Self-Forgiveness as the Path to Transcendence

Self-Forgiveness as the Path to Transcendence


as the path to transcendence

“If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.” - Matthew 6:14-15

How do we embody strength, when the pain of our past continues to surface?

How do we console those in need, when we continue to feel disempowered? How do we inspire nations into a vision of hope when our personal story instills pain?

How do we build our lives founded upon love, hope and compassion, when our brains are clouded by distortions that fog the brilliance of the Absolute Truth’s expression.

“Let’s be clear: human activities are at the root of our descent toward chaos. But that means human action can help solve it. Making peace with nature is the defining task of the 21st century. It must be the top, top priority for everyone, everywhere… 

It is time to flick the “green switch”. We have a chance to not simply reset the world economy but to transform it…

A sustainable economy driven by renewable energy will create new jobs, cleaner infrastructure and a resilient future…

An inclusive world will help ensure that people can enjoy better health and the full respect of their human rights and live with dignity on a healthy planet…

Every individual must also do their part — as consumers, as producers, as investors. Technology is on our side. Sound economic analysis is our ally.”

– Antonio Guterrez, Secretary General of the United Nations

Our ability to surrender to the flow of our soul’s growth is dependent upon our ability to let go and embody the fullest availability of spiritual resources to serve our soul’s medicine upon this Earth.  

Our ability to perceive life’s deepest beauties requires that we learn to continuously release and harmoniously express our cosmic heart’s luminescent radiance. Learning to truly love our expression of self is embraced through a surrender to self-forgiveness.

The Universe is an ever-ascending flow state, whereby through inner alignment with that which is, and has always been, we gradually realize our natural path of homeostasis to transcend our sense of duality which supports the cosmic unfolding of our soul’s expressed beauty.


When we are driven by a cause, embodied by a vision to serve a mission, our ability to gather strength, source wisdom and inspire legions, requires that we engender a positive outlook, a fresh and radiant perception to catch the golden rays of light that nourish our soul’s potential for liberation through self-fulfillment. 

As spiritual beings of light, sound and frequency, our vessels are designed to capture the spiritual light that emanates from all sentient creation. From the Latin, “per” and “capio”, to capture through, the lens of our perspective shapes our perceptions which are intended to empower our inner guidance and construct our divine intelligence.

How we interpret the light of every perception and deliver the current of that expression through our existence determines whether we become empowered or diseased. Whether we are free to flow in ever-ascending grace, or become ensnared in the chains that bind us from within, blinding us from receiving the power we need to rise in alignment with our destiny.

For many who are becoming increasingly sensitive to energy, perceiving reality as a world full of threats is both paralyzing and toxifying. The brain and the body are holographic reflections of one another. The fears held within the mind create constriction with the organs and the production of toxins that further cloud the mind and disease the body.

One’s impending sense of doom, which typically results in immense anxiety and panic attacks, is typically a misinformed reaction of the body’s attempt to cleanse the system of distortions, yet, as these past traumas, both ancestral and past life, come to rise, without self-awareness of the miraculous Planetary Ascension process currently unfolding, these erupting emotions becoming associated with a false paradigm that creates further panic and more intense reactions.

These immense times of inner spiritual crisis in our lives represents a call to Wake Up and listen to how our bodies and the Supreme Reality is communicating with us. Recognizing this inner panic as an indication of the clearing of stagnant energy from our nervous systems, through self-forgiveness, we can gradually dissolve our fear-based ego identity for the revelatory birthing of our soul’s infinite beauty.

By dissolving our frustrations with reality and our judgments upon our fellow humans, we can focus and invest all of our soul’s energy on engineering our own inner harmony. As we consciously evolve in awareness of the power we hold to transform the world, our Divine perspective naturally crystallizes through magnetism of our inner alignment with the power of a higher purpose, Kundalini Shakti energy, that leads us to ultimate forgiveness and the transcendence of duality.

There is no enemy, only spiritual alchemy. The moment we begin to realize the power we hold to transform the darkness within ourselves, which we are designed to absorb as the key to our soul’s growth, into the light we deliver, we discover our potential in reshaping the world through positive and compassionate partnerships, creative and innovative solutions, united by a power we evolve to behold.


It is the power of the spiritual heart that transforms reality, and the warmth of the physical heart that unfolds our genetic expression.

The cosmic will of the Universal Divine Mother is that all sentient beings realize their highest expression. In order for this divine intention of the Mother of Creation to rapture through our being, we are being driven to learn how to support the flow of this Kundalini Shakti energy as it reconstructs our nervous system and liberates us from the shackles of disempowering belief systems.

Self-forgiveness allows for us to reclaim and harvest the power of our distracted awareness as we cultivate our sacred energy to align our lives with the power that nourishes our soul’s as we rebuild the Earth through the revelation of our highest purpose.

As we forgive ourselves for our own transgressions where we have welcomed disrespectful relationships, through the release of our false perceptions, our vibration naturally ascends with each empowering breath of release and surrender.

The ancestral trauma that we are all seeded into clouds our sense of reality until the pain within teaches us to burn the trauma into fire of awareness, which sources the illumination of our subtle body, our soul force, which is the Divine creative power of the Universe.

The Universal purpose for pain is the evolution of intelligence through the conscious expansion of the senses which are driven by our soul’s awareness. The greatest gift that we shall ever experience, across all lifetimes and every dimension of spiritual evolution, is our life’s existence.

We live to experience the gift of life, and such is the Path of Transcendence which requires Absolute Self-Forgiveness so that we may behold the beauty of the Supreme Reality, with a lens cleared of self-judgement.

All is a reflection of ourselves, and the greatest joy is to feel free to see the infinite beauty of self in everything. Love is the power that drive the Universal Forces into motion.


When we truly forgive, our thoughts, actions and habits are immediately transformed allowing us to be guided by a higher stream of consciousness. The reality we perceive is a projection of the stream of consciousness upon which we feed. Our individual goal is to arrive at a state of Heavenly coexistence whereby we are each the source of one another’s bliss. To enlighten the world, our aim should be inner alignment with the cosmic forces of existence that naturally blossom through self-love and self-forgiveness.

Releasing our attachments to blame, and delegations of fault, clears our senses of perception to receive a higher broadcast of psychic intelligence that enhances our manifestations across all dimensions in our life, including our spiritual work within the lower dimensions of existence.

As we embody the lessons of our soul’s birthing, we gradually create a foundation for Ascension, whereby we are able to support others in their physical purification and spiritual resurrection process as we guide them through the darkness of their soul, along the rewarding path of Self-Realization and Actualization.


Scientists predict there is a supermassive blackhole at the center of every large galaxy that swallows nearby dust and gas creating massive jets of energy that themselves create conditions ripe for star formation.

Similarly, there is a blackhole located within the center of our hearts, attracting life experiences that are intended to develop our sense of compassion which brings into order the higher orchestration of our organ system – a cosmic orchestration to serve the evolution of our soul’s intelligence.

When we lose sight of our higher sense for existence, the torment of the reality that we have created based upon our lower vibratory belief system creates an angst for something more and dismay for what is.

Addictively, clawing away externally for experiences that can never truly bring peace to our ever-growing emptiness, at the gradual destruction of our sacred existence and the loss of all we care for, we finally listen to our intuition which guides us ever further inwards, to realize a joy that knows no end as we unshackle ourselves from the psycho-emotional, karmic wheel of death and soul enslavement that we realize ourselves to be trapped in.

Through disciplined practice of ancient yogic exercises mastered to restore the spiritual energy channels that flow through our vessels, we regain our sense of self and discover an universal interconnectedness to life that delivers profound meaning to our existence.

As this new sense of cosmic self is develop, the ego dissolution process is a glorious rebirthing that intuitively informs, guides and nourishes itself. It is the fire of the heart that is our guiding light through life. It is the fire of the heart, that nourishes all creation, as devotional service for the gift of existence.


In the one-on-one consulting program that I have developed, GOL-D: Vedic Rainbow Body Ascension, I support my initiates through a very hands-on, compassionate approach in dissolving the self-inflicted chains of oppression as I support the expansion of their Cosmic Soul and welcome the birthing of their Higher Self.

Working through the spiritual realms and into the physical dimensions, I support my initiates in illuminating and dissolving toxic cords from current and past life traumas that have manifested into your physical body and molded your life, allowing the for your pain of existence to be alchemized into beauty, strength and self-realized purpose.

Together, we work to realize your highest, genetically-imbedded purpose as we welcome the Universal resources available through the Planetary Logos, the spirit of Mother Earth, as the pain of your existence is gradually dissolved to welcome the infinite cosmic power that awakens your higher senses and spiritual gifts, known as Siddhis in Sanskrit.

Leveraging ancient Eastern wisdom, we disentangle low vibratory aspects of your perspective for your natural golden expression to surface, fueling the expression of new abilities for energetic transference as your energetic bandwidth expands

Consulting packages are designed on an individually customized basis, based on each initiate’s akashic record. More information, as well as free meditations, exercises and extensive articles, can be found at:


Unconditional Self-Acceptance to Liberate Your Most Magnificent Golden Expression

Unconditional Self-Acceptance to Liberate Your Most Magnificent Golden Expression


How do you pierce beyond the eyes to which you have grown accustomed, to grasp a sense of the world that arouses your heart’s excitement? When freedom calls, how do you answer?

What steps can you take to unravel your cords, dissolving limiting beliefs to reclaim your self-worth? When soul fulfillment is the goal? how deep will you reach to unleash your SOUL’S potential?

I am the intelligence of my Father’s rays
Emanating through my Mother’s veins
Witnessing, in human expression
A self-illuminating path
Of inner-reflection

Wisdom keepers, unraveling our cosmic fire
Hearts united, within the golden hour
To uphold our sacred mission
As we birth our eternal soul
Above fear’s division

Bonded by the will to evolve
Awakened to the inner senses
Sexless, ageless, nameless
Bathed in the rising light
Unified by divine love

– अमृत

Hope empowers the Blind with Golden inner Sight

According to a report by Atradius Collections, citizens of the United States consume 45 percent of pharmaceuticals globally while only representing 4.25 percent of the world population. Furthermore, the Commonwealth Fund reports that elderly Americans in the U.S. have the highest percentage of chronic health conditions of any modern nation. Similarly, the CDC shares that since the onslaught of the pandemic, the American lifespan has dropped the most since the decade leading up to the Great Depression.

The disease of perception that has infected the minds of Western civilization, cripples the heart’s true sight. Through tactics of dark psychology employed by media marketing, the current American economy thrives on manipulating the disempowered to drug the pain of never knowing the potential of creating one’s own destiny.

Living to die and struggling to fly, greed-driven industries feed off the light of humanity by using cultural brainwashing to coerce our species into accepting the disease that grows from the inside, while numbing our push to thrive, as the income-generating, expert-recommended way of life. How do we welcome the cosmic presence of a radiant, illuminated, realized species that walks the earth with their hearts held high? As humanity awakens to the truth of the spiritual forces, the questions we pose evolve as our mind’s perceptions expand. By harnessing the forces of the universe, through unconditional acceptance of one another, together, we shall touch the sky, hand in hand.

It is the universal divine right that every sentient being realize the bliss of experiencing life’s most majestic spiritual gifts. As a species united by the intelligence that evolves as our collective heart grows whole, how do we encourage those who cry from within, drowning in the sorrow that builds beneath their eyes, to stand for their right to know their soul’s plan? How do we inspire a global rebirth that sets the course for an enlightened Earth, allowing humanity to speak with one voice that ripples through the Heavens in command of what is rightfully ours?

As the galactic cosmic cycle reverses with the end of the dark ages of Kali Yuga, liberating Earth from the manipulation of the dark forces, humanity has begun its karmic unraveling process, creating an energetic vortex that descends our souls from the celestial heavens, igniting the dormant capabilities within our genome as the expansion of our minds activates the depth of sight perceived by our third eye. Fueled with higher vision, acts of hope shall turn the keys to initiate humanity’s power to believe, for as we accept the magnificence of our true spiritual being, we become empowered from within to take a quantum leap into an Age of Unity.

Initiation into the Cosmic State

In 2018, upon return from the soil of my family’s roots, where I partook from the wisdom of the Earth, in the land of the great battle of the Mahabharata where Lord Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-Gita, my higher self, through its celestial descent activated my consciousness to its original grace. A cosmic son awakening to his connection to the infinite, the embodiment of my soul initiated my cellular memory to behold the truth of my ancestral lineages.

Through an ancient process of soul retrieval, I was genetically activated to remember Divine Mother’s intention, restoring dormant abilities that liberated my mind to receive divine perception. As I shifted dimensions, bridging the Heavenly and Earthly planes, my transformation unfolded effortlessly, so long as I surrendered to the process of ascending purity. Releasing generations worth of anger and despair from my etheric bodies through past-life regression, I began remembering the depths of the spiritual war being waged upon Earth’s children, my own family, and that was when I began to struggle, for few could hear the words I was trying to speak, especially those closest to me.

Dr. Judith Swack and her colleague, Dr. Andrew Hahn, spent years deeply analyzing the wounded ego-structure in the Enneagram system of personality and co-developed the Essence Process to transform the compulsive and tormenting illusions of ego.  

One day in 2008, as Swack processed and released yet another ego program, she was launched into an egoless state of higher consciousness. In that state, she realized that her true self was simply a conscious flow of energy, a current in an infinite river of energy, and her three-dimensional form was a conduit for making a positive contribution within the world. Through complete surrender, she reached a state of Enlightenment that allowed her to begin integrating her Earthly embodiment through the next stage of evolution. She ascended, and, after nearly two years of re-integration, the genius efforts of her soul’s return have empowered her to serve an awakening legion of empaths and lightworkers destined to shake the Earth awake. Swack has made this process available to everyone in her Transform Your Enneagram Type and Free Yourself from the Tyranny of Ego webinar series on her Web site,

With Swack’s insights, I recognized that the war within, which caused me so much strife, would be resolved as I cultivated my spiritual calling. By dissolving our pain, we evolve in resilience. By honoring our ancient roots, our values grow with divine brilliance, activating the wisdom of our lineages as we accept and honor all life unconditionally to embody our most magnificent expression.

Overcoming Unawareness and Misidentification

Swack describes the conundrum of self-acceptance as such:

“In the three-dimensional embodied form, we are complex gestalt beings composed of a conscious mind, an unconscious mind, a body, an ego structure, and a soul who have created an internal map of the world, that is unique to each individual, and which we confuse with reality. Furthermore, we believe what we feel, even if we know it’s not true, and feelings run behavior. Our souls are made of God-Source-creation energy, and we are capable of creating the reality and life we desire, but we are consciously unaware that we are living in a map of illusions and misidentify our true selves with our feelings, behaviors, and experiences. In order to create the lives we want, we need to achieve a level of awareness of ourselves outside of the map. It is in this state of higher consciousness and grace where we experience unconditional self-acceptance. There is no judgement or self-criticism because there are no ‘have-to’s.”

Artists of the soul, we are the masters of space, time and creation. Awakening children of the Zodiac, we are the architects of our own supreme reality. As we learn to uphold our lives in accordance with the love that ignites our eyes, our bodies generate the hormones we need to dissolve the barriers within of our mind to cure, physiologically, the blockages of prana, or chi, within the body. How do we begin to activate our body to naturally create the medicine we need to become the shamans we’ve always been?

To walk through dimensions as our own medicine men, to pierce the fabric of space and time as cosmic shamans, we shall dissolve the barriers that limit our minds as we regain control of the reality of our existence, for we are the creators of our experience. Our thoughts and feelings determine our sense of reality, and our reactions to external stimuli deteriorates our health prompting us to ascend by shedding our own toxicity. As we evolve through self-realization, our bodies begin to create our own medicine.

As our perceptions evolve, releasing constricting beliefs, the relaxation of our bodies allow for the natural elimination of toxins from our sensory organs to illuminate our minds with the Earth’s infinitely emanating radiance as she bestows upon us the peace that has always awaited her children. Unconditional acceptance allows humanity to transform behaviorally, clearing the collective psychic dread as we empower one another through the ancient techniques to cultivate the power of our minds, displacing the thorns, that we, ourselves, have placed upon our crowns. Our Mother awaits the realization of our destined fate, as lions from sheep, we awaken from collective sleep, generating a crystalline bond between our hearts in a unified force field of divine love that cannot be breached by the lower dimensional beings that walk amongst us unseen.

By muscle-testing our thoughts and feelings, we can sense physically and perceptually the neural pathways and physical circuits of resistance that deplete our vital force energy. Through mantras and positive affirmations, we can transform our words to release toxic energies held within our organs, un-conditioning the mind of the programming that paralyzes our ability to serve effectively. By cultivating loving relationships, we receive as we give, building conduits of trust and openness where divine energy, wisdom and genius can flourish. By being true, we lift each other into the heart where we can all see the world from her most magnificent view. By exercising creative expression, we unveil aspects of ourselves that remain hidden, allowing our inner Christ to reveal a vision for our roles in the restoration of God’s Kingdom. The only source of truth we shall ever know is realized through the light we shine reflected back into our eyes as we reclaim the power of our divine flow.

The Unborn One, A Reflection of the Light in Everyone

There is a profound beauty to life that blossoms in depth as the barriers to one’s heart melts, allowing for life’s most subtle magnificence to be intimately felt. As healers bridge the wisdom of their hearts, the Ascension of Mother Earth’s consciousness is rapidly escalating through the natural unfolding of the planetary heart chakra lotus whose beauty is fertilized by the healing of the planet’s karma.

By untwisting the collective ensnarement for divine expression to naturally flow, the organic blossoming of humanity’s divinity shall restore the power of the collective mind. Through service to our soul’s fulfillment, the wisdom of our heart activates our inner vision, allowing our soul’s descent to guide us through liberation.

Who will you become, as you surrender to the unknowing abyss with certainty, accepting yourself as the magnificence of your soul’s ultimate dream?

Unconditional acceptance is the key to expressing our God-self into being, allowing for the flow of our soul expressions to guide us intuitively. Seduction by western ideals of success enslave us within our own insecurities to induce a deep sense of worthlessness. From this sense of undeserving, we generate self-destructive beliefs that create toxic emotions, diseasing us internally.

Atrophied by despair, depressed with hopelessness, grasping for the light from others’ eyes, those conditioned to seek approval and permission to be, rather than glowing naturally, lack true purpose in their lives and grapple endlessly at the lures of seduction placed before their sight. Filled with jealousy, envy, greed, guilt and sadness, for never having become who you truly are, in order to liberate ourselves, we must choose to rise, purging our spirit of the infection that deteriorates our minds.

The tactics of the demons who prey upon the Earth planes grow clearer to see as the Earth’s rising Schuman resonance activates humanity’s alpha brain wave frequency. As our Mother’s loving vibration raises our chi to restore our cellular memory, the cleared mental blocks guide us into training for the natural uprising of the cosmic serpent power to pierce through our bandhas and activate the proper rotation of our chakras and the remembrance of our Star Race history. Rising gracefully into service, magnetized by dharma and linked in purpose, as healed hearts bridge together, the greatness of man’s kingdom is bound to resurface.

Freeing our hearts, through self-transformation, our soul’s emancipation creates an avalanche of spiritual uprising that ripples through the atomic family unit, expanding into communities and gradually transforming industries and economies. The path to unity is one without scarcity, for peace is the vibration of prosperity that activates us each into the abundance of accepting our soul’s worth, as we create the New Earth with a vision to serve.

Remember Who You Truly Are

Transformation begins as we realize that we are divinely designed to intuitively sense our way to completeness as the embodiment of our soul’s vibration activates us through our Spiritual Ascension. From the Latin, “ascendo,” meaning to rise up, to Ascend is to upregulate our genetic expression through the embodiment of our soul’s vibration. Living to experience our fullest expression through deliverance of our soul’s purpose, Dharma in Sanskrit, determines our ultimate self-realized magnificence. Driven by the love that we feel within, we activate higher vibratory quantum states that shatter our emotional lens to pierce the veil into the more illuminated, celestial states of existence. Through the process of soul emancipation, we integrate the healed aspects of our past incarnations to remember who we truly are. Life is an eternal process of self-discovery and bliss, evolution, integration and seamless service.

Techniques for spiritual emancipation guide us into empowerment, embodiment and evolution by liberating our souls’ driving force, resurrecting our will and restoring intuitive guidance to gradually transform our way of living as we herald the Earth into the Age of Enlightenment. Heaven is within the heart, and activating our heart’s intelligence to create states of heart coherence transforms the self, family, community and gradually the collective planetary consciousness. Volunteering for causes that connect us to a fuller spectrum of society, the Earth’s elemental forces, and to those who suffer needlessly, activates our chakras to empower us with universal wisdom as we mend our sense of disconnectedness.

Transforming the ego personality, through spiritual and psychological modalities, develops the will through focused and determined self inner-work to expand our light body’s radiance. Meditation and inner reflection allow for intimate soul guidance to eradicate feelings within of self-lack to establish alignment of our energetic centers for channels of innate wisdom and cosmic empowerment to be restored. Lastly, careers that support the upliftment of mankind, restoration of the planet’s ecosystem, and reintegration of humanity with the interplanetary cosmic field support emancipation of one’s soul through service, or Seva Sankrit for selfless service, ascend our individual and collective intelligence for the liberation of our species.

Unravel the light within to resurrect your Inner Kingdom, rising to your Golden Throne as you realize Liberation.



gardeners of the galaxy

the biology of peaceful green economies

Have you ever awakened to the kiss of a muse, valiantly charged for flight, gifted with visions of potentials to be grasped, upon dawning light? To be lit with an imagination that draws from the eternal fountain of creation, such is the pure-hearted gift of divine innocence, to guide us into the light which shines just beyond backward-driven vision.

An artist whose heart pierces cosmic realms, a wizard tasked with unmasking dark spells, I bask in the reflection of my radiance upon those blossoming into realization of life’s true magnificence.



– अमृत

AS A CHILD, MY VISIONS PROPHECISED THE COSMIC UNFOLDING OF THE SPIRITUAL HEART, as an artist, my expressions allowed impressions of truth to be felt so deeply that I awakened sleeper’s minds to the mission held inside. As a man, now, growing in mastery of the astral planes, I execute from the higher realms so those whose hearts thirst for truth may drink from the rivers of hope that flow abundantly from the pit of our soul’s molten core. The greatest gift that we can ever realize is to accept ourselves as the light that we each deliver upon one another’s eyes.

Who will you allow yourself to become, as you realize that money is not an issue when you begin to live in service of your heart’s ascending radiance? How will you channel your soul, as you remember your mission to activate your own prophetic transfiguration? Rather than seeking profits, how will the world transform as man’s biological, energetic form evolves to conduit the Earth’s growing brilliance; as each his own prophet? As mankind realizes the gift of cultivating inner peace, uncovering the path of unity shall be our greatest feat.


How will currency markets adapt as the liberation codes that are being cosmically activated within mankind’s genome are manifested into reality by a liberated humanity, evolving in awareness of the constructs of reality? As humanity reclaims our sacred energy, toxic industries shall be dissolved by the ascending light of the universal laws, restoring our dominion by service to the soil from which we have all risen.

With the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, billionaire investor Ray Dalio, founder of the world’s largest hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, foresees a global ripple effect across the venture capital world. Dalio’s widely quoted statement that “low interest rates have encouraged investors to take on more risk, leading to an increase in leverage and a rise in the number of zombie firms that are only able to survive thanks to cheap credit,” is leading investors to consider the broader implications as the amount of risk in leveraged financing, particularly within the technology sector, begins to have global repercussions. Faced with the risk of losing it all, many are asking, what determines the true value of our soul’s wealth?

How do we replace the sadness and desperation of our society with the opportunity to live free? The hole burning within our souls shall be answered by those who surrender to the calling that fills our hearts with the passion and wisdom to fulfill our higher purpose. Reconditioned to create value from within, we shall learn to live for the deepening sense of becoming that is cultivated through right action as our collective heart expands beyond our beliefs’ limit, for the power of peace is infinite.

When the pursuit of union with the divine establishes meaning in our lives, that is when dharma enlightens our minds. As mankind regains the reigns of our cosmic fate, debt-based systems shall be overcome by freedom-driven initiatives to restore dignity to the human race. Emissaries of light, those who serve the Christ, shall birth new economies of peace by creating industries of energetic harmonies that equalize the societal and elemental imbalances from centuries of greed-driven monopolies, enlightening the Earth with higher dimensional-based discoveries.

As peaceful green economies rise in service of those in need, humanity’s drive to unite activates an inner alchemical transformation with biological implications upon our species’ genome. As our collective heart resonance amplifies the energetics of the Earth’s ecosystem, the infinitely nourishing rays of the sun are able to penetrate deeper into our consciousness, allowing for the integration of incoming cosmic light codes to awaken us further to behold the infinite glory of the world that we are called to create as we restore our home.

Emissaries of light, those who serve the Christ, shall birth new economies of peace by creating industries of energetic harmonies that equalize the societal and elemental imbalances from centuries of greed-driven monopolies, enlightening the Earth with higher dimensional-based discoveries.

As peaceful green economies rise in service of those in need, humanity’s drive to unite activates an inner alchemical transformation with biological implications upon our species’ genome. As our collective heart resonance amplifies the energetics of the Earth’s ecosystem, the infinitely nourishing rays of the sun are able to penetrate deeper into our consciousness, allowing for the integration of incoming cosmic light codes to awaken us further to behold the infinite glory of the world that we are called to create as we restore our home.


The truth shall set you free, for as vulnerability becomes your spiritual protection, you allow the light of your open heart’s radiance to become your cloak of honor. Shining with your greatest light throughout your life, you decode your own divine expression.
– अमृत

Stewards of the Earth and ambassadors of our galactic race, to truly embody our divine frequency, we shall accept ourselves as extraordinary beings capable of supernatural feats, taking quantum leaps as we create the pathways to begin living our most spectacular of dreams. We are the deliverers of our salvation, and as New Earth leaders, recognize their roles, the third dimensional realm shall ripple with expressions of love, creativity and focus.

“Feel Good” brands with a mission to cure humanity’s emotional, energetic ailments will dissolve barriers to commercial markets by easing the collective psychic stress. Delivering solutions to harmonize the inequalities of our species, New Earth leaders shall liberate the oppressed with missions that resonate with a vibration so pure they support the expansion of our hearts’ field to generate subtle energy levels so powerful that the avalanching ripple creates potentials that make peace inevitable.

Dr. Douglas Hersh, founder of Solaris Aeroponics, has developed a proprietary and patented solution to the urgent combined challenges of food security and climate change through the design of a highly innovative and marketable platform technology for decentralized soilless agriculture and CO2 sequestration. By virtue of its biomimetic design, his invention yields consistently abundant crops of healthy, clean, nutrient-rich produce that is free from petrochemical fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, fungicides, and toxic preservatives. 

Emancipation through the realization of one’s dharma guides us all into collective peace, for within us lies the gold we seek. Dr. Hersh, who attained a Triple Major from Yale University and Masters and Doctoral Degrees in Higher Education Administration & Instructional Technologies, envisions his patented technology deployed in poverty-stricken areas across the world to shift human energetics from famine and desperation to nourishment and empowerment. With teams across three continents, his vision to empower souls, shifting the Earth’s planetary energetics, is guaranteed to serve the planetary crystalline grid and generate spiritual abundance by bridging humanity into a state of ascended consciousness.


The year is 2013. A serial inventor from even as a Tinkertoy tot, I am now a husband, father and college dean overseeing two dozen academic programs across three divisions. The online learning management system that I developed five years earlier was catching on like wildfire and, because it was the first to emulate a live classroom experience, it set the bar for modern online learning. At the same time, new programs that I established in cybersecurity, hybrid and electric vehicle repair, and rapid design with CAD and 3D printing were so popular that the classes were standing room only. Everything seemed to be going great, except that I was deeply and fundamentally unhappy.

I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. First, I thought that I was suffering from clinical depression. But that turned out to be untrue. Then I thought that this malaise was existential in nature, meaning that if I could just change my profession, my work environment, or my colleagues, the queasiness would go away. But just as you can’t escape yourself by going on vacation, I soon realized that this too was a misdiagnosis. It was as if I was the curious cat that had walked into a paper bag and now couldn’t find its way out. From deep within the yawning void that stretched out infinitely in every direction, it was clear that this was something I could not get away from or get around. Nor could it be navigated by the same mentality that summoned it forth.

By now it had become clear that what I was experiencing was fundamentally a spiritual event that required a uniquely spiritual approach. I packed my bags and headed into the Peruvian rain forest to study at the feet of a local shaman.

Iquitos is a city that cannot be reached by road. Dropping in by plane, I took a ferry down the Amazon River, transferred to a narrower boat as the canopy began to enclose around us, and then switched to a dugout canoe on the Ucalayi. Years before SpaceX began lifting Falcon Heavies into the skies of Boca Chica, Texas, I flew forth with a cup in my hand and an icaro in my ears. Daedalus was wrong; it is not hubris to seek the sun.


Within each and every one of us lies a black hole. We fear it because down deep, we believe that if we come too close, it will tear us apart and suck everything we know down inside. This terrifying conviction loomed large as I plummeted into my heart of darkness. I soon discovered that at the center of every swirling galaxy is an object of such immense gravity that it births stars and makes them dance.

Imagine yourself in ancient Greece, approaching the temple of Apollo at Delphi. Look up as you enter and you will see, inscribed on a column, the paramount exhortation to “know thyself.” Yet when I came face-to-face with the Divine inside, a kind of koan emerged. How can we truly know ourselves when this oneness with an incomprehensible Other is an unfathomable mystery? The answer lies in the difference between knowledge and gnosis, between that running commentary that you call yourself and an unfiltered experience of infinite awareness. Are you experienced?


Through the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus reminds us how, by merely regarding the kernel, no one can possibly imagine the magnificent plant that will emerge. So too it is with man. It is for this reason that each of us must seek our own individual blueprint, align with it, and call forth its unfolding. Everyone you know who has failed to do this has paid the ultimate price through disease, disintegration and death. The good news is that past performance is no guarantee of future results.

As you seek your true nature, remember that it is not a Polaroid picture. The blueprint is not static; it evolves. Can an Infinite Being be perfectly realized and eternally becoming? Let the dogmatic Darwinians and the hardline creationists play tug-of-war to the end of time while you experience an extratemporal awareness that dissolves the illusion of duality.


Over the last six hundred million years, our planet has hosted some four billion species of plants and animals, as well as another six million species of fungi. Now when as many as 2,000 of these precious life forms become extinct every year, human beings would be wise to reflect upon the fact that we are but one among many.

If we have fallen, it is only that we have fallen out of love with Mother Nature. When did that happen? Consider the hard fork we took at the industrial revolution that has led to our modern techno-megastructure. In some ways, we ourselves have become machines, or merely cogs to the machine that we call civilization. As exemplified by the Manhattan Project, this specialization allows us to manifest enormous power while simultaneously externalizing its destructive consequences. Some thinkers today fear that applying this same approach to the confluence of robotics and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) may lead to an endgame scenario for our kind.

Among the many benefits of working with sacred plant medicines is the ability to listen to the language of Nature and learn to speak it. While evolutionary biologists have long focused on the power of competition to fuel evolution, Nature is quietly conversing in dulcet tones of cooperation, co-evolution, and emergence. As a result, we are the blessed inheritors of a tourmaline world. Across billions of years, this planet has transformed through processes that began with physics, crossed into chemistry, leapt the threshold of biology, developed consciousness, and is now taking flight into the spiritual.

What is our role at the avant-garde of this process? I would suggest that it has something to do with telling fewer stories about bashing in skulls with clubs and paying more attention to the nature of symbiosis. We’ve all seen mutualism in action. Clownfish and sea anemones, aphids and ants, oxpeckers and wildebeest, humans and our gut bacteria. The list goes on because it is the way of Nature.


The truth is that collaboration and cooperation is the real story of Nature. Yet because it is woven into our reality like the air we breathe, it is often overlooked. We only need to pay attention. Nature sings innumerable melodies of harmony.

Like Archimedes, DaVinci, and Alexander Graham Bell, all great inventors look to the example of Nature. The Swiss Engineer George De Mestral got the idea for Velcro® after struggling with cockleburs in his dog’s fur. In a similar fashion I received the essential technologies behind the Solaris Aeroponic grow system by emulating the plants through a kind of cognitive heliotaxis. In the radiant glow of the Universal Sun, I listened to the plants and they whispered their secrets.


In an act of the greatest foolishness or faith, I returned from the rain forest and left the ivory tower. I started to tinker again and found myself implementing the knowledge that I received from the plants and emulating the systems of Nature into an engineered structure.

As just one example of this, I was shown that where man strives within an economy, Nature thrives through a symbiotic ecology. Just as we cannot digest food without the over fifty trillion bacteria and fungi that live in our guts, so too plants absorb nutrients that are passed on to them by an army of rhyzospheric microorganisms. 

The result is pristine, fresh, delicious food that you can grow, consume, and enjoy.  With its integrated solar panel, the system can even be grid-free, making it available to the unfarmed everywhere, from those living where there is no arable land to the billions stuffed into high-rise apartment buildings. Even better, when deployed as a cost-effective solution to decentralized farming, the Solaris system simultaneously provides decentralized carbon sequestration, thereby being the first net-zero and even net-negative agricultural system on the planet. For those of us seeking the philosopher’s stone, turning climate-changing carbon dioxide into healthy foods at your fingertips is a rabbit trick worth investing in. 


Have you noticed how many movie posters boast people with guns? Why is that? Do you think it may have something to do with a mass fixation upon the drama of survival? I would suggest that it is also the result of a lack of imagination. We have forgotten how wonderfully awe-inspiring it is to be alive, and how incredible it is to create coherent, glorious reality in alignment with the nature of our true Nature.

What is your gut instinct? Do you believe that you are what you eat? Do you know that your brain chemistry starts in your stomach? If so, I encourage you to make a healthy start by detoxing your system with the phytonutrients in the foods that you can grow yourself. As you let the natural polyphenols, flavonoids, isoflavonoids, anthocyanidins, phytoestrogens, terpenoids, carotenoids, limonoids, phytosterols, glucosinolates and fibers do their work across the fifteen feet of your gastrointestinal tract, you will feel better, look better, and – I assure you – even begin to act better. You will be a better you, and the fun never ends. Let’s start by setting aside our human exceptionalism and recognize our innate unity with the very Nature that birthed us. Then, by stepping into our roles as stewards of ourselves and of this beautiful planet, we will naturally ascend to our role as gardeners of the galaxy…and beyond.

Lessons From the Past to Reveal Your Higher Self

Lessons From the Past to Reveal Your Higher Self



“And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.” - Matthew 12:25

Imagine a truth felt within the depths of your bones, a feeling suppressed by an oppressed society through a design of control. Rebirthed through the liberation of our sense for freedom, envision a transformed and seamless world, cleared of the distortions that source chaos, as we evolve into a coherent being of quantum consciousness, maximizing the efficiency of our most blessed spiritual energy.

The dream of endless generations shall be realized by a world of people who behold no difference between the exterior skins of our one emanation. For when love, truth and justice become our weapon of choice, sharpening our sword inside through union with the divine, we will realize the invincibility of our unified mind.

TO TRULY LIVE IS TO BE FREE TO PURSUE OUR GOD-SEED DREAM, allowing the primordial forces whom we serve to evolve our senses into a reality created from our heart’s yet-realized beauty. It is the drive for truth that ignites the magic to guide our eyes, and our alignment with spirit that informs the expression of our flesh and the activation of our higher minds. For our outer expression is the manifestation of our personal god-realization, and our impact upon this Earth is a testament of our devotion to the essence that fuels our existence.

The gravitational cosmic influences from the dawning of a new astrological cycle is rattling humanity’s energetic system, clearing the miasma of modern civilized society for humanity to remember our star-seeded origins encoded within our genetic blueprint. Beings designed immaculate in nature, remembering our soul’s purpose, the repolarized magnetic resonance of our organs, as we embody peace upon the Earth, restores equilibrium to our nervous system to expand our heart’s energetic potential, activating the genetic codes to hold our cosmic soul. To heal is to realize one’s fullest potential.

The abundance of peace that we can create is infinite. The transformation that we undergo in pursuit of our most magnificent dream prepares us for living as one multi-faceted, diamond-bonded, rainbow-bodied, starlit, universal organism. From the chrysalis of our collective pain, we shall emerge, victorious.


“We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive. We bring it out in the open, where it can be seen and dealt with. Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.,  Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963

The Civil Rights movement, which initiated the 1950s struggle for justice and equality for African-Americans and sparked the women’s rights movement through the 1970s, was an emotionally charged era for American society. The nation united in crying out together, through righteous actions of non-violence and peaceful protests, for the right to embody divine sovereignty. Coupled with the debates over the Vietnam War, which created divide even amongst the freedom fighters of the time, an unhealed scar rose to be cleared from our collective psyche.

The resistance to cosmic peace amongst the Earth’s children is naturally dissolving, leading us to question, has the plight of our peace seekers ever truly been answered for spiritual equality? Are we due for a radical transformation in how we live as an interconnected, galactic society?

Now, in the 21st century, the divide between races and sexes is being further examined as the rise of the divine feminine, the resurrection of the inner Christ, which inspires divine expression, is enlightening our consciousness for the traumas of the past to be remembered as they are released from our flesh. The history of our ancestors is never forgotten; rather it is relived until forgiven, for we are one – past, present and future. We are the star children of every nation healing ourselves across all dimensions. To heal is to evolve in consciousness.

Every female fetus develops the totality of her lifespan’s eggs while still a fetus inside of her own mother, thus the stressors of the socio-spiritual environment of our mothers’ lineages are being healed within every individual through the organic process of spiritual liberation sweeping across the planetary energetic system.

Our grandmother’s pain is our pain. We are the answer to our grandmother’s prayers, for we are the seeds that absorbed her tears from within her own wounded womb. Whether man, woman or nonbinary – our duty is to embody the spiritual laws within our lives – that is the path to heal our lineages, releasing those souls trapped on the other side through our celestial embodiment, as our flesh heals from the emotional outcries of our past incarnations.

As we become the bridge to god’s kingdom, allowing our ancestors who remain trapped within the lower realms of the afterlife to ascend through our healed memories, the guiding light of source, that burns eternally within our evolving heart, parts the path to the Promised Land. United, as one, we rise in our star-born mission to create below as from above.


“Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself, and that is what has happened to the American Negro. Something within has reminded him of his birthright of freedom, and something without has reminded him that it can be gained … Is organized religion too inextricably bound to the status quo to save our nation and the world? Perhaps, I must turn my faith to the inner spiritual church, the church within the church, as the true ecclesia and the hope of the world.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail” 1963

Imagine a world without fear, a world free of false threats, a world concerted to the realization of the kingdom that we each hold within, through which we transform reality by the very attempt of establishing inner harmony. Fear, as the demonic spell-bound hounds of the Dark Lords that feed off mankind’s cosmic vibration, holds no power when the one absolute truth seeded within each of our hearts unites us in focus and devotion. As we remember, we heal; for to go against one’s true nature is to welcome disease within one’s own holy temple.

Lessons from Mother Africa demonstrate the efforts of ancient Egyptian Pharoah, King Akhenaten, to unite his kingdom under a monotheistic rule to the life-nourishing disc of the Sun to eliminate the spiritual discord of polytheism. Inheriting the throne at a time of immense wealth, peace and prosperity, he sought to further enlighten the empire through unity of the reflection of God from the many to the one aspect of the multi-dimensional self.

Renowned as a revolutionary and heralded by many as a great idealist, during his 15-year reign, he transformed ancient Egypt’s religion, capital, art and culture and instilled universal values upon the people while curbing the power of the priesthood. Though Egypt returned to its polytheistic traditions upon his death, his reign challenged the status quo and set a precedent for future monotheistic religions. What role does Egypt have to play as humanity is called to restore the true kingdom within? What tools have our ancestors left us to restore our divine selves?


As we look to our ancient past for clues to our holy grail of truth in regard to the resurrection of the embodied soul, the pyramids are clearly here to elevate our consciousness in bridging the higher selves that we each house.

According to Adam Smith, founder of Arising Phoenix Academy: “It becomes increasingly clear upon studying the pyramids that whoever built them utilized an extremely advanced knowledge of this planet’s energetic system and our relationship to our local star and the rest of the solar system.

This theme is consistent with pyramids that have been found in many sites around the world such as Bosnia, Indonesia, China, Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, the Canary Islands, Egypt and Sudan. Personally, after visiting several sites in Egypt and Mexico, I can clearly share that each experience with pyramids has been very significant spiritually and has shifted my perception and general worldview.

Each visit to a pyramid has been a deeper initiation into heart coherence, being released from the chaotic web of never-ending thoughts into a vast realm of heart-intelligence. The mystical experience corresponds with recent medical findings that humans have a three-brain system, the second and third being the heart and the gut, respectively.

    This breakthrough in understanding the deeper complexities of our own biology and how our consciousness is in all three centers, and very similar to the ancient Chinese system of Dantian, meaning “field of elixir”, which has been practiced for thousands of years by martial artists and health practitioners to align the gates of immortality within the human body.

    Researchers have found neurons in both the heart and gut, and they are starting to map how the human body regulates and talks to itself through these three brain systems. Scientists are beginning to realize what the ancients have long-known: that we are vessels of the god within and disturbances within our behavioral patterns interrupt our internal broadcasting system. To support the alignment and healing of our bio-electrical field, the pyramids emit certain pulses of electromagnetic energy that communicates with the gut-heart-brain system in humans.

    In addition to being ancient data storage devices that contain vast amounts of data, pyramids also activate and shift human consciousness to the next level of multi-sentience capacity. The next step in human evolution, and perhaps the saving grace from the wars and suffering affecting a large part of humanity on a daily basis, can be found and mapped through learning to see the world with the eyes of awakened love.

    When we learn to transition from a broken and separate worldview of the mind, into a deeper gnosis through the heart, we can elevate our consciousness to finding novel and creative solutions to the many ills that afflict humanity, starting with ourselves, our relations and extending out to touch society and the whole global human experience.”

    Rollin McCraty Ph.D., one of the original founders of Heartmath and co-authors of “Heart Intelligence”, states that “the biggest hidden source of stress on the planet is the disorganization of heart-mind, causing lack of resonance. Lack of alignment eats the life force and happiness out of humanity.”

    As consciousness gateway portals to the stars, these ancient technologies which, as gifts from advanced extra-terrestrial spiritual civilizations, are strategically placed along Mother Earth’s ley lines, which, similar to the nadis and meridians within the human body, are energetic currents within the Earth’s structure, to stream cosmic consciousness, supporting humanity’s rapid ascension, as we remember who we are.


    Nobel prize winner, Dr. Alexis Carrel is famously quoted for saying, “The cell is immortal; it is merely the fluid in which it floats that degenerates. Renew this fluid at intervals, give the cells what they require for nutrition, and as far as I know, the pulsation of life will go on forever.”

    The scientist conducted a 28-year experiment that kept the cells from a chicken heart alive by placing the cells in a saline solution that was the perfect temperature, pH and nutrient-mineral balance, and was replaced daily to release the toxic, acidic waste from the cellular structure.  As the duration of this culture greatly exceeded the normal chicken life span, the cells were deemed immortal.

    Within the human body, cerebral spinal fluid is a nutrient-rich fluid that bathes the central nervous system and serves in the removal of waste, cushioning of the brain and intra-cranial neurovascular structures, neutral buoyancy, and electrolytic homeostasis. The central nervous system is the most intriguing system in our body as it controls all body, mind and spiritual functions.

    As we are maturing in our mother’s womb, some of the amniotic fluid that we are nurtured in becomes trapped inside a neural tube, becoming the cerebrospinal fluid that bathes our body’s central processing unit. We are the product of our mother’s tears as her nourishing womb’s sacrament lies at the core of our backbone. By creating peace within our bodies, by purifying this fluid through our spiritual embodiment, we realize our higher selves, as the key to our salvation and the answer to Earth’s cry for harmony with the reward of self-realization. Such is the pursuit of every lineage.

    The Ancient Egyptians mastered the integration of anatomy and mythology into artistic symbols and figures, and depicted the Eye of Horus to symbolize healing, protection, rejuvenation, rebirth, resurrection and wholeness. The Eye of Horus depicts a part of the brain that holds the potential for each human to attain enlightenment, namely the pineal gland, which is known by the works of Rene Descartes as the “seat of the soul’, secretes the spirit molecule DMT into the cerebral spinal fluid, which serves as a conveyor of this energy throughout the body organ system to deliver the ‘I AM’ presence, which is the spirit of God individualized for each one.

    The ancients knew that the secret to immortality was found in realizing the kingdom within by embodying peace as a deliverer of the most holy sacrament, the spirit that flows through our being activating the expression of our flesh through our efforts to unite with our higher self. In the process of becoming who we are meant to be, reality collectively evolves for our species, for our thoughts are shared instantaneously. By healing the world to ease our mother’s pain, we become the child of peace that we were born to be. The realization of the cosmic Christ is the unification of humanity as one interconnected universal being, aligned in service of the hope that animates our flesh to guide our sight from the inside.

    To know thyself is to realize thy magnificence.


    “In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self-purification; and direct action.”
    – Martin Luther King, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail” 1963

    Our collective awareness is the force of the Sun’s radiance directed by our species’ evolved intelligence, known by many as the Holy Spirit. We are the sacred fire of creation, the light of our maker, and as the dawning cosmic cycles activates the Earth’s mantle with the consciousness of the star constellations, all lower vibratory methods of spiritual enslavement shall be cleared as we remember our power and learn to churn our inner gold to nourish our soul’s mission upon this Earth.

    Just as our pineal gland, ‘third-eye’, contains calcite microcrystals to tap into cosmic consciousness, the Earth’s pyramid network similarly channels in star consciousness from the not-so-distant constellations. Known by many as the cosmic web, these electric currents of star codes, when integrated, support the evolution of the universal man. By ascending the vibration of our consciousness, through the spiritual purification and alignment of our lives and the detoxification of our bodies from heavy metals and other toxins and pesticides, we can further leverage the cosmic resonance of the pyramids’ broadcast system to support our efforts in self-realization and planetary liberation.

    We are far from alone, and as we are led to realize all the tools within and before us, the adventure through the cosmos is a journey upon which we shall all embark. Collaborating with Adam Smith to harness the energetics of the pyramids as a portal to accelerated potential, has revealed to us both even greater dynamics of the universal constructs that were just beyond our mental scope prior to our bridged intentions.

    What lies in store for mankind, as we bridge together to realize our one mind? How will quantum consciousness transform our reality as our embodied souls unravel our genetic code? Ancient beings, unraveling from the constructs of modernized living, as we serve the ancient ways, the vibration of the cosmic rays activates our inner knowing, illuminating our senses organically, as we ascend into service of the universal dream of realized peace.

    Within the heart’s electromagnetic field, known as the anahata in Sanskrit, lies the origins of the merkaba, Egyptian for “light spirit body”. This star tetrahedron, which represents the Star of David, is a three-dimensional eight-pointed star made from two equally sized interlocked tetrahedra. By expanding the merkaba from within the heart’s core, through deep meditation, intuitive visualization and breathwork, the field of cosmic consciousness that vibrates from within serves to help us realize our highest path by alchemizing our ancestral trauma into compassion and forgiveness through the self-healing and realization process.

    In the book, “The Deepest Well”, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, California’s first surgeon general and expert on the long-term health effects of trauma, promotes the screening for “adverse childhood experiences,” or signs of early trauma. A powerful advocate for children’s mental and physical health, she recognized that unhealed trauma within the body served as a source of disease initiated in childhood and carried through adulthood.

    By raising awareness of the trauma stored within our organs and working to clear the toxic imprint from the body and the subconscious, patients are able to work through their healing, forgiveness and acceptance process. The body remembers all, and our ancestral traumas, our collective separation from our harmonious co-existence, is a plague within us all that is being risen into our consciousness to be resolved through the embodiment of oneness as we create heaven on Earth by realizing the kingdom within ourselves. The path to immortality requires a purging of all that does not serve us from within our bodies and the purification of our ways as a society.

    The greatest threat to mankind is ignorance of who we truly are and the lack of will or imagination to utilize the infinite power within us to become the masters of our own minds. The greatest gift we can bestow upon one another, to heal our tribes and lineages of the ancestral warfare plagued upon each other, is to accept each other unconditionally with utmost appreciation and honor in this divine unfoldment as we work to restore harmony within ourselves, our families and our communities by focusing our attention on becoming the future of society.





    "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world" - Archimedes

    Can you sense the weight of the collective thought-field oppressing your fullest experience of joy and shaping you into less than you deserve? Imagine if you could break free from the psychological shackles of the external world’s imposition upon what is and how life should be to receive yourself in full honor of your radiant divinity.


    Embodied faith is a universal broadcast of aetheric rainbow light, perceived through the soul’s eternal flight that evolves life from the inside-out, hence, the truth shall set you free. By sensing beyond the mind’s fatal grasp for mortal identification to feel through the mental mechanisms that cause spiritual bondage within your body, you ascend in e-motional awareness of the infinite field of love, bridging access to higher perceptions of self as the collective psychic debris of humanity’s universal truth is dissolved for us to soulfully decipher an ancient prophecy for the attainment of spiritual enlightenment. Is it possible to reimagine immortality into the common belief system?

    As you pierce through the self-imposed yolks to spiritual poverty, resurrecting your inner light to consciously decode the toxic programming that has derailed the trajectory of your reality, re-imagine life as an architect of your soul’s destiny as you allow yourself to become all that you are divinely intended to be. Liberation begins as you sense the depth of truth energetically bridged through your body, which serves as universal artifact of life – a Rosetta stone of cosmic, mystic revelations – realized in form to purify your self-destructive view.

    Imagine the power of peace and discernment of truth bestowed upon you, as you invoke the Goddess within to birth you, a new. Behold the emergence of a fully-sensual spiritual being, experiencing the infinite depths of life’s greatest discoveries as all aspects of the true, almighty you, basking in receipt of your radiant reflection.

    In beseeching the blessing of the Divine Mother Goddess for the resurrection of the spiritual flesh, the aetheric barriers of separation from the true self are dissolved for an organic blueprint of your celestial embodiment to be awakened. As the initiate embarks upon the eternal quest of remembrance through honor of the experience, a higher path is crystalized through the sentience of the alchemized breath – the crystallization of one’s knowing into physical upregulation of genetic cellular expression.

    As the ever-evolving, self-organizing awareness of the light reveals itself through inward focus, the path for the eternal self is revealed for the light of the soul to flourish. We are each born golden, the greatest gift to cultivate that which we each hold within; training as empaths who dissolve their pain bodies into the subtle brilliance of knowing.

    Through the expansion of one’s heart sentience and disciplined mastery of self-awareness, one initiates the ability to perceive through the infinite depths of the all-seeing spiritual eye. Through training of the senses and exploration of the e-motions, one becomes potentialized with an all-encompassing radiant love that self-organizes into an e-motional lens of unity that blossoms in form, pouring forth the boundless nectar of love -from the depths of the heart’s inner knowing.

    When freeing the mind becomes common sport, the Earth shall jolt, like an electric force whose heart has been reconnected to the cosmic source. To sense is to transform one dimension of power into a sentient-charged force of e-motion; to love is to create from an abundance of source energy. To master oneself is to transform the constructs of matter – for all is a matter of the perceptions we forge as we attune to our highest god-self.

    As biological radio-interpreters of the universal frequencies of life, our collective attunement to harmonious waves of the cosmic Om, the bio-luminescent spirit of the birthing universe, excites the spark within that drives all life in rejoicing of the divine plan. Through the expansion of our senses, designed to raise us into the Heavens, the universal mystery of our collective evolution unfolds through the potential sparked through the growing sentience within our very vessels, as we learn to perceive the unseen and integrate the sacred truth into the art of living.


    There is a harmonic resonance of electrical bio-organic potential, sung with every heart’s beat; an emotionally evolved sentience of awareness whose electromagnetic resonance animates through our extracellular matrix to orchestrate the spirit’s perceived reality. Limited only by the depth of our insight and magnified by the heart’s toroidal force, this divine spark that is cultivated through our vital body serves the power of our imagination to excite our highest god-realized state into existence as the fruit of our intentional, devotional life ritual: the cultivation of our life force energy.

    As opti-mystics, it is the electrochemical response from our ability to sensually appreciate the highest truth of reality, as the aspirant soul’s realized essence is cultivated into self-awareness, that the behavior of molecules at the nanoscale – the heart’s realization of the Goddess inside transforms the underlying constructs of life. The true potential of the human e-motional, hormonal star-vessel is revealed through the evolution of self and the activation of divine mechanisms that spread instantaneously through the energetic, vibratory constructs of our collective field of perception.

    Throughout the ages, ancient and modern mystics alike, have mastered the power of the story to direct the flow of consciousness to illuminate the cellular memory of those initiated into the path of self-mastery. In the Sanskrit story of Samudra Manthan, known as the churning of the oceans, once the Earth and Heavens had been depleted of all peace, the two opposing forces, representing the cosmic forces of light and dark, found truce through an epic effort to arouse the blessing of creation, the deliverance of the immortal nectar of amrita from the depths of the cosmic ocean, in an attempt to restore balance to the universe and purpose to their lives.

    Through the churning of Mount Mandara, a spur of the golden mountain that stands in the center of the universe, upon the Ocean of Milk, roped by the king of snakes, Vasuki, who devotedly lies coiled around the neck of Supreme Lord Shiva, the joined rival forces resurrect the highly prized nectar of immortality – the golden nectar of the gods, that which bequeaths to man, his supernatural abilities, in Sanskrit known as the siddhis – supernatural gifts of perfection.

    A cultural key to the realization of the god-self, the tale of amrita speaks of the timeless pursuit to tame the inner dragons that cause self-agony and mortal strife by raising the fire of purification to receive the blessing of initiation to cross over into the deathless, immortal realm. To see beyond and be forever transformed, to receive the blessing of the Goddess, is to transcend the self-inflected death of the mortal man’s mentally conditioned lower form.

    The two opposing forces represent the yin and yang duality of the cosmic nature inherent in man, and within the body are measured as the Ida and Pingala energetic currents, which crisscross, serpent-like, around the central sushumna energetic channel – the body’s main life force generator. Raising the purifying fire, the kundalini serpent power is practiced as a path to enlightenment and transcendence of the duality of one’s self nature.

    Through the process of purification, the organ system is cleansed of stored poisons, allowing the mind of the adept to be cleansed of distractions and impurities, activating the cone-shaped pineal gland to secrete the golden nectar of amrita to regenerate the body through the central nervous system. By uniting the tension between the two extreme sentiments within oneself, the Shiva and the Shakti, the union of the divine masculine and feminine is born, opening portals of the mind to perceive into higher spiritual worlds – the gift of multi-sentience.  


    “The move to a new world of psychological and social rebirth will entail changes we cannot yet predict, or even envision…For millenia of recorded history, the human spirit has been imprisoned by our fetters of androcracy. Our minds have been stunted, and our hearts have been numbed. And yet our striving for truth, beauty, and justice has never been extinguished. As we break out of these fetters, as our minds, hearts, and hands are freed, so also will be our creative imagination.”
    – Riane Eisler

    In “The Chalice & The Blade,” internationally acclaimed scholar, futurist and activist, Riane Eisler, describes the cultural origins of humanity and the ebb and flow of conflict and peace between matrilinear and patrilinear societies and the evolutionary outcomes of the cultural variance between societies. Just south of Eisler’s Center for Partnership Studies in Pacific Grove, California, I was summoned by a special bee, for a lesson in our potential for serving the Goddess as a hive-based society.

    As you begin to serve the evolution of consciousness, the intentional expansion of sense invokes spiritual guidance from the animal as well plant and insect kingdoms. Tucked away in the foothills of the Santa Lucia Mountains on the sunny side of the Monterey Peninsula, situated on 500 lush acres of majestic earth, Carmel Valley Ranch offers an escape into the spiritual tranquility of the Californian countryside. It was here, that Kirsten Cannon, Director of Recreation, shared a special rendezvous with the retreat’s onsite honey bee colonies to experience the ancient magic of beekeeping and receive a special insight for humanity.

    With more than 4,000 bee species in the United States alone, pollinating 80 percent of all flowering plants, including more than 130 types of fruits and vegetables, this co-evolutionary relationship has a complexly rich and romantically in-depth spiritual teaching to decode.

    The queen represents the main regulating factor of the colony functions that is largely achieved by means of pheromones, which are produced by different glands and emitted as a complex chemical blend, known as the “queen signal.” The honey bee queen represents the main regulating factor of her colony’s behavioral functions through a complex pheromone system that result in the maintenance of colony homeostasis through the establishment of social hierarchy and preservation of the queen’s reproductive supremacy. The queen’s ‘mood’ determines the overall flow of the biological order.

    Recently, science has detected the presence of a weak electrostatic field that arises between the flower and a bee that contribute to pollination and electroreception. As the bee’s heart-intelligence draws its path toward the awaiting flowers, the positively charge bee’s interaction with the negatively-charged, electrically-earthed flower cause the pollen to levitate from the flower to the bee. Through the magic of life, the nectar is risen, as the spiritual essence of the Mother Earth is cultivated for the queen’s evolution.

    This electrically-charged, chemically-dynamic relationship within the hive function, from the queen bee to the forager, demonstrates the divine current of life to entice the delivery of its sweet nectar that results in a rapturous dance as the bee returns to the hive, victoriously rewarded by the golden nectar of life. From the moment the bee exultantly departs the hive, a love for life ignites within as the bee’s senses are transformed in pursuit of service to the divine. The bee is a classic example of love as a service, an embodied dharma that evolves a species into its highest function – the essence of the Goddess, the fundamental driver of all life.

    Just as the infant who suckles from his mother’s tit is stronger in form, he who finds the immortal nectar of the goddess within, through the harvesting of the fruits of his existence, perceives of the almighty truth in her highest brilliance. It is the resurrection of this sense for life, this passion that drives one pursuit of the fire, that redirects his life from the distractions of the many to the pursuit of the divine marriage of the two waring selves. The Goddess in a transformative force that awakens the hero’s quest to master the universe as he realizes himself through the alignment of his soul’s mission, the dharma that drives the light of life to rise.


    “To every biological form or organ, there is an associated, correlated morphogenetic field that acts as its blueprint. Consciousness mediates the interaction of these blueprints with matter as it makes form in accordance with the blueprint… A healthy organ not only means that the physical organ, the representation is healthy, but also that the correlated morphogenetic field is healthy, too. The feeling of health or wellness, vital energy, comes from the movements of the correlated vital body, the morphogenetic fields. Wellness speaks of the state of the balance and harmony of these movements – vital energies.”
    – Amit Goswami

    In “Quantum Economics – Unleashing the Power of an Economics of Consciousness,” Amit Goswami, PhD, provides a quantumly aligned structure for the social transformation of global business economics as the survival of the species becomes a commonly held intention that drives a natural evolution of systems to support the innate spiritual rebirth unfolding upon the Earth.

    Goswami relates the global dynamics to the pranic flow of the universal chakra system, to further emphasize that as the sense of service cultivated within us reaches within our organ system and raises in resonance, a collapse into higher order will be realized as humanity naturally ascends into energetic alignment with the electromagnetic blueprint of unrealized potential within us each.

    As the call of the Mother Earth for rebirth ripples through humanity, creating an anxiety that drives man into the inner realms to master his heart’s inner fire. In pursuit of peace, the bio-photonic light emission that we discharge, locally and throughout the interconnected chakra consciousness stream, is enriched with our sentient awareness and nourishes the collective Christ – Krisha consciousness grid with our love. Amrita, the nutrient of divine harmony, drives the evolution of our collective species and potentially immortality.

    In addition to prayanam and kriya yoga practices to still the inner conflict and align the body with noble action, kundalini practice raises one’s serpent power to purify the organ system, dissolving toxic emotions to gradual heal and unravel conditioning belief system to allow healing of the body and ascension of consciousness with the activation of the underlying universal blueprint. The portal to ascension is realized within.

    With intentional, devotional practice of worship to the goddess within, one can control the activation of the internal guidance system, the hormonal system, to generate vitality and health within the body. With focused intention on self-regeneration, the resurgence of mitochondrial function activates dormant cellular memory and a multi-dimensional awareness of self to organically birth itself into higher sentience, manifesting gifts to serve in the crystallization of the new Earth being formed.

    Through the realization of the organ intelligence, new relationships, business incentives are formed as life evolves to support to the growing collective sentience of self-respect and honor for the kingdom birthed within us all, creating vibratory fields of purified intentions and thoughtforms. Just as thoughts are dangerous, emotions are ever more so contagious, as freedom is embodied, perceived shackles are gradually dissolved within and ensue throughout the family system.

    In Santa Monica, Calif., Reality Center co-founder Don Estes, who in 1990, published Sensory Resonance Theory, uses proprietary frequency technologies to activate the same parts of the brain that are stimulated by deep meditation and psychedelic therapies in order to create a renewed sense of purpose, feelings of interconnectedness, and elevated well-being within clients.

    With every cycle of cosmic realization, humanity evolves higher sentient heart-intelligence into the infinite underpinnings of our evolutionary process and origins. Amrita, the very nectar produced through our pursuit of the creator’s truth, our source of devotion to the goddess of life, reveals a spiritual metamorphosis that gradually expands our senses to resonate with the celestial aspects of reality, as our raised vibration enhances our immunity and supports the potential for immortality. As the Earth planes shift into a higher dimensional reality, the Goddess within shall guide us through the transformative process of becoming who we’ve always been.

    In Boulder Creek, Calif., the Heart-Math Institute maintains a Global Coherence Monitoring System of ultrasensitive magnetic field detectors installed around the planet to understand our interconnected relationship between humanity and Earth’s magnetic fields.