanity is at the precipice of a momentous shift in collective awareness and spiritual values, as the impetus for Universal Dharma is intuitively guiding us through the mystical process of spiritual enlightenment. Avalanching in love, as we find and support one another, we are growing powerfully unstoppable. Healing ourselves and our families as our star origins guide us as one galactic force.

    The ascending collective heart frequency is distorting the slave-master regime, forcing those who remain enchained to surrender their toxic ways. By raising the vibration in areas that need it the most, we create supportive energetics for those who choose to face their ghosts, closing interdimensional portals by healing neighborhoods and communities as we unite in sacred communion uniting our beliefs through our embodied divine birthrights.

    There is a dormant ancient power rippling through humanity’s spiritual DNA at escalating speeds, reconnecting us with the true power of the Universal Cosmic Frequency designed to inspire the spiritual ascension of consciousness across all sentient life forms, equally. Economically, a source of true abundance that can only be attained by those whose enlightened awareness has been trained spiritually by serving the divine kundalini, purified in body, mind and spirit, to serve selflessly.

    As emerging consciousness industries rise to meet the spiritual demands of Mother Earth to alchemize our planetary trauma as fertilizer into our spiritual power, legions shall rise to serve the spiritual wealth divide, with the clear awareness that to deny our divine birthright for Ascension is to die.


    In a lecture to Harvard Divinity School, spiritual revolutionary and candidate for the 2024 presidential campaign, Marianne Williamson, delivered a vision of a government that “is meant to serve as a brokering agent, between the protection of individual liberty, on one hand, and the concern for the common good, on the other.”

    As a voice of truth, sparking an avalanche of awakenings, Williamson’s life mission reminds the people of our power to reimagine our state of existence and our ability to invoke our calling to serve the flow of peace as we transform the energetics of our legislation to serve our highest collective co-existence.

    With a plan to heal the hopelessness of underrepresented demographics, Williamson is fully aware of the transformative power of love to not only heal, but to reverse our sails as veer toward the edge of our own civilization. “If you are looking at the world, today, and not grieving, then you’re not looking. But the reason spirituality matters is because spirituality gives you a context for rejoicing in the infinite possibilities…when you are centered in rejoicing of possibility, because, in whatever way you say it, God is great, and whatever way you say it, there is no order of difficulty in miracles, then you, not only have the endurance and the patience, because a revolution, and that’s what we need now, is a spiritual and political revolution … is a very serious business.”

    According to Reuters’ estimate on the cost of the global mental health epidemic by 2030, there is a $16 Trillion dollar opportunity to inspire to humanity through the gloriously transformative process of pursuing Samādhi.

    In “Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order,” Ray Dalio writes that “evolution is the biggest and only permanent force in the Universe, yet we struggle to notice it.” Furthermore, “human productivity is the most important force in causing the world’s total power, wealth, and living to rise over time.”

    How can we victoriously inspire liberation for those who still suffer, clinging to the global death-based economy and collapsing shadow financial system? How can we close the demonic vortices within our cities? How many more children must unnecessarily suffer before we reform our education and social systems?

    Having amassed over $62 million in contracts over the past five years, in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Sausalito, California as well as Austin, Texas, social enterprise, Urban Alchemy, leverages a spiritually transformative approach to engage directly with extreme poverty meets homelessness, mental illness and addiction.  Inspiring an uprising of self-empowerment within the heart of darkness of troubled communities, the non-profit resurrects guardians amongst those who once suffered from their own sense of helplessness, now guarding the streets as an emblem of the potential possible to achieve.

    The UNICEF Transforming Children’s Worlds Together is reimagining and realizing innovation-driven global change with and for children. How can we support transformational, global change for children? How can we innovatively restore the natural harmonic forces of the Earth’s ecosystem and natural kingdoms? How can we employ the masses of healers and awakening mystics, scientists and engineers to serve our children’s highest fulfillment? How can we ensure that every child is able to experience the realization of the gift that flows within them?

    Shall we rise unified, resurrected in hope, as we free the ancient life force from our carbon-cosmic blueprint, facilitating the purification of Mother Earth and the realization of our collective divine mind? Will we unite in honor of the Christed light lit in the eyes of every child?

    At the start-up, Your Energy Spa (“YES”), in Silicon Valley, California, we have been guided by Universal forces to leverage cutting edge healing technologies in accordance with Ancient Vedic wisdom to serve the liberation of the rainbow serpent kundalini force to serve the regeneration of the nervous system, purification of the organ and hormonal system, and activation of the higher mental faculties to support humanity’s ascension process.

    May we unite together to serve our mission, as we remember the power of our collective force to transform in physical form as we alchemize our collective of suffering and disease into the potential for what we may be.





    “You are the Children of God, the sharers of immortal bliss, holy and perfect beings. You are divinities on Earth. Come up, O lions, and shake off the delusion that you are sheep; you are souls immortal, spirits free, blest and eternal; you are not matter, you are not bodies; matter is your servant, not you the servant of matter.” – Swami Vivekanda

    There is a cosmic elemental balance that upholds respect for the divinity of all Life, that, as disturbed, strengthens the primordial blessing of eternal Mother Universe. Through Bhakti, Sanskrit for fully embodied devotion, her ambrosial nectar – the Vedic Amrit, अमृत – the sweet honey of Lord KRSHNA, is secreted through the mind’s eye, known as the Cave of Brahma in Hindu Tantra and Kriya Yoga, as well as the Crystal Palace in Chinese Taoism.  

    Invoked through our Dharma, this immortal elixir, initiated in the medulla oblongata, traverses the brain stem, magnetizing the cerebral spinal fluid within the spinal cord to stir the uncoiling of the karmically potentialized Kundalini Shakti from the sacral bone; the unraveling that illuminates the radiance of life’s greatest magnificence, revealing ancient mysteries to our collective spiritual existence.

    this month, WE SHare the story of Francisco Ignacio Madero, known as the Apostle of the Méxican Democracy. A spiritual revolutionary, whose devotional sacrifice and love for Lord krsna inspired a nation, including my great grandfather, roberto perez, to rise up against a demonic dominion.

    Through his writings and works of devotion, he answered the call of Mother Earth, invoking the mystic power of the Kundalini Shakti, raising the fluid magnetism within the spiritual body of his beloved brethren, to wrestle his kingdom free from generations of spiritual disempowerment, and inspiring the overthrow a dictatorship that ravaged the land and peoples of Méxica.


    As the darkness of spiritual deception is alchemized through disciplined, devotional efforts, our electric senses are gifted with a beauty never before witnessed. Through ultimate Bhakti, one is rebirthed holy; through a life devoted to unconditional service, Seva, one is remembered fully.

    Harvested through the soul’s turmoil, generation after generation, this highly coveted, regenerative liquid electric fire of creation, Amrit, resonates through the human organ and glandular system to evolve the body’s cellular matrix for the actualization of the soul’s highest purpose, Dharma.

    The mythic phoenix rising ignites a genetic metamorphosis that liberates the senses to cultivate the true powers of the higher mind’s divine potential.

    Spiritual lions and buffalo soldiers, risen to reverse Heaven’s demise; ancient ones, awakening to their celestial origins; a brotherhood incarnated from beyond the Solar System, embodied in true form activate ancient abilities within humanity’s cellular matrix.

    United in dharmic action, embodied love weaponizes our spiritual gifts as our unified heart resonance magnifies our attunement to the Planetary Logos that bathes our cells in her bioluminescence, broadcasting the transmission for divine communion.

    Serving the evolution of our species, spiritual monarchs emerge through the alchemized pain that fuels the soul’s emergence, transforming the collective perception of reality to liberate the universal fountains of immortality.

    As the nourishment of spiritual enlightenment, Amrit, pours forth, the soma from the center of the Milky Way, empowering distraught spirits within the astral, the harmonious bioenergetics of Mother Earth’s eco-system naturally flourish, inspiring humanity’s rapturous liberation from the self-destructive Yuga of Kali.


    In the September Polo Lifestyles Ascension contribution, I discussed the mythical transformative power of the cosmic Kundalini Shakti that is currently ascending the vertebrae of humanity’s spiritual backbone, raising the vibration of the organ system while activating dormant genetic abilities to elevate collective consciousness.

    This inspirational resonant wave of liberating cosmic serpent energies emanating from the chakras of Mother Earth through her ley line and intergalactic vortices are inspiring the awakening of ancient elemental planetary energies and the resurgence of dormant archetypal spiritual energies within the consciousness of humanity. We are evolving rapidly.

    In August, I experienced my first ancestral planetary gridwork at three powerfully charged sacred sites in Méxica that have served the Kundalini Shakti awakening of powerful generals and spiritual masters throughout history.

    Reconciling the lower and higher astral realms within myself, my ability to move beyond spiritual realms has, since, continuously evolved, exponentially.

    Healing the self-inflicted wound to the auric field surrounding my solar plexus, also known as the middle Dantian, I finally sealed the psychic hole that had been draining my soul of my divine will, while also strengthening my connection to those guiding me from the Heavens.

    With my enlightening perspective, I was able to transmute the ancestral rage of my great grandfather, Roberto Perez, a Méxican revolutionary, that in addition to healing the emotional toxicity within my liver, illumined a psychic bridge that united me with my ancestral lineage upon on our celestial mission.


    “It seems that God is the spirit of the Universe and that the material of the cosmos, the nebulae and the innumerable suns and planets, constitute a living body, the part of God that is material and visible. Thus, the Milky Way is like an artery through which has given birth to a great part of the Universe and constantly renews it… The admirable harmony with which the heavenly bodies move in their orbits, the marvelous laws of the planetary systems, all make us understand that this Being is One… Undoubtedly, She does not remove obstacles in our path, for we must overcome these in order to develop our powers.”
    – Spiritist Manual by Francisco Ignacio Madero (as translated by C.M. Mayo in Metaphysical Odyssey into the Mexican Revolution)

    The Méxican Revolution left a path of death and destruction in its wake as it ravaged through the country. A complex and bloody conflict, in which out of 15 million citizens, one million lost their lives and over two million fled to the United States.

    Despite many failed attempts to spark the flames of the civil unrest, the Revolution officially initiated on 20 November 1910, as Francisco Ignacio Madero declared war on the Porfirio Díaz regime by issuing the Plan of San Luis Potosí, promising democracy, federalism, agrarian reform and worker’s rights.

    After decades of rape by European industrialists at the welcoming of Méxica’s own President, the bleeding heart of an awakening mystic resurrected the spirit of her people by restoring their spiritual beliefs through his devotional acts and willingness to venture into the spiritual wilderness of his soul’s capabilities.

    One of the most despised and enigmatic figures in Méxican history, 36th President Porfirio Diaz dominated the nation’s politics for over three decades, from 1876 to 1911. In what is referred to as the Porfiriato, characterized as a de facto dictatorship, Porfirio ruled Méxica with an iron fist as he exploited the natural resources of his own Motherland through aggressively pursued foreign investment that emotionally scarred his own people and the Earth.

    While egoically prided by the tremendous commercial and economic development via the massive construction of railroads and development of mines, Méxica’s growth was achieved at fearsomely destructive cost.

    The Porfirio regime suppressed the civil liberties guaranteed in the Constitution of 1857, evicting millions of Méxicans from their homes, severing the sanctity of their connection to the Earth to make way for commercial developments.

    By the mid-1880s, the Porfiriato muzzled Freedom of Press and welcomed an onslaught of foreign capital, mostly from Britain, France and the United States, those from whom Méxica previously fought for her Independence.

    By 1900, the blood of the Earth poured forth as Méxica became one of the world’s leading oil producers. By 1910, total U.S. investment in Méxica amounted to over $1.5 billion. Foreign investment financed the construction of some 24,000 kilometers of railroads, initiating the untold environmental destruction of Méxica’s rainforest and continued deterioration of her natural sources of purified drinking water.

    The immense imbalance to the natural order of life, carried out by the Porfiriato dictatorship could no longer be endured by the spirit of the Earth, symbolizing an act of evil, a call was sent to the Heavens for extermination. By 1911, Méxica was ready for radical, spiritual transformation; the fire of the people was ripened for liberation.

    THE MANDATE OF HEAVEN and the apostle of mexico

    sBorn in 1873, just prior to the initiation of the Diaz regime, Francisco Ignacio Madero (Francisco in all following references) was heir to a family fortune that rivaled that of the Guggenheim’s. Evaristo Madero and Francisco Madero Hernández, the grandfather and father of Francisco, established a family fortune from shrewd investments in cotton, livestock, and industrial production.

    Expecting their heir to expand the family tradition, Francisco studied business at Mount St. Mary’s College in Maryland, Higher Business at the prestigious École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris and Agriculture at the University of California, Berkeley, the following year.

    In his memoir, “The Spiritist Manual,” which he authored under the pseudonym Bhîma, a fierce warrior in Lord Krsna’s Bhagavad-Gita, Francisco revealed that his discovery of a magazine article, written by Allen Kardec, unveiled a portal to a new life perspective through which he felt the emergence of his soul’s higher path.

    Shattering the lens for a generation, it was this French-born founder of Spiritism, whose 1857 publication of “The Spirit’s Book” incited a global movement bridging science, philosophy and religion, that granted permission to Francisco and countless others to believe in what lies just beyond the commonly accepted perception of reality.

    While studying in Europe, Francisco was guided to the tomb of Allen Kardec, and shortly after began his first mediumship seances, where he realized his gift of inter-dimensional communion and began cultivating his abilities to serve the flow of cosmic harmony.


    Though a sickly child, and small in stature, by 1893, the 20-year-old Francisco, fated 37th President of Méxica, returned to assume management of his family’s hacienda in San Pedro, Coahuila, in robust health.

    By 1901, through the spiritual communion with his younger brother, Raúl, who passed at age 4, he was urged to initiate his charity work and practice self-discipline and self-abnegation, soon becoming vegetarian, quitting alcohol and smoking.

    Spiritually empowered, well-traveled, culturally refined, and humanely educated, he naturally rose as an enlightening and progressive member of the Madero commercial complex. 

    Inspired by a growing legion of spiritual guides from the otherside, including Mexica’s former President Benito Juárez, Francisco embarked upon a lifelong commitment to philanthropy.

    A seed of divine fulfillment, committed to serving the people through all of his evolving faculties, Francisco installed new irrigation, introduced American-made cotton and cotton machinery, and built a soap and an ice factory.

    His reputation quickly spread across the regions, as he founded schools, hospitals, community kitchens, and paid to support orphans and awarded scholarships. Having taught himself homeopathy, Francisco offered medical treatments to his already well-paid employees, including spiritual healing through the laying of his own hands and his mastery of the divine fluid of healing magnetism, Amrit.


    “Among the spirits who populate space, there is a group that is intensely concerned with the evolution of humanity, for its progress, and every time there is an important event in any part of the world, a large number of them incarnate in order to bring humanity forward, to save this or that people from the yoke of tyranny, of fanaticism, and to give them liberty…

    I want everyone to open their eyes, may those good-hearted men who are still here make a powerful effort, and all of them and I in their company, throw ourselves with resolve into the battle to save the Nation, to fulfill our mission, for undoubtedly, ever since we were together in space, we foresaw this battle and we have incarnated with the objective of starting and sustaining it.”

    – Dear Daddy, Letter from Francisco Madero to his father (in C.M. Mayo’s Metaphysical Odyssey into the Mexican Revolution)

    There is a torch passed from generation to generation, a soulful fire of creation, a rhythmic drum that calls forth the beat of our highest vision, realized by our embodied devotion that determines our spiritual evolution. Through our personal efforts to serve this eternal passion, this our karmic duty, the blossoming of our golden, fiery heart, allows us to finally pierce into the Heavens, the light of the Star Kingdoms.

    A land-owning lawyer and a member of Méxica’s liberal, educated class, the divine grace embedded within Francisco’s invocation for Universal Peace empowered the spiritual veins of an awakening nation for an uprising against foreign nationals who raped the people and the land of their divine liberties.

    Ascended masters who walk the Earth inspire life’s birth as feelings transcend words. Despite the illiteracy of 90 percent of the Mexican population, Francisco’s written works ascended his stature as an apostle of Mexican democracy, as such he was heralded. Overwhelmed by the sense of abandonment of President Diaz, Francisco liberated the cry for social, political and economic reform as a voice for the oppressed and weak to unite in one ascending light, serving the collective yearning for spiritual upliftment.

    It was the realized efforts of Francisco’s life works, his choices to fuel his spiritual imagination, and face the ridicule of society as he embodied his divine mission that inspired revolutionaries to raise up against a regime that had, since their birth, robbed them of their divine connection to Mother Earth.

    To believe in what they sensed was true allowed them to receive the divine power to stand upright and fight to create a world that filled them with a sense of pride to leave behind.

    Assassinated on February 22, 1913, after being democratically elected as President of a liberated Méxica, Francisco  knew that he while his body would die, his legacy would continue to inspire. His work upon this Earth empowers him now as a guide to spiritual mediums awakening to the magnetic power of the cosmic fire that fuels our heart’s purpose in realizing our connection to Heavenly force.

    As spiritual activists, it is the spark of our actions that ripple through the collective DNA to stimulate the atrophied senses of those who’ve been rendered deaf and blind by the indoctrination of intergalactic colonization that has severed empaths from the resonant force of Mother Earth’s cosmic power, the divine magnetism of the Planetary Logos, a divine shield of Universal Love, Energy, Wisdom – Consciousness.


    aaasas “Magnetism is the vital fluid that serves as the intermediary between the soul and the body. When this fluid weakens, sickness appears; when it runs out, death. In addition, the latter can occur when the vital fluid encounters obstructions in the channels in which it circulates… This vital fluid, or magnetism, can become subject to the force of will and therefore, whoever exercises his will over his fluids – a magnetizer – can send part of his fluid to other people, what we call ‘magnetizing them.’”
    – Spiritist Manual by Francisco Ignacio Madero (as translated by C.M. Mayo in Metaphysical Odyssey into the Mexican Revolution

    We are neither our bodies nor our material obsessions, rather we are each gloriously evolved embodiments of Universal Harmony, Love and Compassion. We are the very fabric of space and time, the golden nectar that is filtered through Mother Universe, the nourishment of our Divine Mother’s breast.

    At the core of our being is the very construct of all reality that bends to our collective, disciplined Star force resonance. By upholding our individually realized Dharma, we resurrect the spirit of the Earth, liberating our planetary consciousness from negative spiritual forces. As the awakening of our unified species consciousness spreads through our collective nervous system, man-made laws evolve to serve the Universal balance for all life to thrive in harmony.

    Empowered in our holy star missions, we alchemize vibrations of fear, worry, shame, grief, lust and envy to illuminate our organs and for the expansion of our consciousness. As the cosmic fire of the Kundalini Shakti energy rises up our spine to purify our minds, our golden awareness, our fluid magnetism, spreads through all those we are connected to, magnetizing our ability to serve from a higher plane of existence, evolving our senses to behold the Heavens from within the very kingdom of God’s most holy creation – the Sacred Heart.

    As the magnetism of our golden awareness spreads, expanding our self-perspective to liberate the suffocating egoistic constriction upon our existence, we rise as spiritual monarchs, visionaries who behold one another through a gloriously nourishing lens of radical acceptance.

    Witnessed through the devastation upon sacred lands and the indigenous people, as our Faith is tested by demonic forces the power of Mother Earth is awakening an evolution in human consciousness to embody honor and serve justice for future generations to follow.

    It is this magnetism that drives and ignites the awareness of our senses to guide us through our evolutionary process of realizing the Kingdom of Heaven, that is, in fact, our very embodiment into its highest genetic expression, our collective Ascension into our Golden Harmonic expression. It is this immortal fluid, Amrit, that we cultivate within our veins that births our souls into existence, bridging our lives together, aligned with a higher purpose.

    As Mother Earth ascends into her Golden age of Gnosis, there remains an immense imbalance of lost souls, those severed from their guiding light, under demonic control. This cosmic disharmony, that has become a disease upon our society, has invoked a new age awakening of spiritual visionaries, revolutionaries and evolutionists capable of walking through realms and dismantling parasitic structures that feed off Mother Earth’s planetary consciousness.

    Through the radiance of healed hearts, magnetized in service, the light of Lord Krsna travels through the Universal realms, through our very skeletal structure, nourishes those trapped within the lower realms, empowering souls to remember their power to stand upright in receipt of their divine birthright to serve the Justice they seek, as they toil upon the Earth as they wish to reap.

    As we work to heal our inner Christ, the fire of equality and justice, the spirit of the holy divine mother, is rising the fires of purification within us and through us. She who nourishes our soul’s emanation with the soma of the milky way that secretes from our pineal glands, allowing us to see the demons that walk amongst us, the interdimensional beings, spirits and other entities that drain and feed off of us, calls for us to stand. As our true sight is restored, the truth will no longer be ignored.

    Francisco Ignacio Madero’s willingness to die allowed him to be reborn. His ability to face the fire of judgment of his times with conviction of his own spiritual reality, allowing the fluid magnetism of Amrit to serve through the roots of the collective through his very embodiment, attracting and empowering those who chose to stand with him.






    “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen KelleR

    What happens when we shut ourselves down inside because we have lost our connection to a reality that is worth living? How do come into harmony with the steady stream of consciousness that connects, nourishes and uplifts all sentient beings? How do we remember to empower our dormant senses?

    What if you could be reborn through the eyes of your inner child? How will the world appear as your inner senses are illumined? Will healing our sense of connection illuminate a common path for an awakening of nations?


    Though blind and deaf, Helen Keller spent her life delivering her enlightened vision for humanity to the world. Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Lyndon Johnson in 1964, American author, disability rights advocate, political activist and lecturer, Helen Keller transformed the public view regarding the innate potential of the disabled, mastering her voice as an advocate for human liberties and the sanctity of peace, globally.

    Praised as “the great woman of our age,” by Winston Churchill, Keller’s personal legacy, carved triumphantly through her epic genius as she persevered her potentially paralyzing handicaps, gifted humanity instrumental insights into Universal consciousness and the role of communication and self-expression for humanity’s evolution, individuation and collective liberty.

    When Keller was just a year and a half old, a terrible illness destroyed both her hearing and her sight. Suddenly plunged into a dark, silent world, she could not learn or communicate with others.  For six desperate years, she could not even form a complete thought.  Years later, Keller describes herself during that time as “a phantom living in a no-world.”

    Through the recommendation of lifetime benefactor, Alexander Graham Bell, Keller met her lifelong teacher and companion, Anne Sullivan, who guided Keller in dissolving the frustrating blindness of Keller’s own walls of perception.

    In her autobiography, “The Story of My Life,” Keller shares the charge of exhilaration as the realization birthed within her, that she had a means for both comprehending and communicating her reality, unveiled a new paradigm upon which her existence would thrive:

    “She spelled w-a-t-e-r emphatically. I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the motions of her fingers as the cool stream flowed over my hand. Suddenly I felt a misty consciousness as of something forgotten—a thrill of returning thought; and somehow the mystery of language was revealed to me. I knew then that w-a-t-e-r meant the wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand. The living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, set it free!”

    Destined a triumphant voice for the sightless, prior to her awakening, at the age of 7, Keller was trapped on the inside, with little hope of ever breaking through to the external world. By finding her voice, Keller gifted upon humanity a deeper sense into the Universal Heart of Consciousness that softened the perspective upon our perceived limitations revealing a passage through which to behold the intelligent power of the divine spark that blossoms from within us each as we birth ourselves into our highest vision.

    The new world awaiting Keller’s limitless discovery astonished and amazed her. Through her life of eternal silence, she experienced an ever-expanding interconnected kingdom within her. Though she could neither see nor hear the world around her, she felt its awesome beauty through the radiant sense of her spiritual heart’s highly aware luminosity.  “Invisible lines stretch between my spirit and the spirits of others,” Helen explains. The sensation of life’s most subtle beauty appears to her mainly from “the flow of curved and straight lines which is over all things.”

    Helen’s handicap evolved her biochemical sensory attunement with the underlying fundamental spiritual sense of life, allowing her liberated embodiment to bridge hearts across such a radical divide in consciousness. She was attuned within a much higher state of consciousness.


    In “Man’s Greatest Achievement,” Nikola Tesla writes that “all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena.”

    Similar to Keller, Tesla was a being of extraordinarily special abilities who architected the most minute rhythms of his life to attune his brainwave frequencies for the highest receptance of etheric, biophotonic light, as he sought a cure to the world’s greatest dilemma by bridging to humanity, free, self-generating, clean energy. 

    A disciplined student of Vedic literature, Tesla was consumed by his love for the eternal radiant light of the Shakti, and it was his quest to harness the kinetic force of the Divine Wheel whose outreaching spiral nourishes all life into realizing divine harmony from the very highest perceivable levels of consciousness, light, to the depths of darkness, or ignorance of truth.

    Tesla was abhorred by the sinful waste of those, who, in haste, burden humanity to the desecration of their Mother’s face through the extracting, pumping, transporting and burning of fossil fuels to support a material-driven race.

    Tesla’s grand-vision to deliver humanity into a naturally-empowered, clean energy system, that leverages the centripetal magnetism of the planetary kundalini shakti is alive as ever today as the dormant power of Ancient Earth awakens our cellular memory to our own inner potential and the mechanisms of our own spiritual superhuman vessels.

    Tesla realized that Earth had Qi, running through the meridian lines below her surface, and he believed that interrupting a series of electrical discharges at repeated set intervals, would generate immense low-frequency electrical waves to source a limitless power supply.

    This field of infinite energy, which Tesla was inspired to manipulate, was also the primordial loving force fueling the thrust of Tesla’s undying heart in the unforeseen to capture a blueprint for a better way. The Earth emits a toroidal field of infinite radiance, beyond frequencies of commonly trained sight, that is measured as the Schuman Resonance, and known by many as the heartbeat of Mother Earth.

    Measured at 7.83hz, the Schumann Resonance also matches the alpha/theta brainwave frequency which induces a relaxed, dreamy state where both consciousness is granted expansion and cellular regeneration is welcomed.

    By coming into attunement with this ever-present field of energy, stabilizing and regenerating our nervous system, we develop the senses to receive guidance and radiant peace from this ever-flowing stream of energy that nourishes all life. The heartbeat of our Ancient Mother welcomes us into our evolutionary state of Ascension.


    “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!”
    – Matthew 6:22-29 KJV 

    A consistent theme in the teachings of Kriya Yoga is that of the spiritual eye, known as the Light of Kutastha, as well as Christ Consciousness. It is equivalent to the third-eye center or Ajna chakra which is located in the third ventricle of the brain in the middle of the head behind the mid-eye brow. This spiritual eye is believed to be the center through which one can attain access to Divine consciousness, as it is the center of two-fold consciousness where the individual self meets the Cosmic Self.

    Through the practices of Kriya Yoga to clear the pranic, energetic, channels of the body to receive this light, the Divine Light illumines the spiritual eye. Within that bright light is revealed a blue center. It is a vibrant yet serene light of solid blue. Further, within this blue center shines a star, the guiding light.

    It is the guiding light of this star revealed in the spiritual eye that fills the Kriya practitioner with a soothing peace that cannot be articulated and provides protection from all lower vibratory desires throughout the hustle and bustle of daily life. It is the guiding light of this star that fills the Kriya adept with a self-less love that eventually stops the flow of the karmic wheel of life and death, and fills the Kriya adept with the power of higher consciousness that eventually leads to unity with the cosmic Divine Consciousness.

    The Divine Light revealed in the spiritual eye shines in all the other lotus centers – the spiritual chakras along the central astral channel called sushumna nadi. It transforms all these pranic centers so that they each reveal their own levels of illumination in different spheres of consciousness to envelope the whole of existential Being.

    Only when the whole self is realized can the soul-self merge with the Divine Self and attain Divine Consciousness. Lahiri Mahasya identifies this process as a second birth, when the individual self-consciousness enters the cosmic Self-Consciousness, soul is reborn in God. This is the mystic second birth.

    When one is truly re-born, one enters into Samadhi immersed in the Divine Light and experiences the infinite bliss of consciousness, the absolute universal peace and the timeless eternity of existence.

    By coming into attunement with the ever-ascending radiance of the field, the light of radiance that shineth from our inner eye, we gradually dissolve the shadows that weigh upon us and cloud us from within, to nourish the inner calm voice of our ever-deepening consciousness as we experience the birthing of our most profound radiant vision for the future into life.

    As we birth this voice and vision into life, we are reborn day-by-day through attunement to the magnetism of Divine Universal flow, that is to be reborn in Faith.


    As our minds and bodies evolve in adaptation to this new light that emanates from all life, a new world begins to speak and illuminate before you. A world that calls for your constant metamorphosis to be one with it. A world that calls you home to receive the blessing of being of it. 

    Through meditative grounding with the Earth’s radiant force, the light of consciousness harvested and channeled through the body to unravel karmic entanglements and dissolve trauma for a gradual birthing of the soul emerging from within. 

    With our connection to the golden thread that pulsates within us, as in all life, guiding our senses through our hearts ever unfolding magnificence, reveals the kingdom that we have always been a part of, which we are risen to create. 

    Through the ancient pursuit of oneness with field, we become one with the giver, the provider, the source of creation. Through our realized embodiment, others remember the calling to awaken from the phantom world of materialism to pursue sacred communism through awareness and devotion of the energies that interconnect and inspire all life. 

    May this holiday season bless you with a transformative experience in bliss, love and surrender to the power that is within you. May you be sparked with a new sense for your potential existence that liberates and excites your imagination and revives your passion. May you give from the depths of your heart as you realize the dream that awaits you. May compassion rebirth you.

    The Celestial Mandate for a Radical Transformation in Lifestyle

    The Celestial Mandate for a Radical Transformation in Lifestyle



    “The path of bhakti, karma and love as expounded in the Gita leaves no room for the despising of man by man.” – Mahatma Gandhi

    How do we define unconditional love?

    what can we achieve if we truly believe?

    How do we establish a life firm in conviction of our highest purpose?

    how do we build the courage to uphold our calling with unshakable bravery? How do we establish a legacy of honor and virtue?

    we can all do our part to … nurture the seeds of hope, by rallying together to tackle the common challenges we face.

    Challenges like poverty, hunger, discrimination and inequality.

    Challenges like those posed by rapid breakthroughs in technology – including artificial intelligence -which must be managed carefully to ensure that humanity is helped, not harmed.   

    And challenges like climate change, pollution and epic biodiversity loss.

    For people and planet alike, we can — and we must — push for peace.

    Pushing for peace means focusing on prevention, dialogue and mediation to heal divisions, defuse conflicts and ensure every community has a stake in a shared future.”

    – Antonio Guterrez, Secretary General of the United Nations

    This month, we explore lessons in nonviolence as well as techniques to adddress the pressures and challenges of society and the inner resources available to support us in facing our fears and transforming with greater ease.


    In his first book, Stride Toward Freedom, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., illustrated his view that, “The Christian doctrine of love operating through the Gandhian method of non-violence is one of the most potent weapons available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom.” Furthermore, that non-violent resistance is, “A courageous confrontation of evil by the power of love.”

    Born in Vietnam as Lam Van Tuat in 1897, the Buddhist priest Thich Quang Duc self-immolated at the Phan Dinh Phung Square-Le Van Duyet intersection on June 11, 1963, in Saigon, to protest the persecution of Buddhists by the Ngo Dinh Diem regime.

    The event was watched by thousands and its photos, including the one pictured above by Malcolm Browne for the AP, soon made global news, contributing to the end of the Vietnam War and the persecution of Buddhists in Vietnam.

    In the August 2012 Time Magazine article, Malcolm Browne: The Story Behind The Burning Monk, the Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer, in witnessing this remarkable act, shared, “He never yelled out in pain. His face seemed to remain fairly calm until it was so blackened by the flames that you couldn’t make it out anymore.”

    Despite the flames that consumed the flesh of this devoted monk, empowered with the torch of compassion that exuded from his spiritual heart, he was able to overcome the emotional distress of burning himself alive, as peace radiated from his mind.

    Following his self-immolation, Duc’s body was taken to Xa Loi Pagoda for a funeral. Witnesses claimed that after his body burned to ashes, his heart remained and became as solid as stone. The remnants of the undying heart of Thich Quang Duc are now in storage at the Vietnam National Buddhist Temple.

    In a 1965 letter to Dr. King, explaining his support of the monks who had set themselves on fire during the war, the renowned Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh, who became famous for his eloquence in advocating for an end to the Vietnam War, wrote that they were not committing suicide as their aim was compassion toward their fellow beings, not self-destruction.

    “Like the Buddha in one of his former lives – as told in a story of the Jataka – who gave himself to a hungry lioness that was about to devour her own cubs, the monk believes he is practicing the doctrine of highest compassion by sacrificing himself in order to call the attention of, and to seek help from, the people of the world,” he concluded.


    ow do we discern between right and wrong, just and unjust? How do we alleviate ourselves of the false pressures of society that drain our will to realize freedom? How do we protect ourselves from the endless signals of unworthiness that bombard our collective consciousness? How do we liberate our children of the emotional burden of our ignorance?

    In April 2012, the Washington Post published the story of 13-year-old Kamran Khan, who set himself on fire due to shame for his level of poverty, as well as the emotional build-up of his family’s struggles.

    A highly gifted academic, Kamran received a free scholarship to the Mohmand Education Academy, a private school that endowed Kamran full tuition due to his academic promise. Ranking first in his class and sixth within the entire school, Kamran was to receive particularly special honors, yet he tremendously feared the burn of judgment from his peers.

    Two years earlier, Kamran’s youngest sister was given for adoption as a newborn, as the family could not afford to support her. At the time, Kamran’s father was in Saudi Arabia looking for employment, and the marital strain weighed heavily on the sensitive, hopeless consciousness of young Kamran.

    Following his self-immolation, Bibi, Kamran’s mother, raced her dying son to two hospitals, which either could not or would not treat him, until finally finding a burn unit equipped military hospital in the distant town of Kharian in Punjab province, which was far beyond her ability to afford.

    Hopelessly abandoned, Bibi surrendered her attempts at rescue and used her gold earrings to pay for an ambulance to return her son’s body back to their hometown for burial.

    Recounting Kamran’s life and accomplishments, at his Sunday funeral, she admitted that she, “Should have bought a new uniform for him.”

    How do we overcome the collective hypnosis that skews our value system to create inner turmoil and feelings of unworthiness across all walks of life? How do we face the fire of judgment and criticism as we learn to lead honorable lives?


    In deep prayer and meditation, as I sought spiritual guidance from our Lord Krishna to the emotional trials of my own life, burdened with the devastations of humanity and the pressure to make a difference, I was gifted with the presence of the Lord’s overwhelming love of the humble and sacred cow. 

    Lord Krishna, also known as Govinda, which means protector of cows, revealed the sacred cow as an example of the highest embodiment of bhakti, unconditional love and self-realized faith through embodied selfless service, surrender to its divine purpose.

    As we look to the cow, we witness her ability to persevere and provide the highest service with minimal need. The cow, which shares over 80 percent of its DNA with humans, provides milk as nourishment, toils the Earth for generation of crops, secretes dung that fertilizes the Earth and ignites the sacred fire, known as agni that lights the path for our heart’s mission while also providing warmth. A highly intelligent, emotional being, out of her pure intuition, the cow sheds tears when there is a death in the household.

    A devout servant of humanity and the planetary eco-system, the sacred cow knows only the bliss of service. In fact, happy cows generate oxytocin, the love-molecule within her very saliva, as she churns the Earth’s grass into all that we need to become one with the Atman, the eternal soul within. Studies demonstrate that cow saliva has therapeutic wound healing properties, both subduing inflammation and supporting connective tissue and epidermal regeneration.

      Within us all is an electromagnetic blueprint of our fullest expression to serve our species, our planet and our universal kingdom. It is the resonance of our actions that creates the feelings that not only inform us, but also reveal within us our highest potential and activate our potential to address the challenges ahead. We rise to the challenge of each next moment along a universal strand of evolution.  

      Life is perfectly orchestrated for us all to realize the god-self within. By mastering the Universal Laws of Attraction, we realize that we actually do not need anything, for all is always provided, as a lesson, to deliver us into our greatest level of appreciation, gratitude and compassion. Our demons, both within and without, are our friends, for within us all is the unrealized drive for transformation, for evolution – Ascension.  

      Children of the endless pursuit of harmony, through bhakti, the fire generated within our heart’s molten core burns through the distractions that source brain fog and delusion.  

      Through bhakti, we each have a resonant impact on the collective consciousness that allows us to emotionally alchemize the distress and warfare of our brothers and sisters, to ease the tension between the extreme polarities of sentience.

      As we surrender to the realization of the power within, through stillness of breath, mind-heart coherence and devotion to our realized purpose, we evolve our psyche through the most profound process of self-transformation ever known. The only limitation to our potential is our willingness to persevere, and such is the faithful pilgrimage of free will that drives a life of conviction in the divine cosmic forces that excite all existence into harmony and evolution.

      The life we live is our self-activating language of love. How we allow ourselves to be and serve day-by-day generates the heat that unravels the divine code for our highest, holy expression. Our sacred script is written within. 

      Liberating ourselves from the mental constraints of judgment, against others and ourselves, we naturally create systems of equality by learning to channel our sacred energy in alignment with our own spiritual evolution, individually experiencing the magic of our higher awareness as we collectively bridge in purpose to restore Peace to our Kingdom.


      When we feel emotionally devasted by the collapse of our external realities, we can remember the power we hold in this very moment to evolve our perspective based on the new feelings that we can create by transforming our actions and habits. It is through self-mastery in this moment that we bridge our path to our higher reality. 

      We are not our identity, nor our story, but a servant of the light within, the ascension of consciousness that climbs the spine to shatter the illusion that has blinded most of humanity.

      We are each the product of our own spiritual metamorphosis realized through service. It is our embodiment of universal ancient wisdom that becomes our lifetime practice of liberation.

      In Kriya Yoga, the breathless state, which is highly connected to Samadhi (total self-connectedness in Sanskrit), we can achieve a profound relaxed conscious state in which the pleasure of breathing prana, the cosmic energy, is far more nourishing than regular food or breath. In this state, the body can achieve a level of recovery and transformation beyond that achieved during sleep. It is in such states, that we are elevated above the collective hypnosis, belief matrix, that ensnares our minds and emotional systems, to transcend or delusion of hopelessness and disempowered. Through the pursuit of Samadhi, we rise above the net as we gradually dissolve the bars to our mental cages.

      In Indian philosophy and religion, and particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism, Samadhi represents the highest state of mental concentration that can be achieved while still bound to the body and which unites them with the highest perceivable reality.

      According to Indian Hindu monk, Yogananda Paramahansa, in God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita, “When by Kriya Yoga mortal breath disappears scientifically from the lungs, the yogi consciously experiences, without dying, the death process by which energy is switched off from the senses (causing the disappearance of the body consciousness and the simultaneous appearance of the soul consciousness).

      Unlike the ordinary man, the yogi realizes that his life is not conditioned by exhalation and inhalation, but that the steady life force in the brain is continuously reinforced through the medulla from the omnipresent cosmic current.

      Even mortal man, during the nightly state of sleep, rises psychologically above the consciousness of breath; his life force then partially becomes still and reveals a glimpse of the soul as the deep joy of sleep. The breathless yogi, however, realizes the state of conscious ‘death’ as a far deeper and more blessed state than that bestowed by the deepest blissful semi-superconscious sleep.

      When breath ceases in the Kriya Yogi, he is suffused with an incomparable bliss. He realizes then that it is the storm of human breath that is responsible for the creation of the dream wave of the human body and its sensations; it is breath that causes body consciousness.”

      We are all constructs of the same universal divine reality, realizing Heaven within, and transforming our environment through the scientifically proven laws of resonance, that radiates cosmic energies from our organ system to liberate our species from the enslavement mechanisms of the negative ego consciousness grid.

      Our organs are of celestial construct, designed to purify the Earth, as an interconnected cosmic rooting system, bridging Earth and Heaven. Within us each is the potential to elevate our perceived reality, within the present moment, gradually unconditioning ourselves from limiting beliefs and states of depression, anxiety, hopelessness and worthlessness.

      Through the Ascension process, our inner drive to realize our highest state excites the Laws of Attraction to receive all that we need to achieve our highest bliss state, naturally. The natural Universal Cosmic Laws favor the spiritual evolution of all life, such is our divine birthright.


      We are what we become, in each and every moment, driven to transform by our own lack of joy. Knowing that all we need is already within us, and experiencing the very magic of reality equips us with the conviction, faith and strength to stand tall with our hearts high as we face the demons within our minds.

      Illustrating this cosmic balance within us, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Taoism detail the Hun and Po as the ethereal and corporeal souls, or the formless and tangible consciousness.

      Hun and Po, which are an expression of Yin and Yang, are typically associated with the Five Shen model of the Shangqing lineage of Taoism, which describes the “spirits” residing in each of the five yin organs.

      Within this context, the Hun ethereal soul, is housed within the Liver organ system, as it stores the blood, and is the aspect of consciousness that continues to exist, in more subtle realms, even after the death of the body.


      The Po corporeal soul is housed in the Lung organ system, as it stores the breath, and is the aspect of consciousness that dissolves with the elements of the body at the time of death.

      The Po represent the demons that we are each born into, the unresolved ghosts of our family systems and the darkness of society. These earthly elements are overcome by the Hun, the celestial spirit that we invoke within us to overcome that which we have incarnated upon this Earth to heal.

      The human body is divinely designed to overcome all of life’s challenges, such is our divine spiritual lesson. Our challenges dissolve as we master our emotions, activating the ancient wisdom of our lineages that is stored within our DNA.

      Overcoming our spiritual challenges, obstacles and test with honor and righteous, we become one with our celestial spirit, our Heavenly state embodied, transforming the darkness within into the light of our soul.


      How do we transcend the constraints of our linguistics and self-perceptions? Once we can perceive beyond our current paradigm, how do we manifest our highest contribution to humanity’s Ascension, solving large-scale issues from a higher level of consciousness?

      In How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization, Amit Goswami presents the idea of changing ourselves and our societies in accordance with the principles of quantum physics. Just as the body serves as a bridge between higher and lower states of existence, the Heavenly and Earthly realms, the brain is the God-seed, capable of realizing super-, quantum-consciousness, through radical self-transformation, bhakti.

      Once a neurological pathway is established within the brain, the channels are further established within the body, and gradually, through a radical transformation in our own expression we can bridge these insights from source into creation.

      Radiant thinking is a term coined by Tony Buzan, and most fully defined in The Book on Mind Mapping: How to Use Radiant Thinking. Radiant thinking in many ways emulates patterns found in nature. If radiant patterns are natural, then radiant thinking serves as an instinctive way for developing and defining ideas within the mind.

      Radiant thinking usually begins with the central concept or problem at the center, and various ideas and solutions radiating out from that point. Each new point becomes the center of its own radiant thoughts, eventually generating branch after branch of diverse thought. One advantage to radiant thinking is that it can incorporate all thoughts–even those that do not directly relate to the central problem.

      The brain works in a non-linear fashion, often making connections to a central concept or idea seemingly at random. These thoughts can “radiate” out from a central concept in dozens of directions.


      Methods to describe and enhance this kind of creative thought can be grouped under the term “radiant thinking.” This method is the opposite of linear thinking, which attempts to generate ideas or come to a solution in a linear, or step-by-step process.

      Because the brain is believed to work in this non-linear, radiant fashion, Buzan also notes that it may be easier to remember and associate ideas when discovered and defined in a radiant fashion.

      By combining techniques to liberate the mind, establish inner peace, and take righteous action, we can realize our highest state of valiant contribution while forming new networks, alliances and partnerships to build the collective vision that is being broadcasted to humanity by the planetary field, the Planetary Logos – the electromagnetic field that nourishes, directs, and evolves all sentient life forms to their highest evolutionary state.

      Guided from within by our very environment, as humanity is “turned back on,” our endocrine system, guided by the master pituitary gland, serves to restore the highest function to our divine embodiment.

      As the emotional planetary strife escalates across the globe, there is a celestial mandate for a radical transformation in devotional living being experienced within the collective consciousness of humanity. As more answer the call, raising the planetary resonance and further activating our collective DNA to higher expressions of our DNA, a profound break-through will be reached that penetrates our own collective sense of our perceived capabilities.

      The Planetary calling is rising, invoking our Ancient Power into being.